have you been marked Sup Forums?
Have you been marked Sup Forums?
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I'm pretty sure they put you under unless it's actually a rabbi cutting your dick
Nope I have a full anteater cock
Do you know how dangerous it is to anesthetize a new born?
Me, yes. Firstborn son, no.
Nope, I am intact
The Jews have marked me as Shabbos Goy, and I serve them as their golem.
in tact here, really think this is the true human rights issue of our times. men should really rise up against this shit. if they had chopped my dick id be so fucking pissed.
>Firstborn son, no.
Nice. Is it still the norm in the states?
You sir, are incorrect. They experience every moment of terror as the most sensitive part of their body is torn apart (not just a nice little snip) during the most profoundly formative days of their existence.
No they are awake, you cant put a baby under you dumb fuck
mfw amerisharts get literally marked by the jews
Circumcision is healthier than being uncut. It stops the spread of STDs.
No, I'm not a jew or one of their American puppets
Its declining.
Daily reminder that circumcision is a form of trauma based mind control intended to create obedient and violent soldiers.
Im cut but Im grappling with my desire to have my children uncut. I know nothing of uncircumcized dicks and honestly I feel like it would be weird for my son.
Whats your game plan on that
>Sup Forums is obsessed with penises
Stop, lets not be branded gayer than /vt
Yes my dad wasn't even circumcised but I am for some reason and my mom didn't care to stop it.
If only there were non-surgical alternatives to stop the spread of STDs, like condoms or hygiene practices.
I fucking hate circumcision. I'll kill the one who did it to me if I ever even find out/can get away with it.
probably the most common surgery performed on male patients in america
gotta be a lot of money in it
makes me think
It feels SO GOOD to have a fully developed, normal looking and functioning dick man.
I cannot even start to fathom the trauma a newborn feels and experiences when they mutilate his pecker.
If you are a penis crippled person I do truly feel sorry for you, I hope you God forsaken mutants find peace at least once in your sad lifes before dying!
Yes my parents fell for the whole "it's cleaner" meme. Got it done by the Hospital and not by jews tho.
if you wash your cock frequently like you're meant to, then there's no health risk with having an uncircumcised dick. go ahead though, keep justifying paedo kikes branding kids and giving them Hepatitis C young goyim
I wonder what the percentage of transwomen are that were circumcised versus uncircumcised. Like maybe the trauma can cause a lack of identification with the penis or something.
I'm an unlucky cut cause I was told get it cut or live with a high risk of infection. Fucking GPs are Jews in disguise.
>citation needed
It just so happens you can charge new parents for an unnecessary service that you can, in turn, profit from. Stigmatizing circumcision would cut significantly into a hospital's profits.
Yes, and the kikes sold my foreskin to make Oprah's facial cream
More than normal. Expected. You have to actively defend against it happening.
I redpilled my wife on it, and then her whole family. Basically watching an actual procedure did the trick. That coupled with AMA data showing there's no reason to do it.
I stayed away from arguing about selling tissue and how the hospitals profit from it. That seemed like a bridge too far. Also the hospital in (((NYC))) tried no less than 4 times to get me to allow it. Ever vigilant brothers. They make it clear they want to chop up your son.
They do it to enlarge the amygdala, making people more controllable.
Went to America for the first time a week ago. Pissing at the truck-stop urinal felt so invigorating. I was probably the only cunt with an uncut cock within a 100 mile radius. You fuckers have some pretty sad looking dry penises. God bless.
I was marked, but not my son. I think God plus evolution know what they are doing.
Yeah they astroturf forums that are against circumcision.
Good on ya mate. But..
>know what they are doing
And yet his son, Jesus, had his cock cut.
thank you for the foreskin! :^)
Me mum was saying boys should be circumcised in Britain because "men don't clean themselves properly".
I hate that fucking cunt
He was also nailed to a cross by (((them)))
Hardly a message from god to trust Jewery, guite the opposite.
by jews yeah
Jesus was born aposthic like Moses and all the other great Jews.
Is Goyim foreskin a delicacy or something?
genital mutilation must be rejected in all its forms and those who practice it should be severely punished. btw, taking medical advice from ignorant superstitious savages is usually a bad idea.
So even God himself bought into the circumcision meme when Baby Jesus was at the hospital. Smh.
>implying the jews asked
Same boat here. Someone, please answer us.
the term 'uncircumcised' itself is a huge part of the issue
Jews are the chosen people. We do not need to ask.
I was cut and it was wrong but my dick is fabulous. If you're that ass hurt over it chances are you would be unsatisfied with your dick either way. Just don't do it to your kids and shut up. Small dick faggots.
>he wants jews to play with his kids' dicks
dude it's not hard
you just tell your kid to get some soap and apply it to his hand and do a motion like you're jerking it
i was a lazy cunt and rarely did it but still got no infection or anything
He was just testing it m8, how do you think he knows everything. By luck?
He still believes the jews.
Look how the procedure is done within Judaism. It's more than a delicacy.
kys faggot
Yes, my parents bought in to the whole "it's healthier" bullshit
Its actually a very popular ingredient in make-up and the hospitals get good money for it
no you stupid faggot
it's literally bad for your child's brain
it also makes you number
we're not telling you to gloat we're doing it so you don't subject your kids to jewish tricks
Feels so good being an uncut American
Crying about circumcision is pure faggotry, worse than yankees larping as jews
Got myself jooed due to medical memery.
I'm not an Americuck with parts of my dick cut off by their Jewish overlords, so no.
Not the same boat (since I have my dick hood) but the biggest obstacle for any yankee with their foreskin intact is American women. It's thanks to them that the modern day American makes it a point to circumcise either himself or his sons.
No one wants to have an 'unnormal' dick, nor do they want girls to ridicule them for it. Thanks to that, American pornography further hammers this point. Your sons will most likely have it removed in their late teens/early 20's due to immense pussy whipping.
It's not going to be weird. It cannot be undone, so it's better to just leave the choice to your son. Nobody has to know, shit he doesn't even have to know if you're cut or not. These days it is almost 50/50 in most areas, so he wont be a weirdo for having a normal uncut dick.
When I was a kid i was the only one with a normal penis, everyone else was cut, but my parents did a good job of telling me that I was the normal one.
Quick rundown on circumcision:
>practiced by jews and muslims (do I need to say more?)
>cuts an essential part of the penis, prevents the penis from working properly
>pushed in the US to hinder masturbation when it's not the source of the problem
>pushed by jews because (((traditions)))
>pushed by hospital to add an operation during the birth of someone, adding extra costs
>pushed by hospitals because they sell the foreskins to the cosmetic industry, so they can make anti-aging creams
>the operation can go wrong, scarring a man for life
>makes sex less comfortable for the man and the woman
>women orgasm way less frequently when the man is cut (if you wonder why oral is so widespread in the US, here is the reason)
>traumatize the baby and alter his pain mechanisms for life if the operation is done on a newborn
>medical memery
top kek
it must suck to have your most sensitive part exposed as a child.Weeks of traumatizing pain, until your body disables the nerves so you can at least live a life
no wonder americans are so weird and retarded
Wair, hold up, maybe american women love immigrarion so much because they'd rather have the latin lover's BMC than some cut pathetic, jew-larping ameriboy's?
Are they just out for manly dicks?
>harms development of the child
which is why i said it was wrong.
>makes you numb
i never knew the difference so i cant miss what i didn't have. i have no problems i assure you.
>don't subject your kid to Jewish tricks
again i said it was wrong so you could assume i wont but you have no right to tell people what they can do with their kids
>cut dicks
I feel sorry for you user, and I really mean that. My dick was never an issue in my life (though i was raised by both parents) being an uncut man. Please, don't make your son be cut. It's like missing a part of himself, so I hear.
>you have no right to tell people facts about the jewish penis mutilating industry
Jesus was circumcised so we don't have to be.
Meh, I got circumcised because I had penis inflammation when I was a baby. The head of my penis would blow up like a balloon when I was peeing according to my brother. It affects the foreskin so I had to get it removed.
There is literally no good reason to cut off part of your sons dick.
im cut and if i have a son i do not plan on getting him cut
just tell him to wash it
>Im cut but Im grappling with my desire to have my children uncut.
I was as lost as you were. But once you hold your kid for the first time, the thought of letting strangers cut his shit up will anger you to previously unknown levels. There is no explaining to the kid. He will understand when it's time for him to use it. Self brag/despair: I've always had problems coming during oral/vaginal sex. Some girls are like "WOW, you're amazing you can last forever" And I'm like "I can't feel a fucking thing"
>Wife logic: it will look different, and he'll get made fun of.
Argument from feelz, does not register. Men adapt, they overcome the faggotry of pack mentality.
When anesthesia is used (which isn't always), it's a local anesthetic.
You have listed no facts faggot
Maybe you should show studies and info to support your claim(like) instead of just sperging out.
Females get UTIs far more often than males, yet you don't hear anyone saying we should circumcise them to prevent that. In fact, it's probably not even allowed for anyone to study if it would have an impact.
Removing tonsils and appendices would prevent those organs from being infected. Nobody takes healthy tonsils or appendices out of nonconsenting individuals, and anyone who would do that would get in hot water with the law.
One out of every seven or eight women get breast cancer, which can be fatal. Nobody even dares to suggest cutting out breast buds to prevent it.
I am. My mother cucked my dad into circumsizing me, even though he wasn't himself.
No, you sir are incorrect.
Jews give the baby wine till they're drunk. They barely cry.
Has she seen (or smelled) the average vagina?
My Older brother (whomst is a complete liberal faggot with not a twinge of sense) was indeed cucked however i was spared somehow
because whites are declining
>people actually think that mutilating a baby's penis is somehow a good thing
fucking nuke this god-forsaken earth, glass it. human beings aren't worth shit
People that allow their kids to be mutilated like this are superstitious savages..
MD here. There is no issue with circumcision in terms of function or pleasure. However, the risk of complications from the surgery does have a lower Number Needed to Harm (NNH) than it's number needed to treat (NNT), meaning that you are more likely to cause an issue performing the surgery than you are to fix an issue by performing it. For that reason the procedure is regarded as cosmetic and not recommended as a necessary one. All the other crap you read on Sup Forums are angry neckbeards who hate Jews and want to feel important because their untouched pee pee still has a foreskin. The end.
>md here
>baby goes into shock because someone is literally peeling off one of it's most sensitive body parts and then cutting it off
>They barely cry :-DDD
>there is nothing wrong with cutting off a healthy part of your body
>believe me goy, it's good for you
I never understood this argument. How does not having a foreskin protect you from STDs? What's the reasoning behind it?
"I went to America and stopped at a truck stop. I decided to drain the snake & get my Willy wet. So I paid for Bubba to suck my dick. He said 'You have wettest dick in the country.' After he finished I felt good. Even though my GF was cheating on me with a Muslim with a cut dick."
It's hilarious this is an actual discussion for amerifags.
Cut dicks look so ugly no girl wants it inside her, thus reducing the risk of exposure to STDs
jew magic goy
It amazes me that non Jews/Muslims defend circumcision.
Thanks Dr. Kellogg, 5 shekels have been deposited into your very important goy account
I just explained to you the basics regarding the procedure. It prevents issues like ones related to cleanliness (smegma) and those associated with inability to retract or stretch the foreskin (phimosis), but the likelihood of having those conditions prevented by the procedure is less than that of having an issue with the surgery (scarring)
It seems related to the fact that the frenulum and foreskin are more likely to tear during intercourse than simply the glans penis of a circumcised individual. This decrease in tearing means a less likely transfer of blood, semen, and vaginal secretions between partners, lowering the risk of STD transfer. The warm and moist environment under the foreskin is also a great growing location for bacterial species and so increases the likelihood of residual bacteria surviving to populate the new host.
Present a counterargument then, faggot.