Opinions on marijuana (and drugs in general) being legalized? Personally, I believe if you want to use drugs, go ahead, it's your body.

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Once marijuana is legalised it will truly be the end of the west

and why do you believe this?

Marijuana can't harm you I believe, I am against most other drugs.

Really really low quality strawman. Every state that legalized it sees millions to billions in increase to tax revenue, thus giving them more money to improve public quality of life. Also violent crime rate and drug distribution crimes significantly decrease after states legalize marijuana. Plus there is the medical potential which I assume you're entirely ignorant of.

marijuana and most psychedelics are actually pretty safe and they have proven medical benefits . substances like dmt and lsd are also now being researched as they may prove crucial to our understanding of the brain.

Good drugs: Weed, Mushrooms, Acid, Blow, Molly
Sketchy drugs: literally everything else

Legalize everything, I don't fucking care. It's total degeneracy though

I'd make allowances for medical marijuana for people with serious conditions, but i'm really not happy with its widespread use.

Legalize the possession of all drugs
Only legalize the production and sale of marijuana

Put extra effort into cracking down on the production and sale of opiates

they can harm you if abused, and especially for certain neurotic or schizotypal individuals
still safer than everything else though
t. first hand experience

i wouldnt go further than dmt personally

>Blow, Molly
>Good drugs

lol nope

use responsibly, like alcohol

lol to be this fucking grade-school tier
grow a pair and smoke a joint and tell us how much you learn

Legalize everything, let addicts fuck off the gene pool. If you cant handle life you be here

nice flag/digit combo

*dont deserve to be

Bad people have bad trips on weed 100% of the time. Anybody who doesn't smoke and doesn't have a reason not to (i.e. work) is usually sketchy as balls. It's the fruit of knowledge.

if you're gonna drug, don't do alc, ciggies, or meds do weed

good drugs: weed, lsd, shrooms, dmt, mescaline, mdma, salvia


False, the only "good" drugs are psychedelics in moderation

Weed, molly, and coke make you stupid and not care about anything but your next dose, i agree everything else is sketchy, but still dude they exist for a reason, go get fucked up

I want some.

war on drugs started our downward spiral into nerfing the world
this lead to a weak population of people that can't handle day to day life without being offended

Should be legal, HOWEVER
People should have full right to discriminate against you for it, including rent, HOA, and employment.
I wouldn't want drug users as neighbors or members of my community.

Top 5 doc
1 crystal meth intravenous
2 heroin intravenous
3 weed (top shelf)
4 shrooms
5 spice

no good drugs post 25

yeah its not the homo marriage or the tranny epidemic, its the devils lettuce that will destroy our civilization.

heres a tip, ahmed: everyone in the west who wants to smoke cannabis already does. legalizing wont change anything.


>I believe if you want to have meaningless sex, go ahead, it's your body.

Libertarians are weak

If alcohol is legal, marijuana certainly should be. Less dangerous, addictive, and costly to produce.

As for harder drugs? Synthetic shit? Nah.

Party drugs appeal to those that party (teenagers) and those people are too young to make good judgements in regards to sacrificing a good time at the moment (no sick party high) for longer term benefits (your brain isn't literally destroyed).

As such, ban those.

i mostly agree, except i dont like coke and i especially dont like the way it makes people act.
i think you can add dmt to the list of good drugs, even though its not exactly recreational.

After years of daily addiction, i quit cold turkey about 1 month ago.
Tough choice, but still wanted to do it.
My biggest reasons were the price (getting fucking expensive hombre), and my constant dependency to feel, eat, sleep, think, and much more. My speech has improved too since then.
Everything around you starts smelling like shit and ash. It's hard to get the smell out...
It does make things feel more interesting and deep though. But that's mostly your own mind playing tricks.
If it were cheap as dirt, i'd realistically pick it up again in a once in a while usage.
It's imo still less harmful than tobacco and alcohol, so it's not that powerful.
Just don't let your life revolve around it.

Sure, make it legal.
Criminality will drop without a doubt.

For the love of god. Its not called "marijuana", its called "cannabis".

Damn meth straight to the brain must be amazing, i have "add" and damn when I take adderall do I calm the fuck down(once a year or less, fuck perscriptions of that shit)

I do enjoy a joint when I am going through a stressful period in my life

that's a good point, and smoking with people you get to see what kind of person they are
the intricacies of sharing buds halving the greens being chill vs being stingy hogging the green hit and ego issues
this all comes out over the course of a couple bowls

>Also violent crime rate and drug distribution crimes significantly decrease after states legalize marijuana.

treat your body like you live in it

I've tried everything once, even the degenerate ones I listed. Never tried DMT although, how would that compare to say acid?

>Muh nigger tier logic

Normal IQ people can deal with abstractions, they don't need to experience something to have opinions on it

Neck. Yourself. Everyone's brain chemistry is different. I use weed to work 12 hours straight.

Well it isnt gonna be a big deal

I've been smoking average weed from my neighbours for the past 3 months because my wisdom teeth are coming through and it hurts like a bitch, I much prefer smoking marijuana for pain over taking stuff like codeine. It's a shame it'll probably be illegal in the UK for the rest of time, just like assault bike wheels.

They're weak because their philosophy is based on the false doctrine that they own not only their body, but anything at all. No libertarians, you don't own your body and you don't own any property. Get fucking seized and abolished niggas

ok, nigger

Dmt is the farthest you can go.
Though its very safe.

More specifically, people that have "bad trips" off simply weed (maybe give them a pass if its a violent strain and they are a featherweight) like they get paranoid etc, thats what you need to watch for

holy shit its on a new level, smoked, 5 secs later i was literally in space and talking to aliens and gods and shit, best things, it feels SO fucking real

It's enjoyable and can be helpful but, as with any psychotropic, needs to be used with caution. 420 lmaoweed leftards aren't the only people who use it, they're just the irresponsible ones

I just moved to Colorado. My dad says it's not legal in every city (or county, even the one I live in). Is this true?

>Opinions on marijuana (and drugs in general) being legalized? Personally, I believe if you want to use drugs, go ahead, it's your body.
state doesn't own your body, church neither, you want to wreck it go ahead the consciousness inside your body is the only lawful owner of it

Thats sad, i hate doing that. I wish i could just be happy. Doing that is why im high all the time, its hard for me to enjoy working for even 5 hours not high.

I admit its great to do stuff high, but in the long run itl kick your ass

>you don't own any property.

so who owns the home I live in or the body my consciousness seems to exist within?

if I am not the owner who is?

>Dmt is the farthest you can go.
no man, you can go farther than that

The state. Try not to pay taxes and you will see how fast 'your' property is gone.

Beta cucks that you are replying to want to belive they have no responsibility

Fuck betas

>Once marijuana is legalised it will truly be the end of the west

oh no...no more nigg noggs lurking our parks and public places to sell drugs, literally the end...


Right, and its not like getting fucked up is linear, you can be anywhere brah, its not just about how good you feel

3 tabs+dmt+nitrous+weed

Stop being stupid. Pot makes you not want to change the world. If weed gets legalized the borders will be permanent


>calling others nigger-tier
Bitch, you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. You're some retard who's never heard music trying to critique Vivaldi.
You're scared. Weed and psychedelics test you. You'd be destroyed. Fucking pathetic.

>Implying genuine ownership means one is free from any responsibility and can't lose that ownership if you choose not to play by the rules that the rest of us set up

Whenever I talk about pot heads, I always make sure to casually refer to them as addicts. Because when you examine the lives of habitual pot users and compare them to people addicted to other drugs, there's no difference. They're usually slobs, covered in tattoos and piercings, can't hold jobs, have non-drug related criminal records, etc.. In fact, many pot heads use other drugs in addition to marijuana.

It's so safe that potheads never stop talking about it, nor they do talk about anything else. Just a bunch of zombies with a dumb smile on their face.

I think that nobody "owns" or possesses it. In the sense that a person has that "IT"S MINE" delusion -- I think stems from the ego, to build and protect itself it feeds the delusion that it possesses things as if they are extensions of itself.

using any sort of mind altering chemical recreationally is pathetic but since people will never ever stop doing it you might as well legalize, regulate and tax it so you're not wasting resources putting people in jail for only fucking up their own lives and keeping it out the hands of violent criminal organizations, just like prostitution basically

That means you rent your property(or the right to stay on it) after buying it from the state.
Taxing something year after year that someone bought with money that already was taxed sounds not like fair play.

WRONG. Everyone has responsibility because they have the freedom to exercise their will and transform the world every instant. You calling me a beta cuck bro? i can't believe it

Blow will destroy your heart muscles and you will die at 50 from acute cardiomyopathy following a year or so long battle with congestive heart failure.

I'm not sure if you answered to the post you wanted to

The more heart (selflessness) and iq you have, the better you can take lsd. It has to do with brain complexity over your body size. An elephant, with a small brain and large body can be poisoned and killed by minute amounts of lsd compared to humans. Humans, with a comparatively gigantic brain and tiny body, can take amounts of lsd billions of times higher than the recreational dose.

I also belive psys pick on douchebags because they have no sense of self, and just parrot whats "cool"

I personally love the phenomenon, so much friendship ive gained from chemicals

That makes no sense

How it is already is bad

Sorry you dont get it

I feel the same way, but of course society should stigmatize hard drugs, i don't know about weed, I have smoked it more or less daily for half of my life, but Soros supports it so I actually decided to quit.

im a pot head and have been for 10 years and have literally no short term memory and im the least motivated p[erson you could meet
but thats got nothing to do with the weed
weed isnt addictive they say

marijuana can also harm you, especially if you smoke it

Look on the deed to "your" house. You are listed as a tenant. Quit paying your property taxes (your rent) and you will find that the county owns your home.

>Live in country with biggest crime issues due to drug dealing
>Still want drug dealers to have monopoly on drug distribution


By your own anecdotal evidence you BTFO of yourself. Those people are losers because they are trash not because of marijuana. For everyone pot head like that there is another one who makes $80k a year and has a wife and family and no criminal record.

>Burger thinks his country is white
Fuck off nigger, go kys with your weed

Sorry, im saying the world as it is going;is not going in any generate direction. We need to fix society before we all drop out


wow I sure "BTFO of" myself, somehow

Holy shit pot heads are so fucking dumb lol

>Thinking legalization will end drug violence

aka PUMP UP the illegal drug trade

I need to quit.

It's the worst thing about me, it's also stopping me from certain opportunities.

Sup Forums I recognize it as stupid for recreational use, I just have to find some other vice to substitute it with that isn't harmful.

addicts scrounger around for decades before they finally bite the bullet

>he takes greens personally

Just pack another bowl and quit being a nancy-boy

Tax drugs , let the weak die , burn the bodies as cheaply as possible. Darwin Agrees.


aka eradicating the marijuana black market and focusing all police efforts on harder drugs

fuck you troll

Marijuana is fine. I smoke occasionally. It's no worse than having a drink occasionally, and I can still function after I've smoked.

Legalize it.

The sad thing is, even my 50% country is 1000000000x whiter than your monkey den.


But why can people get drunk and high, but not trip or roll or tweak? Why is it okay to get a little high

Fractured a rib lifting, fairly badly. Was prescribed some stuff for pain and to help me sleep, but those had a rather interesting side effect of causing me to stop automatically breathing while in REM sleep, causing me to wake up gasping. So I bought some mild CBD/THC mix edibles, and eat one 2 hrs before I go to bed. Haven't slept this well in ages. It doesn't get rid of the pain, but it does take the edge off enough to not worry about rolling onto it and waking up all the time.

I figure if you treat it like alcohol, there shouldn't be an issue, i.e. no driving, no shooting, etc.

Have you even been high more than 5 times

I enjoy it right before bed.

How the fuck do you think shitskins get the money for their gear, dumbshit?

Although you probably share skin color and IQ with them, so I understand your primitive tribalism, but you must understand one day the white man will get tired of your shit and put a boot to your neck.