Why do addicts refuse to help themselves?
Every single person who's been on a hard drug for over a year turns into the biggest burden on anyone around themselves lives
It would be better for everyone if they left wherever they're from and didn't come back
So why don't they do it?
Why is every addict so incredibly selfish and refuse to think of those around them?
Why do addicts refuse to help themselves?
>t. never been addicted to anything
I don't think you fully understand the concept of addiction.
Because addicts are pieces of shit, litterally every one. Once you lower yourself to be a sub human junkie, even if you get yourself out of that hole since that threshold has been crossed you are always one push away from falling back into it. Junkies deserve to be thrown out of helicopters, and I say this having disowned my own sister for it
try to quit chocolate.
Okay, now what?
>become addicted to drugs
>become slightly better looking
Just because your sister sucked a bunch of BBC's for dope doesn't mean all addicts are a lost cause. I know several that after getting clean ended up with STEM degrees or becoming engineers. Most of them will never amount to anything and that's correct, but I def know a few that have become productive members of society.
The drugs and alcohol help them escape there miserable and shitty lives. Think of it as committing suicide but very slowly.
all genelets are a burden user, the drugs just help them reveal their inner persona to the world, this is the person they want to be which is why we gassed 70k of them when sweden was a good country way back when
weight 356 pounds
why dont you get youself addicted to meth or heroin for at least 5 years and then try and quit to show everybody how easy it is?
people dont choose to become addicts
a lot of them do so due to some kind of trauma in their lives, not a case of "think ill try meth for a year, maybe move on to heroin"
so you gave up on your own family when they needed you most.
i know you're hoping to come across as a steely badass who is impervious to everything, but it sounds more like you're just a coward who bows out when things get tough. keep telling yourself whatever you need to in order to justify your failings as a brother
Temporary suicide would be a better way to describe it. It's an escape from reality but not a permanent one.
I thought you had to be 18+ to post here
Smoke meth 5 times then quit.
>Temporary suicide
That would make a good album title.
Guy who "was" addicted to heroin, meth and xanax here
the issue is decriminalization. There should be draconian laws against being a drug addict. They execute you in the streets. Why? because so many people who are on these drugs have no real reason to quit in the first place.
I was able to stop because I knew I had a ton of potential in my life. but for alot of people, they dont have a future worth fighting for, and the punishment for being an addict is not severe
IMO, meth would be harder to quit than heroin. I would not know, I did heroin for a long time, and had only begun doing meth & xanax when I ended up quitting.
Hardest thing to kick though? I'd bet it would be alcohol and/or cigarettes. It would be like trying to quit heroin, but they sell heroin every 3 blocks.
cool argument, good people don't get addicted to bad things only genelets do and they are not worth saving being the cancer that they are, the second worst people are you who defend them go back to plebbit where you will find many like minded carecucks
Yes true but they also get the blessing of death at a younger age instead of living longer in their bad condition.
You should hang your head in shame.
>tfw got addicted to coffee once
So your saying he should have stayed with his junkie sister and bend over all of his money that is needed for rent and bills just so she can get more drugs because of her 'addiction' and should put up with her shit and allow her to eat up all his food and take up permanent residence at his home so she can call over other junkie friends or worse a drug dealer and finally emotionally and physically drain him to be nothing more but an empty husk?
Fuck off you fucking enabling dumbass if they want help then they should learn self control.
>I had a sister that was addicted to fucking xanax and had extreme mood swings and was an emotional wreck and unstable so I stopped talking to her and avoided her for over couple of years til she actually was off of them in her own will power and actually trued to say sorry to me
>I didn't forgive her because fuck her for being an asshole to me and fuck her for being on xanax like that but besides the point she isn't on it anymore but that doesn't mean I'm going to glorify her for doing that either because she forever lost my trust and it's going to take years for that to be regained if she is really sorry
Also your a cunt.
You have no idea how many people are addict especially the famous one and the one in high positions
Hey can you explain what Heroin is like?
Because they're addicted.
>alcohol/cigarettes/heroin hard to quit
Physical pain/discomfort and hallucinations are horrible but benzo withdrawals can actually kill you.
Don't let these eurocucks tell you what you did was shit because what you did is the best thing a family relative can do.
If your sister really wants to quite doing drugs then she needs to do it in her own will and by leaving out of her life will force her to make a choice between family or drugs.
These eurocucks don't know what it's like to have to put up with someone like that so again if she actually koves you she would actually try to get off of these drugs and try to reach out to you but if not then you have saved yourself from being dragged into both emotional and mentally degrading crisis due to her bullshit with drugs.
It truly is a very good feeling, but not as good as people make it out to be. It's sort of like how orgasms work in your brain. Orgasms feel great right? But your brain glorifies them into more than they are, where you end up regretting doing what you had to do to get there.
Heroin is similar. It is the highest possible attainment of bodily satisfaction, (except when you orgasm WHILE on heroin) but it's never really as good as you thought it was going to be.
In life, when you're high it never seems as good as it is, and when you're low you feel like you'll never be high again.
hallucinogens can bring you to an infinitely more pleasurable place.
I love how people say "it's an addiction, man. You wouldn't understand." You're fucking retarded if you give yourself a drug addiction in any way, and you deserve to be set on fire. Junkies are the direct product of Jews and nigger culture.
What was this dude on? Meth?
yes, same as alcohol withdrawals can, anything that effects the GABA system. BUT I'm talking from a purely 'what is harder to quit' standpoint, of course when kicking xanax it would be wise to get a prescription for librium or something similar.
I'm just saying that quitting heroin is not as bad as it is made out to be. Kind of like My post here, the hardest part about quitting is how scared you are about how the withdrawals are going to feel, because your body is desperately trying to avoid them
Just got off a 2 year addiction to heroine here. Started on pain pills when i re injured my back from military. Hardest thing i have ever done.
are you okay
but how would you understand?
A lot of them were scumbags before they ever started using drugs
probably from faces of meth
Yes im okay unlike you I don't condone people for not wanting to put up with a junkie relative in their life.
lmao dude just get over addiction. And that cancer too.
They wouldn't be addicts if they could just "help themself" dumbass.
People pretend to be rational but really we only rationalize our actions after we do them. You can measure decision making in an MRI and tell the person his decision before he knows he's even going to make it. Every action you take is taken because of what your brain is wired to find rewarding, motivation and reward are the same network. Human brains are plastic, they can easily be rewired to be all kinds of insane creatures and powerful narratives can provide the mind with the structures needed to organize itself, we are made of the stories we tell ourselves about who we are.
Junkies are looked down on and suffer more persecution than any of these righteous christians on this board. Addiction is a disease. You wouldnt look down on a diabetic or someone with cancer. Yet any kind of psychiatric illness is still seen as a character defect. People will never understand until they go threw it themselves and i pray no one would have to ever go through an addiction. There isnt a lot of help for addicts and they are the least understood in society. Its just easier to call them weak and dehumanize them because you really dont understand what they go through and have to put up with everyday until it happens to you or someone you really love. I wish the best for anyone dealing with addiction now because this country is going through an epidemic.
Those that find themselves addicted to drugs and alcohol already have issues with themselves. They feel voidances that lead them to mind-altering chemicals because they already don't like who they are, or wish to be something else. This will obviously magnify when abusing drugs, as they will really not care about themselves, and in many cases feel this is what they are supposed to be.
This would also apply to those that have eating addictions, gambling and spending addictions too...they beginning being satisfied with who or what they are.
Drug abuse is a mental illness, a lot of mental illness makes you think you're not mentally ill.
"Hello I am Will Grello and welcome to forting with Will"
All the porn addicted jerk off junkies on poll have squeaky clean souls so they cast the first stones...
condone means the opposite of how you meant to use it there
you display a very narrow minded and unempathetic worldview, but i understand i could be talking to a teenager here. lets hope you or a family member never comes upon hard times
people are giving you shit (probably people who have never had to live near junkies), but you're 100% correct. A junkie is like a human tornado of lies, theft, greed, and desperation. They are a purely destructive force, they do no good. The best option is always to minimize one's exposure to junkies, even if they're family.
and yet there are many who have come through it all with the help of others who may not have otherwise
obviously no situation is the same, and unless you have experienced it then this is all conjecture, but it just says more about you that you would be willing to give up on a loved one like that
Simple. It's just brain chemistry. When you take a drug it makes your dopamine levels rise, and then crash down when you stop. Naturally high dopamine levels are extremely important to have, as they give you a sort of natural discipline and don't urge you to abuse alcohol or drugs. Or smoking, or overeating for that matter. Naturally high dopamine levels keep you alert, focused, confident and social.
That's why addicts are addicts. A big part of it anyway. I'm experiencing some low rebound dopamine because of my 4 week alcohol binge.
>and yet there are many who have come through it all with the help of others who may not have otherwise
i don't care if they "come through it", every junkie/addict I've had the mispleasure of knowing was already a worthless retarded scumbag before they got hooked on drugs, and they'd still be a worthless retarded scumbag if they somehow managed to get clean. It's a net benefit to the world if they just die. Not to mention most of them have done so much damage to the people around them (emotional damage, financial damage, etc) that they frankly don't deserve a second chance imo. Fuck em.
Meh I think it is a disease/mental disorder but a large majority of addicts are also shitty people. Def not all I know some junkies that even addicted to heroin or coke never stole from their friends or family(still stole shit from random people or stores) and didn't suck dick for drugs but the vast majority would do things like pimp out their girlfriend, steal from parents retirement fund/jewelry, steel donations to charities etc. an user stated earlier a lot of junkies are shitty people even before getting addicted to drugs and then the drugs amplify their shiftiness.
Also this, I wonder how many Sup Forums larpers in here pretending to be upstanding citizens fap to interracial sissy cuck porn, traps, and femdom incest
be normie
decide to do drugs because x
believe addiction happens to other people
become an addict
lose job
lose friends
lose family
live life of regret
its a disease. one you give yourself, you stupid fuck.
I'm currently 22 right now and I'm not unsympathetic and such because if the junkie really loves their family and wants to quit then that junkie needs to work for that.
In my family you don't just sit around expecting things to be handed down on your lap because that is enabling bad behavior so in order to avoid that you have to work for it! When my sister was on xanax she was changed from the kind hearted and nice to a mood swinging and emotional drama inducing bitch and made out everything to be about her and how no one understands her and how it's everyones fault instead of hers and when I tried to tell her to cut down on the xanax she fucking lashed out at me.
So yeah I cut all ties and never talked to my sister for a very long time and all my trust in her was burned in the inferno blaze of hell because of her decisions and actions. She is now off of it and is trying to make amends and all that stuff but that doesn't mean I'm going to have all my 100 percent trust and kindness towards her again because that takes literal years to work for and she be lucky if she can get half of my trust restored but because of her and xanax I will not look at my sister the same way again. Still have to be a brother to her but that doesn't mean I will be an enabler or bend over for her just because she quit xanax.
Want to know something about hard work and hard life? My family side was stuck on the eastern side during the berlin wall long time ago and before and after that event my family or basically any of my bloodline had hard life and been through shit and they had to rely on survival and when I cut my sister out of my life at that moment was because I needed to survive for both my mentality and emotional because if I stayed with someone that was currently doing drugs like that then I would end up emotionally and mentally fucked! So again if addicts wants to keep families and be clean then they need to work at it or go die alone with their drugs.
I agree. Not all junkies are that bad though. I never stole or pimped out my girlfriend. A lot of addicts were bad people and had no morals before they became addicts. It sucks because if you hadnt noticed the majority of people in America that i grew up around at least had no identity besides the "black thug" identity they borrowed and the lack of discipline mixed with addiction made them even more horrid. Not every addict is like that. The ones people see are what they mark every addict as. But the ones you don't see, you don't see for a reason because they have jobs and were functioning humans before the drugs so of course they work and can afford their habits.
Oh fuck you. Just because you fap to traps. Maybe your a shitty person and you bumped into some addicts that made fun of you and thats where your little grudge comes from.
Draconian laws are the only answer, especially when shame has disappeared as it has in the West.
Back to general topic, I think there's different types of addiction. If you take every day that's one thing, but some people are addicted to binging twice a week or once a fortnight, and still do a lot of damage to themselves. This is also hard to quit because it's like giving up alcohol for the rest of your life.
But your example proves that junkies are people who made a series of unfortunately one too many mistakes.
We all err, and we all err in series. I seriously think addiction could happen to anybody, given the right circumstances for it to flourish.
>Jewish doctors and CIA createe epidemic
>decent white people not content with mediocrity choose opiates to cope with their shit lives in a kiked out world
>is too autistic to understand the bigger picture in the grande scheme of things
>blames his sister
>literally abondons a family member during a crisis
I have a question for you, mr. Perfect. How do you cope? You aren't an addict yourself but you are on Sup Forums, so you obviously have your own issues.
Because, the high is the only thing that makes them happy
hI, MY NAME IS aNoNYmose
IM ADDiCTEd To Sup Forums
I miss amphetamines...
Addiction is a mental illness, depression. When being high feels better than being sober why wouldn't you get high?
>When being high feels better than being sober why wouldn't you get high?
Because we're not animals, and we have the ability to think and reason our way through this scenario? I wouldn't expect some dumb fucking beast to understand that the instant gratification from getting high only compounds the underlying issue and leads to further destruction behaviors down the road. But a person should be able to understand this, they should be able to think about the ramifications and consequences of their actions. Hence why junkies are basically just dumb animals in my eyes.
Only drug I'm into is adenochrome.
tell that to an opioid addict, Fentanyl is killing a lot of people, and its more of a matter of when and not if. Ideally they will quit before it gets there but it doesnt always happen. A lot of meth heads can end up dying from exhaustion of in prison.
I used to be addicted to fentanyl and xanax. Quit for the same reasons you did. I also tried meth but never really got in to it. Meth felt more like MDMA in the sense that id become exhausted and need a break. Opioid withdrawal is fucking ruthless and always kept be addicted when I wanted to quit. Your logic for alcohol being more addicted doesnt really make sense. You can easily call up a dealer and get shit delivered so you dont even need to leave your home.
Just as a bipolar person may be bright, kind, loving, excitable and full of energy when manic, they may be a dull, mean, selfish, over-sensitive, and devoid of energy in a depressive swing.
Self-destructing addicts are stuck on one side trying desperately to feel/find anything that's not how they normally feel.
Why do you think there are so many self-medications commonly used across nearly all cultures throughout history; Nicotine, Caffeine, Ephedrine(Mormon Tea), Cannabinoids, Kratom etc.
It's a never-ending rabbit hole, but if you do some research you'll find addicts, abusers, schizos, etc. all have major auto-immune problems going on in their brain and possibly systemically. Even neuro-degenerative diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's have externally influenced auto-immune causes.
All of humanity, the plants, and the animals are being poisoned on some level.
The scariest part: the Fungi (death and decomposition) are thriving.
Grow up, maybe go outside and experience life. Everyone's addicted to something at some point.
Nobody starts doing drugs with the intention of getting addicted. It starts off slow then over time it comes out of nowhere and you get physical withdrawals so you keep doing more to be able to function. That slowly gets worse and worse and you end start to need it to cope with the fucked up things that happen in your life.
>Everyone's addicted to something at some point.
wow, thanks for that deep insight. Really gets the ol' noggin joggin. I didn't know that being addicted to Xbox when I was in 7th grade places me on the same moral level as a dope fiend or a crackhead. Because every addiction is equally destructive, right?
>then over time it comes out of nowhere and you get physical withdrawals so you keep doing more to be able to function
As I said here Anyone who isn't on the same cognitive level as a cow is aware that there will be repercussions if they continue drug use. How fucking dense do you have to be for addiction to "surprise you" or "come out of nowhere".
everyone fucking knows that if you keep using certain drugs, you'll get addicted. Ignorance and lack of foresight is not a legitimate excuse for anyone with a triple digit IQ
You arent wrong is suggesting most addicts are shitty people. As someone who recently got clean, I can attest that most of them are. That being said, some of them werent always bad people. There are a lot of educated people who unfortunately became addicts.
Even when you consider the ramifications there needs to be a conceived emotional payout keeping you grounded in things like the responsibilities to your future self. You have been (correctly) conditioned by your everyday experiences to care about your well being and your people's future but that conditioning can be easily minimized even without drugs. Alcohol, painkillers or weed can start the journey of conditioning where it suddenly makes sense to you to inject yourself with krokodil.
Lol this. A lot of the time it can happen because you associate with people and fall into that pit. Hard to try a hard drug and not enjoy it. Especially opiates.
Lol, Im probably more educated than you. Nobody driving a motorcycle thinks they are going to be the one who gets t-boned by some idiot. Same logic applies to using drugs. Nobody thinks they are going to be the ones who gets addicted, and its also easy to believe that quitting would be simple. Until you go through withdrawal, its easy to minimize it, especially if you lead a busy life.
>Nobody thinks they are going to be the ones who gets addicted
This. I started doing stims when I worked ridiculous hours as an account manager in a large international company (lived in Australia). Ended up smoking meth in my free time to stop the cravings. This led me to become a complete fucking tweaker, to the point where my boss noticed my problem. Luckily, he sent me back home to Norway to deal with 1 year of rehab, then return to a more relaxed position in the company hq.
>Lol, Im probably more educated than you.
Don't care, probably not true anyway.
>Nobody driving a motorcycle thinks they are going to be the one who gets t-boned by some idiot
Terrible analogy. Substance use and driving a motorcycle are both risky behaviors (and everyone knows this, common sense), but that's where the comparison ends. You can take steps to avoid a bad outcome when motorcycling (wear protective gear, drive carefully, don't exceed the speed limit, look both ways at every intersection, etc). You might still get killed by something out of your control, but this can happen in a car too (less likely though). Motorcycling would fall more into a psychological addiction like getting addicted to video games or gambling, whereas drug addiction is both psychological and physical (making it more destructive). Really just a sloppy comparison overall, and it doesn't reflect well on your intelligence.
You can't forget that first mad rush you got, ever.
It's true that society and the world as a whole would be better off without junkies, and many of them would prefer dying over living sober for the rest of their lives. It's just that the prospect of not being alive anymore isn't all that appealing either so they desperately try to live from one fix to the next, no matter the cost.
been there.
>Why do addicts refuse to help themselves?
It takes quite a bit for an addict to ask for help. Many of us have similar "defects of character"...a very predominant one is INSANE desire for independence. It usually manifests in the form of paranoia, but the finality of it is that you will eventually be alone (independent).
The second trait is a high tolerance for pain that exceeds sane people. Basically addicts will use/drink to death.
>t:Alcoholic/2 years into recover.
You cannot make an addict seek help. You can coerce them, but it usually does not stick. Until the addict has had enough, and his options are death or help he will usually not seek help.
I got to the die or get help fork in the road. I choose to live without drinking one day at a time. I havn't had a drink in almost 2 years, and have never felt better ever. I am in the best of shape I have ever been. I haven't been this fit since before I started drinking in Jr Highschool almost 30 years ago.
>and I say this having disowned my own sister for it
Way to go tough guy. I guarantee she wouldn't miss a mean spirited dick like you.
Have you lived with a junkie? Had one in your home or your family? And if so, how did you deal with them? Faggot.
Someone doesn't know how to stim right.
Caffeine user since age 12. Was up to 2+ grams anhydrous caffeine powder a day for a year or so while losing weight.
Never smoked tobacco prior, and picked up vaping for the nicotine a couple years ago.
On/Off Ephedrine user (ECA stack + simple carbs = amazing feeling) for the last few years. Also, pseudoephedrine. It's not as "stim-y" but has neurochemical effects that can effectively feel like pep or energy.
Also made Propylhexadrine Citrate using Benzedrex and lemon juice. Only did that a few times though. Without extracting it, the eucalyptus and other stuff in the nasal inhaler upsets your stomach, and tolerance builds quickly regardless. Great git shit did high, headache towards the end though. Taking Asprin and carbs while on it was important.
Kratom + other 'safe' stims is pretty great too.
Are you stupid? You completely missed his point. Of course motorcycling and drug addiction are completely different. What isn't different is the possibility of reckless decision making occurring because one might believe that negative outcomes only happen to "other people" and not them.
Is that Will Forte?
You missed the point of what I was trying to say, and you didnt even contradict your incorrect analysis. You can't control for other shitty drivers, and the only reason people ride motorcycles is because they doubt itll happen to them. I was trying to emphasize how an invincibility complex can play in to becoming addicted.
>and the only reason people ride motorcycles is because they doubt itll happen to them.
Stupid people are blind to the consequences of their actions. More shocking news coming up at 11:00.
SeeDrug addiction is probably more dangerous/destructive on a per-capita basis than riding a motorcycle, but anybody who engages in either behavior assuming they're immune to the consequences is not an intelligent person, to put it simply.
Lol, so everyone who rides motorcycles is stupider than you. Got it.
Feeling like bad things won't happen to you is part of human nature. Suggesting everyone who hurts themselves doing something risky is an idiot is just plain ignorant.
Do a little bit of research and look up academics and musicians who became addicts. Tell me those people have low IQs too.
No, you don't "got it". I didn't say everyone who rides motorcycles is stupid. I said that anyone who rides a motorcycle ASSUMING THAT THEY WILL BE IMMUNE TO ANY POTENTIAL CONSEQUENCES as a result of the behaviors they engage in is a stupid person. Your whole point was that people engage in these behaviors assuming that nothing bad will happen to them. My point is that you have to be a fucking moron to think that way.
Lack of will.
You keep trying to suggest that addicts DEFINITELY have a low IQ. That's absolutely not true. It's something else at play. Get it now?
Because they don't think they need help.
By the time they realize they need help they don't care if they get it.