We must rise and fight against Google. THEY CANNOT HIDE US. THEY WILL NOT HIDE US. Over my goddamn dead body will the greatest site on Earth be hidden. We must fight back!!! For Kekistan!!! Follow our meme Regiments on Instagram @theflyingpepes
The fuck happened with google again?
They hid Sup Forums from the search results
Google fired a man who circulated a memo trying to explain that the gender disparity in the technology industry might not be entirely due to sexism.
They are literally altering search results to push a progressive narrative, same as they actively buried search results that were negative for Clinton during the run up to the 2016 election.
Time for the weaponized austism special force to operate
>We must rise
Fuck you, I'm not getting up from my chair!
They took their jerbs.
I've got tendies!!
>not shilling
someone posted this in another thread but i think you need to run it as is, no other filtering, i use privoxy+squid and it just shows 0 so meh
but i think this has merit, much like Sup Forums's recent elevation to experts in helicopters and roads
>Hello Sup Forums
Google employee here. One of our updates to Captcha started using context-sensitivity using a neural net to process keywords in webpages to determine where to send 'select X image' problems. For example, a forum or blog with an audience who are familiar with motorcycles will get more Captchas with motorcycles. The more weight the algorithm assigns to the usergroups experience and knowledge, the more likely it is to use puzzles with image recognition involving those things.
For a while now you've been annoying the fuck out of everyone in the Captcha dev team because you keep skewing the metrics. The Captcha system is convinced, via neural net deduction, that the entire *.Sup Forums.org userbase are experts on helicopters and streets.
since blocking them has become so stressful, fill there databases with fuckery
Is this another major meme war?
CNN is involved in the Shill Operation that has been going on since 6/2:
Don't forget Facebook you fudgers.
The meme war to end all meme wars.
Nice to see you back, hope things behind the curtain are not too hectic
There is already a General on this, if yall are interested
Congrats, you're retarded.
Use Brave and Yandex!
What happened when I was away? Seems like you Shills got more paranoid.
Haven't been on Sup Forums since 7th, was busy with Asia.
/HTG/ found a location for a potential Distribution Center location and they lost it last night. Apparently the word spreading about their operation has demoralized them as well.
Fuck off, Frogposters and "Kek" shitters. You're all part of the babbies first election horde and we'd like you all to fuck off so we can get back to shitposting regularly instead of obsessing over every little thing
holy shit it's real. haha what the actual fuck
okay. like they can put a lid on the chans.
this has to be the doing of the dumb fuck "women in IT" at jewgle.
>Google removes Sup Forums from results
>Google removes Sup Forums's block
>Google removes Sup Forums from results
>Google removed Sup Forums's block
>Google removes Sup Forums from results ...