Why dont we turn kims face black so everytime you google kim his black face pops up and that will make him mad
What if putin was black?
Tfw Putin wrote Harry Potter
One of his eyes would invert. That's all I know.
Need qt Putin trap gf
Kek he looks almost the exact same with chink eyes
Nah we should give him a jew face so that he nukes Israel.
The white men be putting chemicals in the water that turn frogs into gay ass niggas.
kek, I'm laughing so hard right now.
bump, want to see more of these
>turning a Slav into an Asian hardly changes anything
and you all doubted they were part Mongol
Instead of Putin he'd be Takin.
Feminine Putin looks like JK Rowling.
well done
>you can make yourself a little Asian girl now
What a time to be alive
>the jews fear the samurai
>how can servers be real if our revenue isn't real?
black suits him
make her dreams come true
If Putin was black he wouldn't be Putin.
Would he have been happier
Not an argument.
This no argument
Hehe this is not an argument sweety.
please do merkel.
>would have looked better as a full 100% Asian or white
I feel bad man
fucking GROSS
Richard Pryor?
I made this meme for the other thread, but it got taken down before I could finish it
what a niggress cutie.
>In 2040
do the rock
10/10 would watch nigger alex
turning her into an actual indian and not native american made me kek so hard my sides exploded
Adorf Hitrel
hand ova tha watermelegates dahnald
>In 2040
Black taylor swift
More like poopahontas amirite?!
>Eddie Murphy is black Hitler
Indian hitler has shit in his ear
>by 2020
This app is trying to normalize Jungle Fever
*clank dat spoon*
Is the third one the real doll setting?
Why don't you take a seat right over there
>smacks lips
Funny, ain't it?
free gibs for erry nigga
>Honarable Mambar please stahp the gayness
What happens if you turn Carl Weathers white? Does he turn into Nige?
free KFC
>CIA Nigger glow in the dark
Anyone else here turn into a qt when they do the girl filter
is there any way to use faceapp just in your browser on a desktop? i dont want to install the app on my phone
this is gonna take the WE WUZ to a whole other level
no, i turn into my sister
uhhhhh problematic thread tbqh
Mark Kermode!
Also how dare you
Or white face
i thought your pic was obama
diddn du nuffin
Do this one
except black margot robbie looks worse than the white version.
And 'minorities' can use white face, but of course she left that out.
Nords and Negros are close than you think
but wasnt Karl Marx and Lenin black in their world?