I'm sure it's just fake news and they found nothing

I'm sure it's just fake news and they found nothing...

I mean the FBI gets warrants without having any evidence all the time, right?


Other urls found in this thread:


And here's the archive

(((Deep State))) theatrics

>Happened July 26th

If there was anything of substance found it would have leaked instantly

This. More nothing burger which they can't stop pretending is "the smoking gun THIS TIME FOR SURE" every single fucking time.

>nothing burger

>he thinks exchanging information is illegal when you do it from people of other nationalities
Hows life as an ignorant bigot? Or perhaps you can point out what happened that was illegal?


it was weeks ago. Pure desperation. Go kill yourself

I'm happy there's a thread on Sup Forums about this.

So fucking tired of shit like the FBI conducting a raid on some Trump official's home in the early morning and xoming to Sup Forums only to see back to back threads of




Bonus points if this thread actually gets replies

Yes, oppressive fascist governments often use their own appointed (((investigative))) strongarm to threaten and harass those who fall out of line.

You know how many campaign managers of sitting presidents have had their homes raided by the FBI?

Trump apparently called for the FBI director to be fired immediately after finding out.

Awww, nice try tho, lil' sweetie. Better luck next time. Adorbs is what you are!

Manafort was a Clinton Plant paid by the same actors in Ukraine who paid the clintons
He was there to set up minefields for trump like junior's meeting with the planted russian lawyer
Trump people realized that and fired him.
This is why trump is afraid of mueller, he knows that there are minefields and Mueller will explode them one by one.

>last month
Wow, you fucking retard.

But sir, I didn't order nothing fries with my nothing burger. Why are you still trying to feed me this bullshit?


>cooperating witness
>lol, lets raid his house anyway

Fucking government. I hope he didn't own a dog.




>Manafort turns everything over to the FBI and signs an affidavit that it's everything
>FBI raids in search of anything not turned over in hope of charging him with Obstruction of Justice
>They find something not turned over although it doesn't implicate Manafort in any illegal activities.
>FBI offers immunity if he can implicate Trump
>Manafort goes to jail, because there is no Russian collusion.

Yes, this is nothing. Trump's campaign manager is an upstanding guy who dinndu nuffin, just like everyone involved in the campaign. He also has ZERO ties to Russia, just like everyone else in the campaign.


>"""cooperating witness"""

The fact they raided means they suspected Manafort was holding out on them. That they raided and left with documents means Manafort was, indeed, holding out on them.

He's in deep shit.

>different that

Written by a retard

A NY Times reporter is saying the documents seized are ones that are generally sought when investigating violations of the bank secrecy act.

We're just hearing about it now, you shilling fuckface.

>Oh, the FBI raided Manafort's house in July and grabbed documents from the premise?



>a NY times

Stopped reading

Did someone's parent get two scoops after dinner last night, while you got none?

>he didn't read the e-mails
What's it like being a low-information voter?

>Holy shit this news is-

>I can't read this unless I can rest easy in the knowledge the writer is sucking Trump's dick between key strokes.

>Otherwise it just isn't journalism


>testify before committee
>next day your home is subjected to a pre-dawn raid by the FBI

lel, nothing to see here

Clinton, rice and lynch were arrested last month and have been tried in secret so the media does not try to encite civil war. The July 27th "happening" was bait so the actors viewing this board would relay the false info back to their superiors.
>conspiring to commit to commit treason
>conspiracy to commit sedition
>murder through proxy.
>gross money laundering
She was given death, but it was reduced to living the rest of her life under house arrest if she reveals info on the others
>taking bribes while in office
>obstruction of justice
>obstruction of political process
>taking bribes while In office

>Did Hillary get arrested the day Eric Holder tweeted Duty Honor Courage?
Can't reveal dates.

>When will Trump be unchained from the blackmailed Congress. When can the REAL MAGA happen?
In time it will happen. The thing right now is seeing if HRC actully takes the plea deal or death.

Almost everyone under the Soros level will go down. Soros himself is not off the table though it may be unlikely he gets arrested.

At least you niggershiIls realized how good the word "bigot" worked out for your image last election desu.

This is satire, right? They haven't gotten this delusional, have they?

That's a pretty dank head canon my dude

>Government sanctioned propaganda platform

Hahahaha hilarious

And yet the hacked DNC servers are still gathering dust.

Trump pardoned manafort and Mueller weeks ago.

>july 26


Die in a fire.

In news that should please both democrats and republicans, a reporter from CNN is claiming Fusion GPS will be handing over thousands of documents to the Senate Judiciary committee today.

>muh russia
fucking libs

The so called raid happened weeks ago, with all the leaks. They Report on this now, both Wapoo, and NYT passing it off as Breaking News like they just got back from kicking in the door.

It is breaking news now because this is when the news broke. Until now we didn't know about it.

Lick a car battery


You know a story is nothing when every libtard shill is on here saying. "Muh Russia gate, Drumph is finished!" Like they do for every nothing story that comes then quickly fades.

Nice strawman

The fact they raided means nothing. Literally nothing.

With all the stories out there about corrupt government agencies including the FBI and Mueller's investigation this default trust in the authorities is naive at best. This could easily be a sideshow by the dems lackey Muller to make more front page news any time the Dems or establishment need to to derail Trump.

Show me proof, something no one yet has offered after a year or more of "investigations" by the FBI, Intelligence agencies, House and Senate. I don't see much more than a PR lead attempt to unseat a lawfully elected President because he's not part of the good ol' boys club.

You know it's all BS because all the crimes by Clinton, Lynch, Holder and Obama have plenty of evidence yet jack shit is ever done about those. But, but..."Muh Russia Conspiracy"

>he a gud boi, he dindu nuffin! damn fbi all up in his shit with a search warrant fo nuffin be dat tum mofugin box mood lmao

Righties sure love them their law enforcement until one of their own gets swatted, huh? This traitor pig will rot.

Probably not.

You do realize the owner of Breitbart is a top advisor for Trump- right?

>violations of the bank secrecy act.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Money laundering.
There's no way in hell Trump is clean, and this is what they'll get him on

That's a nice dream.


I wish you faggots stopped obsessing over his fucking icecream.

the transgender tweets? later that same morning. The SAME FUCKING DAY, trump tweets about sessions replacing the Acting Director of the FBI. He is acting guilty as fuck because he's guilty as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck and scared shitless.

(The entire NK "crisis" is to distract from that, btw. POTUS himself leaked the DIA assessment, which is not the IC consensus.)

Bannon isn't the owner of Breitbart doofus

CNN ran a whole segment on it. It was pretty funny.

>The fact they raided means nothing. Literally nothing

You're right.

The FBI raid the homes of top politicians all the time. Very normal and something down with impunity without any form of consent or warrant.

Seriously though, I don't know if you Republicans are actually this stupid or if you're just some shill throwing out bullshit argument after argument to see whatever sticks. Maybe both, I don't know.

lets not pretend we dont do the exact same thing.

although to be fair we often find total something urgers that just get ignored or swept under the rug by the lugenpresse

>He's guilty of something we just don't know what it is yet

Why do you even make these threads? He'll leave office in 2024, just be patient.


Manafort isn't a politician.

FBI raids based on probable cause that the things mentioned in the warrant are evidence of a crime. Probable cause. And it doesn't even have anything to do with evidence of a crime.

We know what it is. You do too.

>how come the FBI hasn't dangled evidence in front of me as they come upon it? who cares if mueller is building a sensitive case and giving up damning details before a trial would only help the defense, skeptics like me need the truth now!!!

yeah that's not how it works

Try harder shill. Keep crying those tears as Trump takes away fag rights, nigger rights, and mudslime rights. Thats right bitch!! MAGA!!!!

Right, sorry.

*He WAS executive chair for Breitbart, now that he's left there's absolutely no conflict of interent nor reason Breitbart would be Bannon's political mouthpiece.

Their news is VERY fair and not biased AT ALL.

There. Hope I hadn't hurt your conservative sensibilities.

If he was guilty of money laundering, wouldn't that be found when, I don't know, a Democrat was in the white house and Comey in charge of the FBI?

>happened a while ago
>media would have been jerking off frantically if anything had been found

Sorry to say, lads, but once again, it's a whole lot of fucking nothing.

Trump campaign was very disorganized when Man the fort showed up. He played the delegate system to get Donald the nom. Heat not have gotten the nomination is Manafort didn't join up. Also mandatory is very close with Roger stone, who is very loyal to Trump.

And then what?

Hahaha, right? Ran for a week too, if I remember. Just at the end of last month.

The Washington Post, New York Times, Stephen Colbert and all those other liberal outlets keep running stories on it too.

It's fucking weird.



you have to lol at all the faggot superfans who think the notion he's going to get nailed on money crimes isn't entirely plausible. the dumb shit openly bragged about being a tax dodger because it makes him smart or whatever the shit. its not hard to make the leap from that to money laundering.

>Manafort isn't a politician.
Right, sorry.

*Political Campaign Manager of Trump

So what are you expecting, smart boy?

I've got a question for you then.
If Manaforts home got raided by the FBI weeks ago, and Trump was outraged about it, what do you make of the reports of Trump sending his lawyer over to thank Mueller for doing a great job yesterday?
Do you feel that information being reported last night, Fusion GPS set to deliver thousands of records to the probe, and this story breaking this morning are all related?

>tax "dodging" is laundering

Want to guess how I know you're unemployed?

still not a politician

nice try though

>I've said it before and I'll say it again. Money laundering.
>There's no way in hell Trump is clean, and this is what they'll get him on

They only got Al Capone for tax evasion.

Last I checked, Mueller hasn't gone to trial yet.

simple, he covered his tracks well until someone knocked a domino over and the DOJ got a special counsel to start looking at his records.

kys for not realizing the difference until mid sentence.

Can someone give me a quick rundown on this archived meme?

I read the emails.
Literally nothing illegal occurred.

that's not at all what I said you fucking autist. go back and read slowly. drink some water if you need to

>I mean the FBI gets warrants without having any evidence all the time, right?

I don't recall desu, maybe we should ask Hillary :^)

I'm sure if they had had access to his tax returns it would have. But the FBI doesn't look at IRS documentation without a warrant. Unless the individual makes them available voluntarily. Which Trump promised to do, and then never did.

>a special council to look at his records

You do know they had him wiretapped for 6 months leading up to the election right? Why not do it then?

You're going to drop this faster than the "Russia collusion" for sure.

>Trump sending his lawyer over to thank Mueller for doing a great job yesterday

I think it's an absolutely bizarre and incompetent move on the part of Trump's lawyer and could alone be construed as an obstruction of justice.

Good luck.

Yeah, so when people post a link, other people make an archive of it, and everybody laughs lolololol

archiving is best meme evar

i read the emails, there's literally nothing even close to illegal in them. it's that easy to brainwash retards like you using only headlines?

>Their news is VERY fair and not biased AT ALL.

braitbart is fake news tier

so lied too much

>if they had access to his tax returns

Lmfao he was the president of the United States, he'd have access to whatever he wants.

Money laundering may be illegal in most cases, and even if Trump has, it's incredibly hard to prove.

Even MUCH harder to prove it was to "influencing the U.S. election by a foreign power" which is what the scope of the investigation.

I would not put money on that bet.

> need probable cause to execute a Warrent
> Trump creates a non-existent controversy same day through Twitter
> Investigation continues collecting evidence and building a case
> Trump clearly scared shitless

Huh I wonder where this is going. Anyone who thinks there's nothing worth looking at is in denial.

What astounds me most about Sup Forums is your guys' ability to believe the most insane conspiracy shit while simultaneously turning a blind eye to an actual unfolding conspiracy.

The availability or expectation of archives disincentivizes spam threads and makes shilling for profit or other motives harder.

I betchya 10 internets the message included the word "hope".

An intentional callback to his Flynn obstruction, a veiled threat with plausible deniability.

Cause Trump is that kind of wimpy cuck who thinks that he can intimidate a fucking Marine.

you got fact checked you fucking cuck