He does it almost every single show whenever he is explaining something.
It makes no sense.
He does it almost every single show whenever he is explaining something.
It makes no sense.
Other urls found in this thread:
no one cares he's a worthless kike.
Serious question -- What's the best way to watch "The Alex Jones Show", or whatever is the main show for this guy, preferably on youtube. I can't figure out when or where the main show actually airs. I've found some things that I thought were it before, but later found out I had just been watching a repeat, or a delayed show, etc. How often is this guy's main show on, when does it air, and where can I watch it, preferably on youtube? thx
its a darwing of the nork/sork border
He keeps having visions of Saturn's north pole.
>What's the best way to watch "The Alex Jones Show"
With my pants off.
this is sub meme tier thots youre having, vastly more complex
It's called a doodle.
I saw 6 year olds draw better bunnies than this faggot.
he said couple of time he has jewish ancestors,thats what he means
he's coming down off DMT you stupid kike
Damn where you get this!
It's the basic gestalt you tard.
It's super smooth to get pics of Lee-Ann's McAdoos
Millie Weaver is an oral goddess
Super blue toothpaste
It's very simple, they all play their sides and they don't mention their own side. You won't find full truth with people who speak for 10 years and don't find the ruling billionaire's names.
It makes perfect sense...
He's offensive coordinator for the Houston Texans
9am to 1pm PST time...he can't stream on his channel anymore, search Alex Jones on youtube and someone else will be streaming it
He always has a stream of his show going on his website
In all seriousness it looks like he's drawing up a war scenario for North Korea. Alex really thinks he's a genius when he's a savy snake oil sellsmen at the very least. Also, infowars is the American based version of RT
He was drawing us neutron bombing the DMZ and their artillery on NK side
controlled opposition and he is also a salesman.
if i would live in the US i would to the same, burgers are fucking retarded and you get rich.
He brodcasts them live on facebook
Extreme mental illness manifesting.
You guys should comb through the court documents of his divorce with his wife.
The guy is 100% loony and wants to hurt anything and anyone that gets in the way of his beliefs.
Only users of Brain Force Plus will be able to decipher this message.
Looks like a rough diagram of North Korea, Pyongyang (with a nuke strike), the DeMilitarizedZone, Seoul and off-shore US Navy vessels.
Good a plan as any, I suppose...
She is a monstrous coalburner though.
Waaah Alex doesn't agree with me on the JQ therefore his opinions aren't real and someone is controlling him. Okay who?
What a fagboy you are.
The guy in that video sounds well spoken. Like someone from the 50s.
with all this laughable conspiracy shit he just makes retards like you look even more dumb and less credible, which mostly is a good thing, so please keep watching.
>giving a damn about Alex Jonesberg
So who controls him then you got all the answers yeah? You're just not spouting other nonsense conspiracy shit? Do you even know where you are?
Potentially some kind of automatic drawing, indicating that he's receiving information from extra-terrestrials. At least, this is what new age people believe. They typically draw spirals and shit.
Nice circles.
He's Glenn Beck for people with slightly higher IQs.
Youtube banned infowars from streaming. The youtube stream is now done through the Ron Gibson account.
He explaining the Battle of the Bastards, Knights of the Vale and Casterly Rock.
Alex Jones is a psy-op
Lee-Ann Macaboobs, mm.
Don't listen to these Jews
Thanks anons.
look up the Ron Gibson Youtube channel.
each hour that day or full shows of every day without the commercials.
Thank me later.
wtf.. is that someones office maybe, wonder why that would be there
AJ show, has information and a perspective, but is controlled opposition? he works for (((them)))?? sheeit