Part & Parcel: Paris Edition VII

French soldiers attacked in Paris. Taking bets now on the attacker's race and religion.

Other urls found in this thread:

White christian male right-wing nazi. Stop spreading hate!




Attacking civilians is one thing, but now they're attacking conscientious objectors? This is taking it a bit too far.

Why isn't this thread getting more attention
there is Goo Gone General

Shinto Japanese woman.

>Why isn't this thread getting more attention

I was wondering that. OP should have put "happening" in the subject, we've been waiting on one for a while now.


It already has been "find out"

imagine mah shock

I bet Merkel did this.

It's an ILLEGAL immigrant btw

... in a BMW

We all know the longer the media takes to report on a suspects ethnicity the greater chance it is of them being a shitskin. it's a shitskin for sure, would take out a mortgage on my home to bet on it, even give you 4:1 cuz fuck it why not.


First time making a thread in a long time, I'll remember it next.

I was surprised this thread didn't already exist actually, I normally find news here before anywhere else reports it.

desu I came here to make the thread, but seen you had made one first.

>tfw it's such a hassle to make a thread anyway with the old form because 4chanX always shits the bed

first i heard about it, let me check CNN for the ((facts)) before i make an informed reply to this post.

>In France
Fucking burn you wretched shitstain of a country. You had your chance for salvation, and you threw it away. I hope their fucking country collapses as their women are raped and murdered by shitskins, and mudslimes overthrow their government. The white race doesn't need a country of cuckolds.

Why is this not at the top of the catalogue? Wtf is going on with pol :(

Constant shills, watch what happens when anyone even dares to mention something Lauren Southern did. It's 5% about the topic and 95% about whether people love or hate Lauren Souther.

Spoiler: both sides have slide shills

Is (((pol))) getting SLID about this? What else isn't being reported on msm?