Saw a thread on this yesterday, didn't stay to see it end, does anyone know about this manual? Is it real?
The Antifa Manual
smells like bullshit - it's just too...perfect.
>that font
ugh, why
definitely a hoax
but perhaps in the same way the Protocols of Zion are a "hoax"
if its all believable then its true isnt it
8/8 Final
OK, yeah, this reads like something a Sup Forumstard would write.
3/10, not subtle enough.
Obviously fake, nicely placed coffee stain though you could have at least waited for it to dry out.
Sadly this.
So fake it hurts.
It was supposedly found on someones college campus, it does seem like totally bullshit, but it has potential
That's an interesting idea, we'll have to wait and see
I'd have to agree.
I was quite suspicious of the coffee stain.
We need the OP from the original thread to come back and explain himself. Otherwise we're left in the dark
Agreed. Not subtle enough.
It's way to edgy when you think about it.
Protocols were called a "forgery" and yes they are obviously correct if one applies the minimum amount of observation in current times & going back a little ways.
Same goes for Kalergi plan which isn´t even a conspiracy theory when EU has actual Kalergi-awards. Albert Pike´s Third is a bit vague but sure looks to be happening as well, the one with Islam vs the West ("Christianity").
Finally we have the official stuff like Culture of Critique, You Gentiles and Rules for Radicals. Most all of it is out in the open (except the worship of Osiris stone penis in the Masonic lodges, but this is just bonus material). Problem is normies don´t read books of any worth.
Still a solid 7/10 to see people going to such effort of false-flagging (all of it is true in the end so IDK what to call it) those communist scum. I love all who fight for the West in these dark days.
if it were to spread wide enough, it could necessitate a response from antifa, who are likely too distributed to form a unified response
>a solid 7/10
not if people can pick it up and quickly decide for themselves that it's bullshit.
But it might make them google or ask around about Antifa a bit. Thus realizing a lot of the bullshit corresponds well to reality, making them see how absolutely insane Antifa and all Soros-funded (not only him I know) revolutionary organizations are at their core.
"In the Marxism of the 19th century, "class consciousness" was limited to the manual workers. The other working people in vitally necessary professions, without which society could not function, were distinguished from this "proletariat" as "intellectuals" and "petit-bourgeois." This schematic and obsolete distinction was a major contributing factor in the victory of fascism in Germany. The concept of "class consciousness" is not only
too narrow; it does not even correspond to the structure of the class of manual workers. "Industrial work" and "proletarian" are, therefore, replaced by the concepts of "vitally necessary work" and the "working individual"
These two concepts comprise all who do socially vital work, that is, in addition to the industrial workers, the physicians, teachers, technicians, laboratory workers, writers, social administrators, farmers, scientific workers,
etc. This eliminates a chasm which has done much to disrupt working human society and thus has contributed to fascism, be it the black or the red variety.
Marxist sociology, out of its ignorance of mass psychology, contrasted the "bourgeois" with the "proletarian." This is erroneous. A certain character structure is not limited to the capitalist, but pervades the working people in
all professions. There are revolutionary capitalists and reactionary workers. There are no characterological class distinctions in the biophysical depth of human structure. The fascist pestilence makes it clear that the [xxi]
economistic concepts of "bourgeoisie" and "proletariat" have to be replaced by the characterological concepts of "reactionary" and "revolutionary".