This FAT fucking FAGGOT has done literally EVERYTHING but attack the US to warant a glassing.
Do non-Americas think Trump taking his shit and "warning" him after every threat makes us look weak, or do you think Trump is being peaceful as possible?
This FAT fucking FAGGOT has done literally EVERYTHING but attack the US to warant a glassing.
Do non-Americas think Trump taking his shit and "warning" him after every threat makes us look weak, or do you think Trump is being peaceful as possible?
I think Trump is proving a lot of "we can't let him get the nuclear codes" bullshit wrong.
If Trump nuked him right now, this very second, he'd be justified. But he's not, he's trying to be peaceful. but already stated that if N.Korea does anything they'll get nuked to fuck and back.
He's a good leader.
who cares. here bomb
What has he actually done?
trump is acting cautiously, because nk has some leverage. if us attacks they could very well retaliate by launching their missiles on sk, japan and other major us territories, it would spark conflict with china as well.
He is being belligerent because he wants to save face.
No one asked for your opinion, sub human filth.
>If he Nuked NK right now, he'd be justified.
While I agree with your sentiment, that Trump is actually trying to be diplomatic, I don't believe that nuking NK right now would be justified.
All that has happened with NK is that you've got a bunch of high-ranking government officials waving their dicks on the international stage for the purposes of looking good to their citizens. So if Trump did nuke em' now, he would kill millions of indoctrinated, but innocent, citizens. That would not bode well.
I mean, hell, we nuked Japan in WW2 only after they deliberately attacked U.S. soil and we're still getting shit for it to this day.
Either way, North Korea has been doing this for the last two generations of rulers. Both Kim Jong-Il and Kim Jong-Un have both been drumming up the "WE WILL SMITE IMPERIALISTIC TRANSGRESSORS" for many years now and nothing has come of it.
I fully expect the same for many more years.
It's them or us. I prefer it be them.
Trump is doing the right thing. Only delusional people think you can go on appeasing them forever.
Assassinated leaders, kidnapped foreign civilians, killed American soldiers with an axe, sunk a submarine full of people, shelled an island, assassinated his brother, cyber attacks on American businesses, threatened to nuke several countries. I mean, this guy is a real jerk.
Trump is a weak-ass faggot
>But m-muh Donald J. T-Trump
Face it. Trump is a living meme. Nothing more. He will keep on sucking Kim's dong il-chode until his cum starts dripping from his mouth.
Trump is fucking done and Murica is a disgrace.
Yeah fair play m8, you're right.
NK does'nt hav to launch any nukes to totally shitstorm SK including 10 million plus living in capital Seoul are well within conventional artillery range.
they didnt have nukes before but they do now, and NK will continue to develop Nukes and make them bigger and stronger,
Would Hillary have launched the nukes already?
Yes, Americans are weaklings.
what a very german post.
i bet you own brown shoes.
He hasn't done shit. US should stay out of foreign affairs.
Every country has the right to develop nuclear deterrent.
Who is more dangerous with finger on the button? Trump or Kim?
Despite the dick-waving I mentioned in ; I believe that the high-ranked, actual decision makers, in the North Korean military are not total idiots. They know that the U.S. has nukes galore and they could not possibly take out all of the U.S. mainland, even what is in their reach. They know full well that if they drop a nuke on the U.S., they would get utterly destroyed.
Trump is looking like a total puppet retard. America is looking stronger, but not on this shit. Putin amd China are playing you like a violin.
keep importing our cars, murimutts. cant you build your own cars? oh no you cant
merkel is the new leader of the west and donald j trump is already licking her boots. face it, your time is up.
How long until the US declare another decade long war with North Korea and then abandons South Korea like every other "ally"?
>abandoned Iraq
>abandoned Iran
>abandoned South Vietnam
>abandoned Russia and China
>abandoned Germany
reminder to germany that turkish airforce could wipe out the luftwaffe if merkel tries to protect germany from invasion of islam
> being this mad
this is why I stand with North Korea. Their mere existence triggers the 48% black ziokikes
in 1967, the soviets gave Nasser of Egypt false intel about the IDF mobilizing to invade his strategic ally, Syria
so Nasser gave an order to immediately mobilize the egyptian army for war and deployed every single available man right on our southern border in the Sinai
the intel reports he got were confirmed to be false less than 24 hours later, but at that point it was too late.
continuing and going to war against us would spell a likely egyptian defeat, but recalling the egyptian army back home would make Nasser seem weak and get immediately couped and assassinated by his own egyptian officers. eventually we got sick of waiting and bombed them to hell
you see, my precious goy sven, it doesn't matter what he has done. being realpolitik means one must NEVER allow a authoritarian militaristic regime enter a position of power against you, if you can prevent it. due to the unstable nature of such a regime, they might attack you for entirely internal reasons even if you hadn't done anything to them or posed any threat to their interests.
so the question you must ask yourself is pretty simple: would you rather wait and be the saddam, or act and be the bush?
>Can't build your own cars?
Wat? We do it every day.
>Merkel is leader of west.
Merkel is a joke outside of Germany.
Merkel is a bad joke even in Germany, a neverending joke. Oh Gott, was ist aus uns geworden?
trump won't nuke north korea, he wants to solve the islam problem not wipe out korean qt's. dennis rodman's got this.
>>abandoned Germany
You are still here, probably just in case we decide to make our country great again.
>Merkel is a bad joke even in Germany,
A joke about to get reelected, with
the ride never ends
kim cucks the us daily.
btw your president is even fatter than kim.
I think Trump is bating lil' Kim into doing something stupid so that the US has justification to invade that commie shithole. I think Kim is stupid and reckless enough to take the bait. but we'll see.
Wasn't hillary the warhawk? Oh right, e-mails or something.
I guess I should be grateful you people are going to war with China rather than Russia. At least the atomic rockets won't be flying over my head.
>Do non-Americas think Trump taking his shit and "warning" him after every threat makes us look weak,
Obama did the same. It made him look weak. The idea is to make the USA look ever more weaker because your role as a superpower is coming to an end. It helps to do that slowly and in gradual stages rather than in an instant. That's why it's a guarantee that nukes will never be used.
You actually have the gall to display that flag while trying to insult other countries?
Germans absolutely SEETHING
I'm convinced you people are pulling some sort of bullshit here.
Maybe to get Trump supporters to back a fucking war (one of the biggest reasons we voted for Trump, was because he was the only one not pushing for a war) then after Trump goes into a war, you same people will be here talking about Trump being a warmonger. Sure, I like happenings as much as the next person on Sup Forums but I think a full scale war with NK, or any nation aside from Israel or Saudi Arabia would be a bit much. I would rather just continue to watch Kim and Trump shitpost at each other irl.
Calm down Ahmed. Besides don't I hear the call to prayer?
>Assassinated leaders
>killed American soldiers with an axe
Citation needed.
>shelled an island
With people on it?
>threatened to nuke several countries
How many has he actually attacked?
THE eternal faggit, ladies and gents