Trump is a cuck.
Daily Reminder
Day. Of. Rake.
So the Vietnam war was a good thing? The draft is a good thing? Hmm I seem to recall the opposite coming from the left when the war was actually going on.
Day of the grill
Sjws going hard today.
Hello td, how's the israeli cocksucking?
>td will defend this
>Using the word "boo boo"
how fucking unproffesional can one person get.
Is there something that just makes journalists shit themselves and loose all proffesionalism about Trump?
You want people to actually listen to you be coherent and come across as balanced, unbiased. That article is just a parrot, so Drumpfers can read it and get a sore neck from nodding.
Yet all the people on the right got pissed off because of liberal "draft dodgers" and other daddy's money kids going to college to avoid getting drafted, which is exactly what your precious daddy donnie did. Amazing to see the cognitive dissonance and mental gymnastics at work when it's "your guy" being a hypocrite.
Sage isn't a downvote
>liberals argue for decades that draft dodging is smart
>draft dodging republican gets elected
>liberals all of a sudden give a fuck about draft dodging
like pottery
So bill Clinton is a shitheel now?
Liberals when someone they like dodges the draft
>He's a true American hero for not going out and fighting the war for the elites
Liberals when someone they don't like dodges the draft
>He's a coward for refusing to fight in a war for the elites
Good goy, fight and die in Vietnam so that (((weapons companies))) can sell more helicopters.
i bet mr.5Za83MZs is going to have a fun time posting shitty trump pictures wasting his life away instead of being a productive Canadian cuck
Get out of my country, whiteboi.
You stupid fucking idiot.
We have that insufferable prick Turdeau and you dare to point your snot stained finger at others?
Cancer is too good for you.
Sage and kill yourself.
>lefties protest the war leading to US withdraw
>criticize someone for draft dodging a war the were against
john mccain is still not a war hero
They're both bad.
Keep on assuming I'm a "liberal" because I dislike Trump and the massive amount of idiotic hypocrisy that makes up his character. You're just another dumb, ignorant trump-cuck fedora-tipper not worth wasting time arguing against. Go back and try to obfuscate any legitimate criticisms towards your daddy because it hurts your precious identity politic fee-fees you fucking snowflake. Trump is so le epic amirite guise! praise kek maymay XD KEKISTAN LOL XD!
Avoiding to die in a war makes you a cuck? What if you don't hate yourself and want to live?
Donald JUST Trump
>foot boo-boo
Is this a tabloid?
And why didn't dems ever talk about this? Or all his weird ass tv cameos, should have aired those 24/7
Loved his AIPAC speech, not to mention when he visited the Wailing Wall
>go die for ungrateful commies in a malaria infested jungle so that General Dynamics can make more money
>stay home with family enjoying the millionaire lifestyle
Yeah. He made the wrong decision.
All your post is missing is reddit spacing and I could screenshot it as a textbook example of a divide anc conquer attempt. Now kindly fuck off to a different slide thread.
>be a liberal faggot
>despise the vietnam war
>american imperialism at its worst
>god bless everyone who opposed the vietnam war
>find out Trump dodged the vietnam war draft
>pro trump
Rich man's war, poor man's fight. Donald's fat ass would have no issue sending young men into Syria to die
anyone who doubts trump and his wisdom is a cuck
Been here longer than you and the rest of you Trumpcuck kids, been on Sup Forums since 2005. You and your "le epic maymay candidate" children are the newfags here, get the fuck off my board, get the fuck off my website and kindly fuck off back to high school where you belong with the rest of your edgelord ilk.
>opposing imperialism
Try again
Saul Alinsky's rule for radicals. Make sure your enemy plays by their own rules but never play by your own set of rules.
>Billionaire playboy who banged a new supermodel every week before raising a huge, largely successful progeny retires from a self made real estate empire into politics by becoming the President of the United States
What exactly does that make you?
Trump is a jew puppet
>muh 6d chess
>fuck off edgelord I'm the original edgelord
Lol what a fag.
>get the fuck off my board
This isn't /news/ faggot, go back to shoving milky coins up your ass.
If he died in a war he couldn't become President and save the world .
>save the world
Hello JIDF
canadians don't feel any compunction about calling into question the wisdom of an important world leader because no one in their country is an important world leader and so they can use the free time, time that would otherwise be used saving the world, to eat poutine, watch hockey, and argue with frenchmen about baguettes or something
Maybe he was smart enough to not want to go over and fight in a retarded war that the Yanks lost anyway.
nice argument
>conservatives argue for decades that draft dodging is degeneracy
>draft dodging republican gets elected
>conservatives all of a sudden don't give a fuck about draft dodging
Journalism is dying out because of this shit. I can't even watch Sky News without people trying to mock Trump then turn to BBC where they are talking about World Emoji Day..
Fuck Journalists
(You) for dropping a decent red pill. Killay worshiped Alinsky
You're an absolute retard.
1 post by this I'd
Everyone posting in this thread fell for OPs faggotry.
*Hillary Clinton
Trump would have done the same thing if it was WW2.
It's not that you draft dodged. It's how you draft dodged.
>Education and other worthwhile pursuits that better you and society
>moving to Canada, going to jail, or otherwise making a personal sacrifice to demonstrate you are a conscientious objector and not just a coward
>buying off a doctor
it's a different generation of republicans, retard
says the jew with his jewish friends in his jewish ridden country
why does every large jewish public figure fucking hate him only jews that do like him are in real estate and honestly its best to join them there no fighting jewish real estate