I'm so ashamed of my country

I'm so ashamed of my country.

>we don't have Britain's rich history
>we don't have France's amazing culture
>we don't have Italy's awesome art
>we don't have America's power
>we don't have Australia's sense of humor
>we don't have Spain's joy of life
>we don't have Canada's social cohesion
>we don't have Switzerland's standards of living
>we don't have Austria's beautiful countryside

why even live :(

Other urls found in this thread:


start attending star trek conventions. buy a starfleet uniform. they come in 3 colors

Can't, I'm saving up for a furry suit.

Sorry for you loss user
Get a gun from the black market and go out in a blaze of glory

Good beer, good food. Southern Germany is beautiful.

Yall do have a rich culture, you're just punished for celebrating it, which is sad, but I hope the overton window shifts in time to a place where you're allowed to celebrate your culture.

Don't be said Germanbro, we're all in the same boat. I dont even have a specific cultural identity to call my own, I'm just an average American white guy, descended from a grab-bag of different european ancestry.

will you be an archer or a general hand to hand warrior?

>I dont even have a specific cultural identity to call my own
You command respect just by virtue of being American. Being German just earns me unrelenting ridicule.
Why can't I be both, shitlord

>Australias sense of humour
Is this all we're fucking known for? Being funny? What the fuck

You have the legacy of the man who tried to free Europe from the clutches of the Jew

you must specialize in one trait or be mediocre in both. there are actual goblins in your woods

oi shut up u fucking chink cunt go home

You also make for great drinking buddies at Oktoberfest, much like the Irish, but at least punch me in the head out of nowhere while I'm not looking.

What are you talking about? Germany has a long history in culture and science, on par with France and Britain. Just because it's all gone to shit in the last 70 years does not negate what happened before.

I shall choose mediocrity just to teach you a lesson.

Who you calling a chink you slope head cunt

Cheer up mate, it could be worse. You could be known for losing a war to flightless birds.


The eternal kraut lives only for the destruction of Europe

>, but at least punch me

*won't punch me

At this point, I am just hoping for another reich

kill yourself, brainwashed chuck

but how ill you deal with the goblins?

>Britain's rich history
proxy fag

Whats really sad is that you had all of them for a brief moment in time before you lost it and now none of you want to retake your glory.


>but how ill you deal with the goblins?

On my knees.

Snap out of it faggot, we will need Germany for the times ahead. Uncuck yourself and grow a pair.

You're a fool.
Germany has produced some of the greatest scientists, philosophers and musical artists the world has ever known.
You are well and truly part of the great 4

We were surpassed by all of them.

Who you calling slope head you slanty eyed gook?!


your motorcycles are nice

Swap it for Sweden

At least you have an ugly bull dog as your leader.

She is beautiful and angular, and if she were a gas she'd be inert.

You ya curry munching spastic cunt


You don't wanna move else were? You want a noose?

Bollocks! Germany is a great country!

It's because you lost both the Brother Wars (known as WW1 & WW2), we ALL lost, we've been sold out, our job now is to figure out by who exactly!

Bach, Beethoven, Strous, Wagner, Mozart
Kepler, Plank, Einstein (claim him)
Nitzch, Kant, Jung
Feel free to add


You are proof of cultural marxist brainwashing. Schöm Dich!

Mozart was Austrian, though.
Schöm dich selbst, du fette Puffmutter

lol i dont understand why you anglos have such a destain for italy...
you simply cannot overlook their cultural achievements... No matter how much shit you took from wogs in HS

Who you calling curry munching you nann bread ass wiping after shitting in street cunt?!

Yes i know but i thought id throw him in there for good measure because Austrians and Germans are pretty much the same genetically?

Austria is Germany. >Ostmark

Du Fotze schömen sollst Du Dich für Deinen ethnomasochistischen Scheiss

bullshit. I lived there. I prefer German/Scandanavian/Dutch culture.

kindof a petty thing to be concerned about

corruption and socialism. Why would you want to live there?!?!?

>implying power is the best or most special thing about our country

>Australia's sense of humor
>oi m8 that's not funny m8 I'm reporting you to the h8 speech police
>thinking Ausposters represent their country
>thinking most Australians aren't just soccer moms and their man-slaves

>Spain's joy of life
yeah, they must really enjoy being poor...

>Switzerland's standards of living
White West Germans aren't that far off

>Austria's countryside

Anyway you're a huge cuck, under 18, and don't know shit about the world.

You forgot
>we don't have Finland's suberior memes

Antifa detexted!

Before Sup Forums I didn't even know Finland existed.

Deutschland is awesome. The greatest philosophers have been German. I would much rather be an ethnic German living in Germany than a Euro-mutt living in the US.

Beethoven, Kant, Bloch, Porsche, Krupp, Heisenberg, Planck, Mauser and dozens of others - Germany has plenty to be proud of

Why is anybody responding to such obvious bait. And if this isn't bait then it's that one German faggot who hates himself and keeps saying he wishes for the extinction of all Germans, you know the one. Pay him no mind

I hope that AfD loses
And "conservative"party stays in charge.

The longer you stay progressive the longer we can live peacefully in Poland

Well, you still have this shit:

It's interesting watching Germans implode into violent nihilism.

Fuck up chang you know who the fuck im talking to

>>thinking ausposters represent their country
They do though


You have history's best composers, philosophers and many of its best scientists. Your self-loathing disgusts me.

Germany needs to be annihilated, honestly. We could repopulate the land with Anglos.

>why even live :(
Because Jamal needs you in the cuck shed while he fucks German women.

The fucking bantz. Hitler was based af

This chink is correct.
>105 ftw

Get rid of your shitskins and your country is lovely

Nice architecture delicious food everyone is nice. Don't tell grandad but I loved Germany when I went cologne. This was 15 years ago though

>Social Cohesion

Not true at all dumbass, we just let in sophisticated others instead of savages that blow up when they get hangry. Our largest city is one of the most diverse cities in the world and you can feel it.

I hear he was kind of a dick, but I never met the guy so I won't judge.

>>we don't have Canada's social cohesion
And what would that be?

You have german engineers. Now stfu

Famous firearms inventors and innovators like Mauser, Dreyse, Walther, Vorgrimler. Major corporations like Krupp, Haenel, Heckler and Koch, Rheinmetall....

>bad guy

He loved dogs. Have you ever met a mean man who loved dogs?

And neither education it seems.

No, they don't. I have met more than a few Australians (I used to work at an English language camp in Germany), and they weren't particularly clever or funny. One of them was a feminist cunt who got me in trouble for telling a "sexist" joke--keep in mind we were almost all male, including your swine countryman.

>not being proud enough of your country to recognise that it had all of that at some point in history

I like Germans. They have a certain autistic seriousness and dedication which I admire.

you ave muslims though

>They have a certain autistic seriousness

I mean, what's up with that? When I meet strangers in the elevator, I couldn't strike up a conversation for the life of me.

germans are some of the laziest people in europe. don't believe the memes.

Our nation is one of the very few European countries that have survived the global recession and the Eurozone crisis almost unscathed. Our economy is booming and we destroyed any competition in the free market by exporting so much, lesser countries can’t compete.

If thats not enough to be proud of your country i dont know whalt else.

rich history too, great musicians, phoenix-economy, nice beer, nice nature

i like good ol' deutschland

(((Who))) did you hear that from. Everybody who actually met him said he was very kind, fatherly to children, courteous to women and respectful to men. Lover of a good joke and discussion or reading new books regularly (According to Leon Degrelle) The only personal downside to him was that once he got into a monotonous speech he really got into it and all his guests would pretend to be interested out of respect. But he was a night person so that's to be expected.

but all germans are united while other countries are all divided.

You had culture, history, even power. At your peak, all of Europe could not stop you without outside intervention. The only problem is the (((control))) that you are under. Like many others in this day and age, you have lost the meaning of living beyond material goals and aims. The future seems bleak, but we need everyone we can get. There are still those who seek to change the global narrative, and there will be a time when we will need your support. There is goings-on be some huge shit happening in the next decade or two. People can feel it coming.

>but we need everyone we can get

Listen to "Das alles ist Deutschland"

Here ya go: hooktube.com/watch?v=Gqydj2zW-Wo

Captcha: ALLE Flächen ("all areas")


>>we don't have Britain's rich history
anglos fucked up everything multiple times
>>we don't have France's amazing culture
stinky arrogant people
>>we don't have Italy's awesome art
lazy arrogant people with shitty economy
>>we don't have America's power
they unironically elected Trump
>>we don't have Australia's sense of humor
white trash
>>we don't have Spain's joy of life
just lazy people with shitty economy
>>we don't have Canada's social cohesion
more cucks than us
>>we don't have Switzerland's standards of living
true, butt because it is a tax haven
>>we don't have Austria's beautiful countryside
i don't know

>White trash
Fuck off

>>>we don't have Canada's social cohesion
>more cucks than us
Also Canada touts the "quilt instead of melting pot" idea where immigrants are encouraged to keep their cultures instead of assimilating, which is why western Canada is becoming a China colony.


Islam will show you the way muszala or something

great another fucking migrant is gonna post cuckfic under the german flag, woop

meh don't talk bad about italians, they're great. we understand you germans, you are our autistic brothers. stay great at making good tools and appliances

> defending shitalians
kys swampnigger


>we don't have Britain's rich history
>we don't have France's amazing culture

>Mozart was Austrian
And? Austrians are Germans faggot. Oh and that's what Mozart said about himself „Was mich aber am meisten aufrichtet und guten Mutes erhält, ist, daß ich ein ehrlicher Deutscher bin.“ — Mozart in einem Brief vom 29. Mai 1778

>baiting this hard

> austrians are germans
get a load of this goy
more like germans WISH they were austrians, they've always been a bit cucked though

Fuck off you self-loathing beta faggot

>Australia's sense of humor

You realize that the Germanic people have already conquered literally the entirety of Europe?

If that were the case then why did the Germans kick your asses in the Austro-Prussian war only to protect you from getting raped by the Russians in WWI?