Red Coat hate thread.
Red Coat hate thread?
Why are the British such pussies?
Never understood this meme. One minute we're inbred, the next we're mongrels. And how does the whole 'global empire' thing fit into this small island idea?
The only good Anglos.
Fuck Canada too, the are still England and don't even know it
>Muh empire
Conquering Jamal and Pajeet isn't that big of a deal.
Most of your empire was gained through your country's pure kikery.
Like in South America where you Jewed the Boers.
Or like in China when you got the population addicted to opium.
The only reason why America became a colony is because the based Scotts were sick of your shitty island and the Anglo oppression.
South africa*
>Come on Nigel! We got to have a stiff upper lip! Winston Churchill has said that he is willing to sacrifice every single British life to win this petty war we started purely as a war to preserve our political dominance over Europe.
lmaoing at u Mr Le 56% face
Haha that's the best fucking picture
I'd rather have 52% of white Americans by my side than 99% Anglo scum.
America doesn't have a gun crime problem it has a nigger problem.
White gun owners make areas safer.
Plus the guns are the only thing keeping the government from going full 1984 like your shitty rainy island
The Americans found the key to defeating perfidious Albion. You make the old British colonies so fucking horrible we would not take them back if they were free.
>yey we annexed Virginia
>bloody 'ell what a shitole
>wogs and druggies everywhere
Hope you enjoy your country being 25% white in a few years lmao.
So many butthurt imbred (((anglo))) subhumans
I don't care what people say that guys GOT to be Jewish. Look at that beak
The glorious fertile land we lost during the independence war is long gone. What is left is a country full of old, fat, disease-ridden junkies. Smoking oxycontin, shooting each other, scrabbling around for whatever they can get.
Every fucking day there's so many anti-Anglo threads, what's the fucking deal you fat cunts?
All (((white boys))) are sad little cucklets with no social confidence and you should all kill yourselves.
If I were white I would. Your own women hate you, the majority are married to Tyrone and ALL have fucked Tyrone.
Why are you cucks still around?
holy FUCK this thread is cancer
>a "citizen" of a white minority nation expects his opinion to be taken seriously when he shrieks Y-YOU'RE NOT WHIIIITEEE
I find the inbred meme strange too. Japan is roughly the size of Britain and had a far stricter isolationist policy, but nobody calls them inbred.
Eat shit Amerifat.
>the 56% country talking down on Europeans
>eats toast sandwich
>drinks tea
>tooth falls out
>praises the queen
>gives daughter to muslims
>pays tv license
>bins butter knife
>installs cctv
>waits 2 years for routine operation
Japanese are also really imbred.
OK Ahmed that's enough, don't you have some little German girls to sell to prince Mohammed?
t. "Irish" American whose grandfather once visited Boston
Why do you love Anglos Hans? Seems like you have a huge reason to hate those scumbag
Then what about Iceland? They're actually inbred because they all descend from fewer than 10 specific people and they populate an even smaller island even further away from other land.
I've never heard anything about Iceland. Idk. But one big difference is that England and Japan have large populations for the size of their islands
What's the relevance there? If anything, a large population allows for more genetic diversity.
Thing is, we are enjoying Ahmed's dick over here. If you can't see that England has been fucked, you're either a shill or blind and delusional.
Our cuckening is especially evident in Londonistan in places like Tottenham, Enfield, Tower Hamlets, Hackney, Walthamstow, Ilford etc.
McDonald's in fucking Hoe's Street in Walthamstow have security guards because of all the niggers and Muhammad gangs hanging outside.
Ahmed's tip is penetrating our asshole and the only people in England who can't feel it are those who have already had their assholes stretched. The Americunts are right.
fuck this divide and conquer jewery
Papists waging an ethnic conflict, they bring in Mexicans here and Poles there whenever possible, lad.
The English are literally the least inbred people on planet earth. The most inbred are Jews and Arabs, with almost every Jew being a second cousin. In Pakistan and North Africa inbreeding is institutional, awhile it's been illegal in Western Europe for over 1000 years.
>every thread
What are you complaining about? If the inbred meme doesn't make sense, it'll be criticized.
It's 62 percent
In your papist opinion, user. Looks like you have some research ahead of you, or else maybe you'll simply kill yourself and make the world a better place.
This post really jogs the noggin.
You have to have less than a 150k population and be marrying your cousins or sister to get inbred.