Is Wolfenstein II actually a lowkey redpilling game? Think about it, Bethesda keeps making loads of sight seeings of how beautiful it looks when the National Socialists take over and as for the (((protagonist))) you play a shabbos goy who wants to help black Communists destroy such a wonderful society. It just shows that you are in reality actually the bad guy who wants to destroy civilization. Either I haven't been browsing Sup Forums enough recently and we created some kind of red pill invasion or the normies are starting to realize how nice it looks underneath a National Socialist regime in the United States.
Wolfenstein II is actually a redpilling experience for normies
1 out of every 50 people may or may not speak out against it. If you check the comments, everyone praises National Socialist America and every few people post quotes from many different Natsoc people.
It pretty much is. The Nazis got to the moon in the 50s and the world is basically a futuristic world by the 60s/70s when the games take place.
If you browse through the comment section everyone is going frenzy with redpilling
>the Allies lose the war
>in a decade or two they become super advanced
>they land on the moon
>everyone is polite when you're not hostile
Wtf I love Nazis now?
Holy shit
The truth is only burning higher, (((they))) cannot suppress us.
All that advanced technology bullshit comes from ancient Jews though
Bethesda losing shekels this time
>implying normies are smart enough to get that
All they see is evil white racist nazis and they could give a fuck about anything else. You should know that by now, libcucks don't give a shit about scientific achievements or shit like that
>Bethesda keeps making loads of sight seeings of how beautiful it looks when the National Socialists take over
It's hard to say if this was intentional or not, though. I felt the same way about Bioshock Infinite. Columbia looked like a paradise, that was then attacked by uppity blacks and outsiders. But I doubt that this was (((Ken Levine's))) intention.
They dont have to be smart.
>what is subversion through arts and media. If it can work one way it can go the other.
communists vs nazis
it's like twins fighting
These libcucks are so fucking brainwashed to the left, it wouldn't work unless your willing to wait 10 or 20 years for these kids to grow up
>tfw they kept the baby portrait in for the difficulty select screen
Can't wait to see GAFers get triggered again over being called babies for playing on the easiest difficulty.
I love killing Nazi scum. Democracy and freedom of speech are none negotiable.
Actually this might be the case. Just like the game "Bioshock Infinite" ended up inspiring the imaginations of white people, even though the story's message was meant to be marxist and anti-racist. In a highly visual medium, the visual side of things is going to be more effective than whatever meaning is "between the lines". So, the sinister white utopia from Bioshock was etched into white gamers' minds as nothing but an actual white utopia, infinitely better than our current reality.
The visual beauty of European culture is so strong, it can break all the chains of Jewish brainwashing. That is why truly devious Jews, like the Frankfurt school kikes, promoted a totally repulsive, subversive avant-garde culture - from (((Schonberg and Schnitke))) to abstract art and gangsta rap. Actually, video game artists have done a great job so far in opposing the Jewish negro-black rot of (((modern art))).
It just baffles me on trying to understand whether they made this by accident or intentionally subliminally.
Could we start a foundation for game series like the Witcher, Wolfenstein, etc. - those that don't pander to the diversity checklist and fail at anti-white propaganda (or don't feature it at all)?
>user, you still play video games?
>what's a redpill?
elaborate on that
meh at least the first game had nice aesthetics
do you have a smaller pic faggot ?
I never understood why people are triggered by this game. It basically confirms everything Sup Forums thinks about the Jews and is pro-America as fuck. Hitler isn't even in the new series, it's just a couple retarded assholes who don't understand his vision.
Nobody thinks they're playing the bad guy, retard. Whatever your perspective is and whatever you're doing, you MUST be doing the good, or right thing. Nobody is bad knowingly, only out of ignorance.
Normies aren't (alone) going to see how wonderful it is (in NatSoc USA), they are going to think it's "fake" and evil.
>Sup Forums?
>who's that?
Jews instinctively see everything beautiful and inspiring as hateful and oppressive, this is why they just point and screech at inspiring imagery and cry about Nazis. They fundamentally cannot understand why a White person would look at a neat and orderly city with beautiful architecture and find it appealing, because to the Jewish eye it is inherently evil.
I don't have faceberg please provide examples. Please and thank you.
that's actually a rather intriguing idea as of why
It's factual my friend. When those fucking kikes fled extermination and came to beautiful 1940s sunny and white California, they fucking hated it because it was happy and white. So they set out to destroy and spread cultural marxism and destroyed it because they are evil kike rat
check'd and yeah, it makes a load of sense. after all they generally do it everywhere they go
Bethesda made a great job on showing that the regime could have been superior to anybody else but unfortunately they're still top Cucks. On the other hand people that are willing to spend 80$ on this game are just doing it so they can "shoot Nazis" and yell "muh freedom"
Still the amount of people being sympathetic towards the Germans is something else it's a rather large number of people.
Did we raid the fuck out of their FB or what
The only reason we kill so many Nazi's in video games is because the (((ESRB))) considers Nazi blood and gore akin to Alien blood and gore.
It's just another part in the long history to try and get realism past the censors, like in the 50's when the only way you could show nudity in a movie was if the woman was giving birth.
>posting thumbnails
It was like that before I made the thread so I really have no idea to be honest, have I missed out on anything?
I remember watching a clip from the game where he was in Area 51 and before he stabbed two Nazis in the back they were talking about how violence against somebody with different ideas is wrong and it only promotes a society of animals.
If you played The New Order, they explain that all of the advanced tech you see from the nazis actually comes from a secret and ancient organization of jews who did nothing but make cool technology for thousands of years.
It seems like the game is trying to imply that the Nazis were just unoriginal thieves who stole all of the neat tech from the "superior Juden", but if you think about it, it's almost like the devs are saying that it's the jews who are actually in the wrong here.
They made all of that cool technology, but they just hoarded it for themselves in their secret HQ for thousands of years because jews gonna jew, right? But then come along the Nazis, who took their tech and made it available to the rest of the world. That's pretty much the cycle of the western civilization vs the middle-eastern world.
>middle-easterners create something cool
>middle-easterners don't do anything to capitalize on it
>middle-easterners hoard everything for themselves
>westerners come along and appropriate their technology
>said technology becomes widespread and improves the overall standards of living for the rest of the world
We should raid it harder. Get to work, post results here
What about them Strawberry Milkshakes boys?
>National Socialist
fuck you commie nigger
nationalism has nothing to do with socialism
Seriously though
Are they trying to conflate that attacking people is okay because they are "Nazis"?
There's many right winged facebook groups operating. They all raid shit.
is that what it is?
As much as I want to agree with you, there are few reasons to support your conjecture.
Normies don't see the protagonist as the bad guy, and won't see him that way unless the game make explicit the progress of Nazi America, which I don't think it will happen.
Also, Bethesda isn't really a red pilled company. If they was you would see some signals of it: it woudn't have gay shit on their games, and female characters would be pretty, not these horrendous manequins who look all the same.
The only developers who are red pilled are some japanese ones.
Yeah one im in has about 15k members. and every day they post stuff about asking help for raids against people.
Pic related is the top comment on one of philip D franco's (Youtuber) facebook post.
makes sense then, though as a side note I reckon you should black out names in order to keep yourself from getting banned by mods. It goes under raids and doxing with that stuff. Just wanted give you a heads up :)
Ty. Is there a way I can remove the image?
>Do you have an option to play as the good guys
hey stupid this game isnt even released yet how can you even comment about the story you queer you nigger you fucking bitch ass
nope sadly
we can just hope mods let this pass or something
It's probably inspired by the Man in the high Castle. I know the book by Dick is much older but the visuals seem inspired by the TV show.
>Actually, video game artists have done a great job so far in opposing the Jewish negro-black rot of (((modern art))).
I don't think people realize just how much work goes into creating the look and developing the worlds of some AAA games.
Concept artists and illustrators who work on games like Bioshock: Infinite, Witcher 3, and Wolfenstein are genuinely some of the most talented artists out there. They possess a skillset not too dissimilar from the likes of Michelangelo or Rockwell, such as a strong knowledge on anatomy, color, light, value, material textures, etc.
It takes years of hard work and training to get to that kind of skill level, and it's a damn shame that concept artists are basically reduced to wage slaves.
its false flaggers.
This is a 10 in Amerifat land
just delet it
Can't find any of this, what page is this?
I dont know how to? I usually just lurk.
This lmao
But the game is about Nazis stealing ancient Jew super technology.
It shows a dystopic nightmare under the nazis where everything is ugly.
I like New Order and Old Blood. They have fun gameplay and great visuals. The story is about killing a bunch of asshole scumbag invaders who misinterpreted Hitler.
nigger bitches are what 6% of the US population? Why the fuck are they so overrepresented in media? Even here in Canada I was at the mall the other day and Gap, American Eagle, Old Navy least 75% of the signs in stores were of nigger models....sickening
I am playing Wolfenstein the new order right now and its kinda shit, the gameplay is really meh bullet sponge shit and story is pleb tier Yank drivel. I am surprised how popular it was.
whos that slut
Wtf is going on here!? am I so out of touch with the popular culture, that I unironically sympathize with the villains in popular culture. Or does even normies prescribe to these viewpoint expressed by the villains.?
Oh shit. I wanted to play Kingdom Come for a while now. I want to play it even more after finding out the game director is so based.
nice,want a free germany citizenship and some cultural enrichment?
the original point was making both sides look retarded but somewhere in development
Every chad I know plays video games man.
For anyone curious, this is just their attempt to be funny and make a mockery of the National Socialists. I've seen the clip - you're sneaking up on them and such.
You're supposed to go "omfg lol fucking dumb nazis cant even see how evil they were this game does the irony so well haha"
Bethesda is super redpilled when you play Skyrim and Fallout. Skyrim promotes nationalism and how the Empire kills citizens over supporting Uthgar, Fallout 4 promotes the BoS, now you dont NEED to follow those factions, but they exist and can be sided with with a fleshed out story done as well as the blue pilled factions.
>it's real
holy shit
>tfw literal nazis are more moral than today's SJWs and PoCs
Hitler did nothing wrong; in fact, he didn't do enough.
It's racist to make your hair look like white people's.
Yeah sure but they are not wrong
That shit is non constructive.
Did you know that if the Nazis were killing 9,000 jews a day it would take 16 years to kill 6 million?
Did you know that if the Nazis had 250 modern day crematoria that it would take them 10 years to burn 11 million people?
Those are red pills.
Yeah the joke is that after that they immediately start talking about how they both get posted to the same "death squad".
>This thread
Oh boy look at the comment section now, Antifa/Commies are here
They could be
pic related
>We support all opinion here
Damn. They KNOW it, they know we want to fight with them.
People just want to shoot Nazis and pretend they're Trump supporters. Soon there will be MAGA hat DLC.
forgot far cry 5