Swedish nationalists smoke out hundreds of Afghanis in front of Swedish parliament


>Nordic Youth launched a demonstration against hundreds of Afghani men who are camping out in front of parliament, protesting for their right to stay in Sweden and not get deported.

>A smoke grenade lit one of the blankets on fire in the ensuing demonstration. Apparently, 3 of the Afghanis got burned by the towel that caught fire.


Currently being investigated as a hate crime and Afghans have been moved due to security concerns.

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The modern thermopylae?

Taking action on our streets is the only way to make real change,

Good job swedes!

So, when will the Americucks get together 500 people to do the same ?

honestly I thought it'd never happen.
I'm proud.

i didnt even know we had that many cops, i guess they're all in stockholm protecting our political overlords

wait you're telling me they threw a SMOKE GRENADE AT THEM? how awful! has the swedish uprising finally begun? are you going to throw glitter at middle easterns next?

rare Sweden NO thread?


when is the Swedish Breivik going to open fire on them?

Cheers guys, keep up the good work!

What's to stop a European nationalist with a handgun from going country to country and shooting Muslims?

Asking for a friend

Where do we have camps of Muslim migrants?

Good job

Nothing, don't let anything get in the way of your dreams user

shame germans cant get their act together and fight back, they get cucked by both sides the government and the mudslms.


Great news

Well when I am tripping over Muslims in Boston I will do something about it.

Any MI bros around who can get this done?

Brazil mocking Sweden. Topkek

Still, were are the racial riots after your girls being raped by niggers or are you the biggest cucks ever?

Mohammad, Abdullah go away?
inte mera-deportera?
nice chant if I got it right

This is real swedish men.

sweden NO!!!

Good job!

top kek!

Internera, deportera! (as in "place in internment camps, then deport")

This made my day. Maybe there is hope after all.

Sweden will rise up soon no doubt

Internera , deportera ~
Incarcerate, deport
Rest should be obvious

wow the only thing that will happen is a flock of Swedish woman blowing everyone with brown skin at the protest

even better :)
good goings

> Smoke out
That's cute

Start impaling these roaches in the streets, then it will be news worthy.

Assaulting innocent migrants isn't a good thing you cunt

no lol

>those babyboomers @1:21
They caused this mess and now they're just standing there eating icecream. Can't wait for them to finally die desu

they'll literally get themselves impregnated by them in protest

>implying there are no muslims in Boston
Yea it's not like they bombed your marathon or anything like that.

History repeats itself user

T. Burger educated:)

>implying that there are any innocent goat molester

god damm are my fingers itching to kill these afghan "children".

This brings faith in mankind

and all the fucking wrinkly whores who imported these nasty subhuman faggots.

They're the furthest thing from extreme imaginable. It's just true defense of their country, something the police and military obviously aren't doing much of.

I'd love to put a bumper sticker of that on my truck but I'm afraid that some asshole would deflate my tires or scratch up my paint.

fucking cuck faggots can't even use real grenades

Sweden sells real grenades and the shitskins use them against the cops. Swedish pussy males throw a smoke bomb back after so many years of being cucked.
Better luck next time, faggots, try using the real deal.

Is possible to happen a "march on Sweden"?

Paint it on both sides of a semi truck and if anybody scratches the paint or deflates the tires they go to prison for hate crimes and anti semi tism.

Fucking racist fucktards


>Apparently, 3 of the Afghanis got burned by the towel that caught fire.

fcking towel heads serves them right

Very sad.

15 fit white men chanting and trying to fight while hundreds of literal filthy brown subuhumans living in blankets like some rats in the glorious European old town center protected by police who carry batons and weapons which are empty cuz they can't afford bullets

The few media guys are filming it for their next "white supremacist attack" article, girls are snapping it to their big cock arab bulls are laughin like crazy, while other pedestrians keep on walking and acting like it's not happening, but deep inside they know its real.

Then we come to the only people who care, but majority of them are frog posters on international anonymous image board which is famous for shut in people, mass killers and little pony porn.

>absolute state of Sweden

So, when are you going to attack immigrants?

Hell seger, ut med packet!

Nice to see uncucked swedes.
God bless you.

Get ready for the inevitable government response announcing how they "stand in solidarity with our muslim brothers and sisters against the forces of bigotry and intolerance."

There are hardly any muslims where I live, yet I still understand that muslims in my nation is a huge problem.

Now, London's a shithole, but it's not Dearborn shithole. That place is basically American Iraq.

Being a Swedish nationalist must be fucking tough. I wish them all good luck

Put it on some liberal numale's car.

You gotta admit that we're newbies at pointless violence compared to Brazil.

These is real english Grammars.

never, only danes and norwegians were vikings swedes were merchant cucks taking all the glory as usual

sure thing, mogens.


I'm not stepping a foot in little middle east sorry

Good job sweden

>3 of the Afghanis got burned by the towel that caught fire.
Sounds like it's time for a towelie-ban

do it again

>Swedes were more prone to being merchants and therefore only merchants
>Vikangz have anything to do with this
Stop LARPing that you have something to do with a religion that's been dead for 1000 years and which you don't even know shit about.

>hides his Murican roots behind Le edgey kekistani flag

Fuck off twink. Middle school will resume shortly. Now get the fuck off my tihitian underwater exhaust pipe mending image board... it's 18+

You're right, its a great thing

>Don't forget to bring a to-

Hamtramck, Michigan - first muslim majority city and with daily islamic calls to prayer

How about the niggers you have in droves?

finally, the solution.

next time make it so only three live



>Afghani scum
hurr hurr we must make the alt right a believable thing
>proceed to copy paste Sup Forums tier articles
yeh that's very subversive




Fuck you! I'm not an americuck, I'm fucking Swedish.

Who are your political overlords?

daaww look at the cute puppy wuppy

the police use a magic wand? fucking swedish cucks

Hell FUCKING Seger

I would move back to Kekistan, Igmar

Im going to side with the burger on this one. Fuck off to middleschool.

Next time, it will be molotov cocktails.

t.burger education

So swedish cucks how does it feel to watch your home girl get rapped on facebook live ?

Who the fuck are you anyway? Some #MAGA cuck?



Man the video in the OP got me in a good mood....why did you have to ruin it?

>A smoke grenade

That wasn't a smoke grenade though. Just a flare. A real white phospor smoke grenade in there would have been hilarious.


Has anyone heard of how the lad in hospital is doing? Some shitskin copper took him to a forest and beat him up with some whore Swedish cunt. They need finding to be honest.

>rehashing le black pill

Go and kill yourself, you fucking boring untermensch.

>Has anyone heard of how the lad in hospital is doing
He will recover because God wants us to expel the shitskin barbarians from mother Sweden. It was written. He is blessed by Christ.

>twink implying he is only one knowing about vpn

Fuck off nigger