This is a thread for the discussion of Paganism, the future of Aryan Race, Culture, Traditionalism, Jewish Question and Christianity.

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Survive the Jive playlist "Paganism"

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IMPORTANT! Before you have any questions, please check out the Q&A below:

> (embed)

ϟϟϟ Recommended channels and Media ϟϟϟ

Varg Vikernes

Survive the Jive

Midgard Rising Podcast

Aryan Kitchen

Forgotten Roots


Survival Russia

Jackson Crawford

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just redpill me on semen-drinking already you wiccan fucks
why do you do it? what does it accomplish

Innangard and Utangard

>In Germanic mythology and religion, geographical spaces and psychological states are often classified as being either innangard (pronounced “INN-ann-guard”; Old Norse innangarðr, “within the enclosure”) or utangard (pronounced “OOT-ann-guard”; Old Norse útangarðr, “beyond the enclosure”).

>A place or a state of mind is innangard if it’s orderly, civilized, and law-abiding. If, on the other hand, it’s chaotic, wild, and anarchic, it’s utangard. Pre-Christian Germanic society had an overwhelming preference for the innangard, but this preference was by no means an absolute one; it was recognized that the utangard had its place as well, as long as it could be kept in check.

>In medieval Iceland, as in other Germanic societies where the influence of Christianity was still nominal or nonexistent, the distinction between the innangard and the utangard was mapped onto a number of social/political/economic/religious customs.

>1st post
Every time

Hello everyone.

>Law served much the same purpose. Medieval Icelanders referred to their society as “our law” (Old Norse vár lög), a phrase which shows that they thought of “law” and “society” as two ways of expressing the same thing. Law was a psychological enclosure that separated the social from the antisocial, the innangard from the utangard.

>This is why the punishment for especially heinous crimes was outlawry, whereby a person lost all of his or her civil rights and could be killed on sight without any legal repercussions. Through the crime, the outlaw had demonstrated that he or she was an utangard being rather than an innangard one, and since the criminal was beyond society’s control, he or she was accordingly stripped of society’s protection.

HYMN XVI. Indra.

13 Thou to the son of Vidathin, Rjisvan, gavest up mighty Mrgaya and Pipru.
Thou smotest down the swarthy fifty thousand, and rentest forts as age consumes a garment.

HYMN LXXIII. Soma Pavamana.

5 O'er Sire and Mother they have roared in unison bright with the verse of praise, burning up riteless men,
Blowing away with supernatural might from earth and from the heavens the swarthy skin which Indra hates.

HYMN XX. Indra.

7 Indra the Vrtra-slayer, Fort-destroyer, scattered the Dasa hosts who dwelt in darkness. {Prof. Uthaya Naidu translates this as "who sprang from a black womb."}
For men hath he created earth and waters, and ever helped the prayer of him who worships.
8 To him in might the Gods have ever yielded, to Indra in the tumult of the battle. {the Gods of the Harappans yielded to Indra}
When in his arms they laid the bolt, he slaughtered the Dasyus and cast down their forts of iron.

* The ancient singer praises the god who "destroyed the Dasyans and protected the Aryan colour." [ Rg.V. III.34.9 ]

* The singers mention "the black skin, the hated of Indra", being swept ourtof heaven [ RgV.IX.73.5 ]

"the thunderer who bestowed on his white friends the fields, bestowed the sun, bestowed the waters." [ Rg.V. I.100.18 ]

>The distinction between the innangard and the utangard was also mapped onto the Germanic cosmology. Three of the Nine Worlds have the suffix -gard in their name, and all three of these are quintessentially innangard or utangard places: Midgard, Asgard, and Utgard, another name for Jotunheim. The first two are innangard worlds – Midgard, literally “the middle enclosure,” is the world of human civilization, the realm of fields and fences, which is at least partially modeled on Asgard, “the enclosure of the Aesir gods.” These two realms must constantly defend themselves from attacks by the giants, the lawless residents of Jotunheim/Utgard.

>This is yet another instance of how the Germanic spiritual universe lies at the heart of the physical world rather than somewhere apart from it. The myths contextualize the phenomena we encounter in our everyday lives and disclose their meaning, rather than allegedly offering a means of escape from them as monotheistic religions all too often do.

recent convert from christianity here. how do you guys pray? im used to a more meditative prayer with a chotki and would like to know if there is something similar in aryan paganism

there it is

Is there anything in the bible about it?


I pray by giving offerings. I don't think the gods want you to really bend your knees and beg them for shit.

1 Thessalonians 5:17
it helps you follow this command in the bible


In Germanic Paganism (I can't speak for the rest) the most basic ritual is the blot. Here's an good article on the subject

Oh look it's this faggot again

This just shows that Christians and doos vault LARPers are autists

thank you for the advice. so am i right to asume that there is no custom among pagans to sit down throughout the day and just ask the gods for guidance in a meditative sort of prayer? could i still do that or would it be frowned upon?

>calls me a faggot
Oh noe what will I do :C

Deus vult larpers sure are pagan larp tier

You guys do realize that all european pagan faiths relied on oral transmission and neopaganism is just a shallow mockery of long dead traditions rite?

Why do you love jews so much that you regurgitate their anti-European propaganda, user?

Depends on what you're asking them, if it's important enough then sure go ahead. But for more trivial things it's better to ask the wights or ancestors, they're closer to you and in a much better position to help

You can start by fucking off, then do us all a favor and suck start a shotgun

Current Midgard Rising episode:

Featuring guest Perkwunos
Rune study MANNAZ…philosopher/
Perkwunos speaks on the many branches of European Paganism
Link to History of the Indo-European -
Historical discussion of European Paganism
Perkwunos speaks about Zoroastrianism
Pol /Paganism General/ - boards.Sup…paganism-general
Break: Volkmom is the tits!
Wardruna - MannaR Drivande
Midgard in the news
Kali Yuga discussion
Unite the right event
Tyr - Hear the Heathen Call

i hadnt thought about asking my ancestors for strength instead of praying for them. thats a great idea actually thank you very much

pick one

kek sure thing bby after you

Dont tell me hes the pagan