Is it true that he was a Jew?
Is it true that he was a Jew?
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I've always wondered this.
same can anyone answer?
What if he was a self hating jew....
I see what you did there.
That's not even close to a jew nose, dumbshit. Hitler had a normal Alpine nose.
Even jesus was a jew.
Hitler considered himself a christian in that he saw these scoundrels for what they where just like jesus did.
Judging by the left picture of his snoz I'd guess he's a negro.
sure not faggot but all croat-monkeys are
>bad photoshop
Probably he had some jew in him. Self-hating jew isn't a stereotype without a reason. Most people who are vocal about the international jewry are jewish people who have been denied to benefits of "the chosen people" due to being partly goyim.
It would make sense in the theory that as a kid hitler was a german nationalist because his father was a austrian government office which pissed his father off greatly. So in the same sense if his dad was actually a jew than he could have done the same thing to piss his father off.
All the most effective antisemites are Jewish. It's because they nose.
Yes it's true.
But he was only a quarter Jew.
>shooping hitler's perfectly straight germanic nose
Takes a wolf to catch a wolf.
Kikes have always spread disinfo on him. One story was that he was the bastard son of a jew that his mother did housekeeping for.
No. That is just childish-level taunting on par with "You just hate gay people because you're gay and in denial!" You can disregard anyone who says things like that, because you can be sure that their IQ is below 90.
>Faked photo
>Most people who are vocal about the international jewry are jewish people who have been denied to benefits of "the chosen people" due to being partly goyim.
Surely you have proof of this
yes I thought everyone knew this already. apparently not
What about Reinhard?
He really hated those hooked nosed bastards.
>Is it true that he was a Jew?
Quite possibility the stupidest shit i've ever heard... fuck off jidf kike.
Of course. His real surname is (((Shiklgruber)))
Of course. Was there ever any doubt?
According to Jewish laws jewishness comes from the mother and not the father. Rumors of Hitlers possible jewish connection were always on his fathers side or about his mothers infidelity.
From the mother and the father.
What you think that if Rotschild merries some goy bitch their children won't be jewish?
Laws have never applied to those who hold the power in their hands.
Yup, and a socialist. Hitler is the origional LARP
>Shekel grabber
>According to historian Bryan Mark Rigg, an Israeli Army and United States Marine Corps veteran, up to 160,000 soldiers who were one-quarter, one-half, and even fully Jewish served in the German armed forces during World War II. This included several generals, admirals, and at least one field marshal, Erhard Milch.
Hitler was also a socialist. I guarantee 100%
Red pill
>fusing socialism and fascism into an ideology makes your ideology socialism
yeah and if you mix blue and green you get blue and green
fucking americans and their libertarianism
giving up your ancestral homeland for which thousands of your kin have died just to live in a tiny gated community which will fall within a few generations has got to be the most utterly retarded 'ideology' I have ever heard of
No way. He made the world a better place killing 6 trillion Jews.
He really has that heavy South-German brow
You can see the same kind of brow in Arnold Scwarzenegger and Mischa Janiec.
Why do you think he didnt let anyone see him naked?
He would've been circumcised
>was [he] a Jew?
lol no. He was totally awesome though.
This. He burned birth records to hide this fact. I think his great great grandfather was Jewish.
His Y-DNA was E1b1b1, which is most common in Berbers, Somalis and Jews. Therefore he had semitic origins, nou doubts.
im surprised the Jews didn't ban Volkswagens from being made
cause that the first thing that come to my mind when i see a VW beetle -- is Hitler
>leftipol with proxy with their shitty photoshops about e-celebs again
fucking niggers
>All the most effective antisemites are Jewish.
Like Jesus.
How would Jews benefit from that?
After all, if he was a Jew they would only have themselves to blame for the holocaust and German people could then live free of guilt.
since kikes are mass murdering failures and wreckers of civilizations
yes...shitler was a kike indeed