The day was much like any other day for Michael Brown. He was heading home for a healthy meal and some MCAT prep after a day spent building habitats and feeding the homeless, with a box of Bibles in his arms and dreams of attending medical school.

But His life was taken from the world so senselessly and needlessly on 9 August, 2014.


He lay in the street, doing nothing, for hours.

RIP Gentle Giant.

Rest In Peace. The world lost a first class mind and a world class heart.

The "peaceful" protesters:


Other urls found in this thread:


Another year crime free

Grats Mike Brown..


Type S to spit on his grave


He's roughing up shopkeepers in heaven now.

Another special anniversary.

Was Ferguson the most comfy happening on Sup Forums since the Zim Zam trial?

>God one of our own died, we need to create a memorial and put stuff that makes us think of him, what would be good for that
>Booze and condoms.

3 years crime free you made it brown...

who the fuck leaves ALCOHOL for a loved one that died? jesus christ niggers call us weird? LOL im pretty sure theres some nightquil there to

>>Booze and condoms.

And for some reason, flu medicine.

They could use that photo in a science class... is the dead nug on a hill?

to bad they didn't have those cigarillos before he died, he wouldn't have to shake up that store owner.

Good old Mike, always did have the flu.

those are cigarillos.
The things he stole from the convenient store that got him killed.

good riddance you fucking retard Mike Brown.

The niggers drank the alcohol but they left the MD 2020 alone.

I wonder if the protesters will come out for the anniversary?



They came from all over.

Congrats Mr. Brown.

You accomplished so much in three years.

>Riots redpilled normies
>Crime free for three years
>Providing nutrients to soil as you decompose

Maybe you'll earn a degree like your homeboy Trayvon!


>Crime free for three years

We need to find out what Mike Brown is doing and have all the other niggers do it.

Have you ever tried mad dog? It's disgusting.

The morning after we learned Darren Wilson was not going to be charged I was still at UC San Diego, showed up to my class titled, "race and ethnicity in American politics."

So much salt in there, fucking glorious.

>Was Ferguson the most comfy happening

Ferguson also had the death of the sandwich man. Interesting as hell to watch when all of the SJW Black Lives Matters dipshits left Ferguson briefly and went to nearby St Louis.

Unfortunately, the protesters caused a lot of shit for the poor cops trying to investigate.

And that's saying something. I live near a melanin-enriched area and I see empty McCormick bottles in every parking lot I've ever been in.


Remember this?

Who keeps a receipt for skittles?

I lived in ferguson at the time. Grew up in north county st. louis and moved into a "stoner frat house" a buddy of mine bought for cheap after the housing bubble.

Feel free to ask me questions, I remember that day quite well.

It was a lazy sunday with clear perfect weather. I was winding up for the day around 10-11am when our neighbor Vaghn comes over to smoke a bowl. He shows us the pic on twitter and says the police rolled up and shot him.

Shootings arent new in the region, but typically they occur deeper in the ghetto. Ferguson was just your average mixed working class north county burb.

So a police shooting was news. ESPECIALLY a dead body in the middle of the street (maybe a mile walk from us)

But vaghn saying the police just rolled up and shot him was weird and said "Vaghn you really think a cop rolled up and shot him for no reason? Cmon man there had to have been some kind of struggle"



What did you do during the riots? Did you guys hunker down?

Go on...


I remember Cabelas removing all of the firearms from the racks and the police blocking the roads in overnight.

long story short I watched the QT burn down. It was enlightening to see the difference between my daily reality and what was portrayed on the news. Syria was heating up at the time and I just remembered thinking "wow I really can't take their reporting seriously anymore"

protesters a lining up on the street in Canfield now, they did it yesterday too.

>Cabelas removing all of the firearms from the racks

Good idea. Because Blacks looted because they wanted to loot. It looked like they were enjoying themselves, which made bleeding heart white people look stupid when they said stuff like, "We need to listen to them more and have a meaningful dialogue about the Black Condition."

Because niggers wanted to loot and hurt people, clearly.

Cabelas? Do niggers even know that place has guns? That's a place you need to lock up when whites are rioting.

>Home Depot
>harbor freight

Was he even old enough to drink when he died?

>flu medicine
For making purple drank.

We should make fake twitter accounts and encourage riots.

Larp as niggers or SJWs.

Canfield Green?

I don't keep any receipts unless I pay with cash. Otherwise I would be able to provide a bank statement.


We should all use the same method though. Who's willing to make a graphic for this

I wish my own funeral could be so extravagant

I don't know. I can't make one, not creative enough. Maybe start a new thread?

>Pirates' fan and Cardinals' fan

the fuck, they're division rivals

When do whites loot?
>Harbor freight
Chinkshit that will get you killed

ive been here for too long

Nice get.

Blacks wanted to hate and loot and burn and destroy.

Because they like that shit.

You can never leave.

>When do whites loot?
Probably never.

>Harbor Freight
I got a quality miter saw from them. I think they are decent.

>in b4 "fuck off harbor freight shill"

I think. I remember there being juvenile records that were suppose to be a violent rape.

>When do whites loot
>Probably never

You've never seen the ANTIFAgs in action.

np antifa are subhuman

Sounds good
Thread here

Forget the damn alcohol, why did the niggers put fucking Nyquil there?!

I'll probably just be in some mass grave in NKorea.

So late afternoon walked up to a chinese place near the intersection where the QT and apartment complex was. There were a shit ton of people roaming about, kind of like a promptu festival. Asked some dude whats goin on and he was like you here about that dude getting shot and was like oh yeah.

But like people are in the main street and cops are lined up in force but you could tell they were in way over their heads.

My buddy and I buy some tall boys and start people watching on a strip mall stoop eating our sandwhiches and chillin, keeping our distance from the center of the frey.

We head back home until evening when its time for another beer run, and walk back to that intersection. The suns going down and there are more groups of kids/young teens heading our way than normal. Curious, but not alarming. Until we get to the liquor mart.

An older black dude (like vietnam veteren type) was decked out and camo and giddy as could be talkin bout its going down now. older folks are telling us its not going to be safe for s white people tonight and tipsy my friend kind of argues with them "my city too!"

By now everyone knew of the shootinng


>You've never seen the ANTIFAgs in action.

Antifas aren't people though.


He just graduated from High School, I think.

If he were white, I would say he was 18.

Being Black, he could have graduated High School at age 30, though.

Most nigs can't afford to waste good booze

Purple drank.

Pretty sure it can be used for some kind of drugs.

Maybe some homeless guy was drinking that shit when he happened to walk by all the actual booze on the sidewalk.

I don't, I just mumble "no thank you" artistically and shuffle out the door. Does anyone still bother to keep a ledger off every $1.49 snack receipt?

If you find something good at HF, more power to you. Just be careful if you use it regularly

anyway we leave the store and take a detor to see the crowd again. By now people are harrassing cops and runnin out the QT with shit tons of shit. People running around. It was CRAZY!

We back off to a service road still with a veiw and start taking one hits and pop a beer. But then the QT starts burning down and we were like alright time to dip out

We take the back streets back to the house and people are just rowdy. It was like fourth of july festivitie level. People yelling, groups all heading towards the scene. We decide a campfire in the backyard was in order, and a few neighbors swing by to talk about the happenings. Helicopters in the air, its on the news in the living room.

Faggot get your lazy ass up stop sleeping in the street .

Big shouts out to this dead nigger and all of those who have followed in his footsteps. And to all of the law enforcement out there who have to deal with these spooks, keep shooting them! You'll see Moon Man was right, killing niggers is fun. Rock your hard hats because the demographics are under construction

Is that really rape though? Looks like that dolphin is wearing some sort of bondage gear, maybe this is his fetish?



Here here

>death of the sandwich man

>and all of those who have followed in his footsteps


Watch the white man get disrespected because he ended a Black Life.

In St Louis, a black man got ended by cops and the mob in Ferguson didn't listen to reason.

No. They just fucked with the cops as they were processing the scene.

And one stream showed a bottle or rock or something breaking the rear windshield of a police vehicle as it drove away. The sound was awful.

He had just bought a sandwich, so that was the BLM focus of their surprise and consternation.


That shopkeeper lost so much.

Was this the guy that was shot like a week after Brown in St Louis? I remember that, never heard him called Sandwich man though.

Nogs love drinking cough syrup because it gets them doped out. Niggers have a stunning lack of taste. In fact, it's not that they don't have taste, it's like they have the antithesis of taste.

Was that the guy with the ruger sr9 pistol that jammed and the cop that shot him was doing his security guard side job?


But not more than anyone else's, assholes.

>A member of the Black Lives Matter movement who was active in the protests in Ferguson, Missouri was arrested and charged last month with human trafficking and prostitution, Fox 2 reported Thursday.


Pimp lives matter

Forgot the details in the intervening 3 years.

blimp slide splatter

Today is actually my birthday. Michael Browns death was a great birthday present.

>Niggers have a stunning lack of taste

They are all born without superegos.

Had y'all considered there was no record on the shops till or cctv showing him paying for them at the counter.

>dat t shirt though

Happy Birthday!

yeah, its pretty close to Ferguson, about a 15 min drive.

Lazy niggers sleeping in the street.

Niggers are such animals

Let's riot, in his memory.

Canfield Drive in Canfield apartment complex. It's the drug area that the whole mb/dw thing happened.