I've never actually met a Jew in real life yet alone Orthadox Jew. So I'm wondering this, why do Orthadox Jews dislike us when we like Jews so much? Like I never had a problem with Jews until I found out that Orthadox Jews (Jews who actually follow Judaism) dislike Gentiles. I want to think Jews are awesome since i respect their culture so much (yeah i know "cuck") so i want to know
Why do Orthadox Jews Dislike Goyim?
You're not Jewish. That's why they hate you. They're tribal and in touch with what it means to be part of a group and succeed as a group.
But being tribal doesn't mean you dislike everyone else.
Because Aryans invented civilization and monotheism. Because Jews are low IQ do-nothings with an undeserved ego problem. They want to be us so they hate us.
It does with them. They are the chosen people, goyim are there to serve them.
>jews who actually follow Judaism
There's no such thing. It's a dead religion. None literally believe on faith the Torah stories (OT genesis - deuteronomy) which is the foundation of their faith. They DO believe in the Talmud, which isnt a religious book, but a war manual. They've embraced atheism although there are some deists, but with no concept of heaven or hell.
>I want to think Jews are awesome since i respect their culture so much
apparently you don't know shit about them and just repeat the empty virtue-signalling hollow phrases everyone does nowadays about respecting cultures and religions and whatnot
Modern Judaism is Talmudism + kabbalah sorcery. Cultural Marxism is just a rebirth of antinomian kabbalism.
No. I love the whole idea about having your own tribal ethnic group that you all share tradition in. Especially since it's such a tite knit community. You clearly don't know anything about Judaism.
orthodox jews are fucking shitheads
Yeah, you're clearly the expert.
They wrap that weird black box around their arms... wtf is up with that?
What about ultra orthodox
But Marxism is about everyone is equal. Judaism is about you advance your personal wealth.
ultra shitheads
Sure you clearly know what you're tlaking about with Judaism with the cringe flag
You Jewish?
>They DO believe in the Talmud, which isnt a religious book, but a war manual. They've embraced atheism although there are some deists, but with no concept of heaven or hell.
double this. goyims need to wake the fuck up.
I mean do you follow the Jewish faith.
Is your mother or father Jewish?
father, mom is christian
fuck off Ivan
no u sasson gabai
Are you Jewish? Specifically are you an Orthadox Jew?
What do you know about orthadox Jews
Yes, it does. It means other group success necessarily comes at the expense of your in-group.
ignore the christian,
i'm a jew from both my mother and father,
my mother's family is traditionally orthodox
Ok ok ok I've been looking for someone like you to ask for like 3 month now. Do you dislike goyim, non-jews, gentiles. I understand you don't want to intermarry with them because you have to keep the Jewish tribe going, but do you dislike gentiles or anything along those lines?
I study in a university full with them, they are cunts that don't give a shit about your opinions unless you are one of them.
there are some chill ones but they are far and a few.
fuck them desu
He's not going to be honest with you either way. Fork in the road allegory. He's going to do whatever is most beneficial for his tribe, which is to tell you he does not, regardless if that is true or not.
It's on the internet, it's annoymous, it doesn't matter here. Honesty is the best option
Does Israel take in Christian Maronites from Lebanon and other MENA countries? I met some here in Canada and they always talked about going back.
okay, so here's what i think
my girlfriend is a half-goy, like that dude, is that enough to tell you what i think about goys?
my mother remarried to a full christian goy from europe
my sister has a swedish christian boyfriend also from europe
No it's not, because you're on the fence about the issue. It's beneficial for him and his tribe to keep you warm toward Jews rather than to distrust them and realize that they hate you, or at least don't consider you as valuable as a fellow Jew.
I thought part of being an orthadox Jew is you can't marry a gentile? And i am just trying to reafirm, do you really like your girlfriend.
I disagree with that, here's why. It's not like Jews are any different from us, the only thing that would do that is religion, and im just asking a religious question which can be confirmed with a google search into what the Torah says.
my mother's father disapproved at first, but you know she's 50+
it is forbidden though not unheard of
i do like my girlfriend, i might marry her in the near future, waifu material also redpilled
They're a racially distinct subgroup of humans and are genetically different from Europeans in the same way blacks or Asians are. You would have more insight into the religious aspects of racial Judaism from the Talmud.
i'm half euro-jew half arab-jew
Because they've been lead astray and no longer worship the God of their ancestors
The Yids will be brought back into the greater Aryan family, as was foretold
Euro-Jew is Ashkenazi Jew which is racially distinct from European. Jews developed in Europe away from mainstream European society and maintained their originally Semitic racial qualities with minimal outbreeding with the European majority.
then why's my ashkenazi family white and my arab family brown?
did they magically turn their color?
Well I mean i fully understand why Jews may dissaprove of a Goyim wife it's to preserve Jewish heritage. I understand that, but i mean lets say your family was walking and there was a wounded goyim in the ditch, would you save him? Would anyone in your family object to that?
Bible says some messed up stuff too, all religions have crazy stuff.
of course, a human is a human.
in jewish tradition; "Save a life, save a whole world"
They're not white. They're (((white))) in the same way that the Ancient Egyptians or Nazarenes were white. They're not European white. They're a Semitic people.
Of course, but Orthodox Jews adhere to these texts strictly. That's where the "hatred" you seem to be suspicious of stems from.
my father has green eyes, pinkish-white skin and blonde hair
my mother has brown eyes, brown skin, and black hair
Oh then I really don't understand where antisemitism comes from. Why is it that people hate the Jews? I thought it was due to loxism but that doesn't seem to really exist considering your family is orthadox and you don't dislike goyim.
I'm not denying their are some nutjobs but look the Jew im talking to is not anti-gentile. He's pro-gentile so for me to respond with anti-semitism would be amoral.
I understand that, but they share no common ancestry with say, my mother or father who have Scandinavian ancestry. It's a distinct culture and racial subgroup that developed in what is today Israel/Palestine/Syria and migrated into Europe and largely maintained itself through inbreeding and nepotism. And that's fine. But they're racially distinct from Europeans.
Morality toward members of the out-group comes at the detriment of your in-group. If you want to be radically individual, that's fine. But it's not a winning group strategy. I love studying the Jews because they are a great example of a people who developed with spears on all sides of them for the majority of their recent history, and developed great cultural defense mechanisms. A great read is "You Gentiles" by Maurice Samuel, who was a Zionist and diaspora Jew living in Romania.
But does that matter, do you dislike Jews?
it's a story i've been told since i was a child and i never really understood it until i grew up and realized the statistics, the data, jews are too successful, off the charts and they are the minority (outside of israel)
then why are we arguing over this?
i totally agree
I actually love Jews. They're a fascinating people. But they're not my people. I want to take alot of the group cohesion that the Jews have developed and helped toward their long-term success and apply it to my people. I respect the shit out of Jews. They're as tough of a people as they come, and I want to emulate that toughness. Unfortunately, in order to do that I must recognize that Jews are not my people.
We're not. I just love talking about this stuff.
But that's no reason to be anti-semitic. Only if Jews were using their wealth to mock gentiles or belittle them would that be a reason to dislike them, but they weren't doing that.
people tend to throw the blame on the rich and successful people, same thing is happening here in israel right now, they are blaming their trouble on the prime minister and the rich families, same thing happened in europe and other places throughout history
Except the thing is why would you support their development of "you gentile" attitude, can't they be nationalistic while being friends with other tribes.
Is Netenyahu a good man? I think he's good he's been standing up for gentile rights in Israel.
Nationalism necessarily puts the interests of your country and tribe first. Any "friendliness" with other tribes must be for your personal benefit.
It's human nature to like your group and dislike outsiders. it is an attribute of all cults. It is not unique to Jewish people. And your statement isn't even true.
i personally think netanyahu is a good guy, and has the best interest for the jewish people and israel
some would argue otherwise
And the best interest of goyim as well. I remember he denounced hate crimes against gentiles in Israel. I was on the fence before but after this and hearing about Netenyahu i really like Israel actually. Based country.
Most of those kids had blue eyes
It's human nature to love outsides as yourself.
And that's enough for you? Is your phenotype going to change over the course or your life and allow you to "blend-in" with the hordes as the rising tide of color swamps our nations?
I'm not even white so it would be hypocritical of me to critize for that reason. Ideology matters not race. So as long as these people have a Conservative-Right-wing view why does it matter? Evola wasn't white but you probably respect him more than Eric Clanton.
I think it's just you find these people uglier than white people. That's what it comes down to.
I think he was good leader ten years ago. Now the power went up to his head. Basically, my problem with him is that he has no agenda and all his actions are ment to achieve more political power istead of utilizing that power to achieve goals.
Why are they even called Orthodox? That's a Christian term.
Oh, well then there you go. You have a fundamentally different horse in this race than I do.
You're fascist right? You know the guys who created your ideology weren't white? Evola, Mussilini, Franco. Why do you follow their ideology yet dislike them as a people?
Here is an example. Few years ago, Netanyahu said he supports a two states solution. Now he is afraid to lose votes to the far right parties so he said he is against it.
i understand what you mean, politicains do that a lot.
Just gonna leave this here.
the econemy is growing, no conflicts since 2014, peace is maintained, i see no problem
I believe Italians to be white. They're Alpine, not Nordic, but they're white. I don't dislike them as a people at all.
THey have Arabic DNA through the Muslim invasions of Moor. Also aren't they mediterreanian not alpine
The Talmud teaches that non Jews are cattle, and were created by god for Jews to enslave. This is very easy to look up
Fair enough. Evola was Mediterranean. Mussolini was Alpine and Franco was Iberian. I'll give you that one. They're still classified as white under Madison Grant and Lothrop Stoddard. It's certainly not preferable to darken the countries, however, as minorities tend to vote liberal for their cohesive group interests.
Madison Grant only considered Nordics human, let alone white. His whole theory was Nordic supremacy.
lol look at the genetics of Southern Italians. they are closer to lebanese people than they are to europeans.
most southern europeans fit better in in Syria than they do in Denmark desu
you're evil racist and disgusting for posting that
That's not true at all. The three subgroups of humans that he classified were Caucasoids, Negroids, and Mongoloids. Of the Caucasoids, he considered Nordics, Alpines, and Mediterraneans. He believed Nordics to be superior, but didn't discount the humanity of other whites, or non-whites for that matter.
They also deny that Jesus was the Messiah, and openly venerate the Qlippoth and Sitra Ahra through Kabbala.
I agree with you.
Maybe I got my facts mixed up but didn't he get Coolidge to pass that law banning any non Nordics entry into the U.S? Immigration act of 1924.
He lobbied hard for it yes, but he did so with the vision that Nordicism is meant to ensure the optimal performance of the populace through racial hygiene. Not because he saw other groups of whites or non-whites as inhuman.
It sort of does. The whole point of a tribe is to see outsiders for what they are, outsiders. It's an instant "us vs. them" mindset.
Also at the time, most of the US populace was Nordic. They were mostly of English and German descent with large Scandinavian majorities in the northern Midwest, and by swelling those ranks of Nordics it would increase national cohesion.
sorry im getting him confused with F Scott Fitzgerald who who wrote something like "the souls of blackamoor infect Italians, even the french have disgusting African in them"
In other words the entire idea of white people is a joke. In reality most of Europe is a mix of Albino niggers (nordics) with small negroid type noses and other features and farmers from the middle east. Places like Italy is mainly mixed with these early middle easterners and places like Denmark is like 95% Albino nigger
Yeah Fitzgerald was a bit harsher on the Southern Europeans. Grant wasn't as harsh, but he wasn't as soft as many WNs are today about it. He recognized the distinction, but still considered them white. Many Italians in the US are swarthier because the South was hit hard from economic downturns harder than the North throughout Italian history, so that is the common US conception of Italian. But most Italians in the North are genetically similar to Bavarians or Swiss. This is particularly true of the upper class.
I understand you and the fascists point. Thanks to you both for clarifying
It's not a joke for people who hate whites. Sometimes new boundaries need to be drawn to ensure group survival. There was a distinct difference between Boers and Anglos in South Africa, but after 1994 they both became "white" because the government was decidedly anti-white and there was more to be gained by cohesion than division.
Disregarding in Christian/islamic civilization Arabs have more in common with Italians and greeks than they do with Scandinavians
Levantese arabs at least
I agree with you, and if Arabs weren't waging acts of terror on them and displacing the Italian/Greeks in their own countries and antagonizing them it would be a natural racial alliance. But this isn't the case. The aggressor defines the boundaries, and Muslim Arabs have decided that Italians and Greeks are, for all intents and purposes, white. There is more to be gained by considering Italians and Greeks white than there is to nitpick, because they have the same problems that other European countries do. Simple game theory.