Is there a reason why beards have become so trendy?
Are (((they))) trying to make this some sort of ideal appearance?
Is there a reason why beards have become so trendy?
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I'm only growing beard because I'm high testosterone and bald as fuck.
I remember something about trends and how every so often trends recycle. Possibly every thirty years? In the 60s/70s beards were popular. Then in the 90s everyone was clean shaven. Now it's just part of the cycle. In another couple years people will get tired of beards and do whatever hairstyle comes along. By 2025 it will probably be bleached frosted tips and goatees.
Stubble is timeless and will always beat beards and clean shaven everytime
This. Fpbp; I'm bald as fuck and I look like Voldemort clean shaven. At least I'm not short and fat though.
Because facial hair been part of fashion for millenias and fashion changes.
Stop being butthurt just because you can't grow a beard.
And yeah blame your parents from creating a low-testosterone balding baby instead of (((them)))
I look like homer simpson. Voldemort is better imho.
I'm too lazy to shave my beard and my chin isn't very strong so it serves 2 purposes.
>Not shaving your
>Armpit hair
>Facial hair
Body hair is repulsive fám
sounds you just enjoy long objects up your bum.
Leftists only grow beards to hide their nonexistent chins and shit jawlines.
>EU Flag
>Advocating for men to be hairless sissies
Everything checks out here
No reason
>because beards weren't the norm throughout all of history up until world war I
your thread is bad and you should feel bad
Becuase of muslim culture. Its the new thug culture
Adleast I dont fuckin hide mine pajeet
nu-males think it automatically makes them manly
Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) says: "Trim closely the moustache, and let the beard flow (Grow)."
- Narrated Ibn Umar (R.A.) in Muslim, Hadith no.
This is the only good reason to keep a beard. Obey the Prophet (swt).
Hmm...really makes me think...
not everything is a conspiracy, faggot
Same reason why random attacks on women at festivals etc are allowed / promoted. So we will segregate willingly just like we already do in bath houses with schools etc. Islam is coming.
Already bought my Q´uran. Haven´t opened it yet but I guess it´s better to be prepared.
Stubble looks shit, particularly as most young guys have gaps. I send my staff home if they show up with stubble. Grow a beard on your holiday if you like. Don't show up to work looking like you're homeless
Beards are the biological norm for males. Being clean shaven has hygiene benefits and is good if you're going scuba diving or are likely to need a gas mask. Do whatever you like, just don't be a slob about. The five o'clock shadow look is out as is the neckbeard.
grizzly adams had a beard.
>tfw 27 and can't grow facial hair
I'm so fucking low test it's unbelievable.
Beards in the 70s, moustaches in the 80s,nothing for 2 decades, mandatory in the victorian era.
>nu male beards are grown as a Façade of masculinity
>This psuedo-masculinity is meant to counter-balance the Nu-males subconscious recognition of his femenimity
>but the beard only fools himself and other bugmen
what amine is this
>By 2025 it will probably be bleached frosted tips and goatees.
Hopefully nu-metal makes a comeback too. I miss the absurdity of the genre.
you sound like a faggot and the flag confirms it.
Fashion is cyclical as "progressives" look for anything to generate the illusion that their existence has meaning. There are only so many choices so the tend to go round and round. Clean shaven with mullet will eventually rotate back in
lol is this what you meant by nu-metal styles?
>no dub yet
Yes, they're hilarious.
Being bald is high test, fool.
Beards were the default fashion for almost all history before WW1. Then the soilders had to shave it so that they could fit the gas mask on their face, and then all the sexy clean-shaven veteran came bck from war
>le the fashion
sure thing mr. bad genes
although fred dursts look has aged well. The bling on the linkin park guy is really funny.
>doesn't know DHT
Keep dreaming, bitch tits
bad genetics
fuck off twink
Imo you can do one of three styles and look good:
1) Clean shaven/stubble -- requires low bf and good jaw/chin
2) Full, well-kept beard -- requires strong nose and eye-brow ridge, and the beard must be even and dense.
shaving is bad for your skin, faggots.
Yes goy, beards are totally degenerate, they are the first thing you should remove in order to start your (((transition)))!
obama had a beard
these beards have been trendy and fabulous for years
Beards are for low test nu-male jawlets
(((they))) have made circumcised cocks fashionable in Cuckmerica, so I'm ready to believe anything
lol, fuck that.
But they were groomed, at least. Like you say, it was fashion, not a meme.
Note these two gentlemen with well kept sideburns.
Other fashions required meticulous care to achieve the appropriate style or look.
Now they're just disheveled bird nest abominations that look like shit because millenials are either "muh lazy" or "muh compensation" for being bald/small dicked/etc.
Honestly these beards are good. They are thick and full and pretty much the standard for what a good beard should look like. The whole idea that a beard makes you more masculine is the problem, it doesn't make you more of a man or a numale, its just an accessory for your face that can make you look better or worse depending on your beard genetics
Twinks are cute and redpilled
>just an accessory for your face that can make you look better or worse depending on your beard genetics
>jawlets are this delusional
Because of the clear feminisation of leftard society (because faggotry level hit never before seen heights) they try to mask their effeminacy with a beard. But it doesn't work, you get women with beards.
That is because due to their lifestyle effeminacy isn't only visible on the body but also the soul, they radiate estrogen.
I see what you did there.
I dunno, I've never had a beard and if I grow one I don't get a mustache. Which looks fucking retarded and really Muslim and I'm white. I blame my Polish genetics.
>women with beards
skinny hipsters with long beards don't fool anyone
I heard the opposite
>when you take the jewpill too quickly and look for nefarious influence in literally everything.
And it's always beard plus thick rimmed glasses.
It's the "Cuck Genderson" look.
it's like makeup for men. cover up your ugly face and weak chin.
No Luigi, that acne all over your face is hereditary. Stop blaming society.
In many cases, a beard is an attempt by a beta male faggot to look alpha.
I've got a 7monther, totally ungroomed except for one top lip trim due to food and smoking was burning it.
Grown because pure lazy, unemployed, NEET lyfe, why the fuck not, couldn't be fucked shaving anymore.
Think im gonna kill it this weekend.
I can't wait til they go out of fashion again. I don't want to shave mine but I'm tired of looking like every other hipster faggot.
Beards are for chinlets, revolutionaries, hipsters and jihadists! Shave, goddamn it!
Braided nipplehair will become a trend in 2020
Nah, blame islam on this one.
Ok beards are whatever and can be shaved, but can we talk about tattoos? I was at wendy's and this young guy just had a fucking treble clef tattoo'd on the back of his hairless leg.
Beta males preparing for islamification
Muslims have the ugliest beards
Everyone already knows that non-army tattoos are degenerate
Because it's the only masculine thing the neue-male has.
his face radiates estrogen, the beard doesn't do shit
Except circumcised cocks aren't natural, while beards are.
>distracts from the fact you're losing your hair
>hides a weak chin
That's about it, really. Bunch of beta bitches that have something to hide.
Time to whip out those old JNCOs fucking when
I hope you're not serious. What an asshole.
marcus was a sexy mofo. I sometimes wonder if girls back then preferred him as the "deep thinker" or if they rather went for chad co-emperor lucius
Apparently they don't because everyone I see has fucking tats.
do beards on a #2 blade count? i'm thinking of shaving it
>my staff
Ooh, look at this guy, he's in charge
>all these undercuts
sjws hate undercuts
they will have beard and glasses sure but good luck finding undercut on sjw male
Despite it being literally the most popular male haircut on everyone under 40 that both chads and normies have, sjws still somehow think it's an alt-right pro-nazi statement.
Is it normal that after I quit smoking weed at 24 I was able to grow a full thick beard about a year later?
forgot pic
Which haircuts do you prefer?
beard is natural, shaving is like waxing.
Just take care a little bit and you are good to go.
I can't even grow a beard. :( Who else /nobeard/?
I've had one since I can remember, but recently shaved it after someone called me a hipster. Worst insult I've ever experienced as a pirate.
senpai i have nothing against undercut
it's timeless and looks good on pretty much everyone
Holy fuck, this thread is full of pathetic retards. What's more beta than obsessing over the facial hair of another man?
Because all the SF 'operators' that we've seen so much of since the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan have beards and they are oh so 'cool'. That means when other servicemen get back, they emulate this by growing massive beards. They are real men, so cucks follow suit cause that's what their wives like in their boyfriends. Source: me, real man answer Soldier for longer than most of you shit stains have been alive.
>tfw neckbeard
Kill me
they look fucking stupid
just get a regular haircut goddamn
I dunno. If you have a weak chin, you should probably have a beard. I have a big, strong chin so I'm clean-shaven like a Nazi should be.
They want to emasculate all forms of masculinity.