Life is a futile and meaningless game where literally whatever you do, you're just chasing a neurochemical reward in your brain. It doesn't matter how materialistic or spiritual you are, it's all the same, just neurons firing gratification patterns in your head.

By merely existing you are imposing suffering and death upon other sentient beings and yourself, it doesn't matter how vegan or ethical you are, your very existence creates carnage around you. And you will also ultimately suffer and die no matter who you are or what you do in this life.

There won't be any lost loved ones or god(s) waiting for you on the other side of death either, all religion and promises of an afterlife is just the neurotic fantasy of petty doomed beings desperately trying justify their meaningless existence.

The universe and all life in has no intrinsic meaning and the only guarantee you have as a sentient being is that your very brief existence will be replaced by the eternal void of no awareness after your bodily functions cease.

a.k.a nihilism

you're late

bubby's first existential crisis.

I was born naturally black pilled. Nothing we do amounts to jack shit in the end. We are mere blips on the radar of existence. It's all so pointless.

>just chasing a neurochemical reward in your brain

Imagine actually being this nihilistic.
You'll grow up one day, or kill yourself.

Here have a "I aint taking that shit nigga logic pill"

>You're here
>please kill yourself
>why am I here
>please kill yourself
>how did I get here
>please kill yourself
>If I exist, killing myself has no value what so ever

you're a hypocrite OP, this is why you motherfuckers need god.

Animals are retarded. You are not an animal, you're a conscious retarded being.

I remember when I was in 3rd grade and realized this too, had panic attacks for a few days then decided to enjoy the ride, been laughing while watching the coaster tracks fall apart ever since

>Life is like a box of chocolates. A cheap, thoughtless, perfunctory gift that nobody ever asks for. Unreturnable because all you get back is another box of chocolates. So you're stuck with this undefinable whipped mint crap that you mindlessly wolf down when there's nothing else left to eat. Sure, once in a while there's a peanut butter cup or an English toffee. But they're gone too fast and the taste is... fleeting. So, you end up with nothing but broken bits filled with hardened jelly and teeth-shattering nuts. And if you're desperate enough to eat those, all you got left is an empty box filled with useless brown paper wrappers.

>your very existence creates carnage around you. And you will also ultimately suffer and die no matter who you are or what you do in this life.
try gardening. Pruning and shaping things like rose bushes has the same conclusion, but from a perspective of harmony and balance. You will improve your day-to-day quality of life with a different outlook. You're essentially describing buddhism and confucian principles blending together.

Cute. If you don't an hero, you will eventually accept Jesus, who sits at the right hand of God, as your Lord, savior, good shepherd, teacher, and Christ. You will join our ranks at the battle of Armageddon, and you will deny the antichrist and the beasts. please preserve your life so we may fight side by side against evil. Amen.

>conscious retarded being

top kek

>Latches on to negative mindset
>Wonders why he can't get laid
Go get some fresh air bud, go fishing, learn a trade, join the Military, do something man. Trust me I'm guilty of it myself just about everyone is but the least you can do is make life fun. Go meet new people man. Trust me, once you start associating more with normies while staying on Sup Forums you will feel like a fucking double agent. It's amazing, not to mention your u should follow be likeminded people as well though. Lift some weight a go for a jog and you'll feel better and eventually get a girl dude.

This bro gets it.

dont you get it. we dont care to "feel great" or get laid, its all pointless you fucking normie.

I bet you think you're real clever, don't you?

kike on a pike

This is how I feel in the back of my mind. Nobody has given a convincing counter-argument.

>being a strict materialist
>in the Year of Our Lord Kek 2017

Fuck your modern world.

If everything is meaningless is there meaning in being displeased by this?

If there is no meaning in doing something, there is no meaning in NOT doing it either.

i'm her for the giggles

Equally there is no inherent meaning in resisting neuro-chemical rewards, and any nihilist philosophy boils down to "do what you like dude bro" rather than "Kill yourself in the corner" because killing yourself in the corner is just as much a shallow pursuit of a neuro-chemical desire to rebel and feel independant and unique.

People talk about endless void like it's a negative, but to me that sounds excellent

>17 year old's interpretation of blackpill

be absurdist

lol. no. life is eternal. you are immortal. once you die you will realize this. you are also all omnipotent and control everything in your world. everything that happens to you is your own choice. if you are suffering it is because you chose to. there can be no joy without suffering or pleasure without pain since all relative things are always in perfect balance, so suffering is joy and pain is pleasure. you only chose to experience suffering and pain because you enjoy them. stop being such a faggot.

Stop being such a pseudo-intellectual, muh "Thing is also it's opposite, opposite is thing", 3deep5me

lamo truth, your numbers though?

Babies with cancer choose to suffer, this is a know fact

All relative things are in perfect balance doesn't even mean anything.

Son of God, savior of humanity, on a cross.

Oh god. Another 14 year old who just thought about the univerz n staff.

this is like the episode from the simpsons with mr. Grimes
You know Grimes is in the wrong there? if he would just chill the fuck out maybe he would be jsut as happy as Mr Homer Simpson

just to give you an example of pop-culture

this post is a nihilistic masterpiece but most people in this thread are just to dumb to get it

Yes. But I've always been an atheist, so I'm cool with it.

you should read about Carl jungs theory of archetyps

everyone gets sad sometimes its ok

At the end of the day its boring. I may not believe in religion, but I would rather go to heaven or hell than have nothing. you should live your life with meaning or kys because we have no room in society for people who wander aimlessly through liffe

I had this same reasonings back in grade school.

Desert life bitches.

"In these violent discussions, something important was overlooked, which led to a good deal of confusion: the fact that National Socialism revealed itself more and more as imperialistic nationalism which tried to eliminate anything "Socialist" from the movement and which prepared for war on all sides, did not contradict the other fact that fascism, seen from its mass basis, was in fact a middle class movement. Without his promise to fight big business, Hitler never would have won over the middle class strata. They carried him to victory because they were against big business. Under their pressure, the Nazis had to institute anti-capitalistic measures, just as under the pressure of big business they had to scrap them again. One must distinguish the subjective interests resting in the mass basis of a reactionary movement from the objective reactionary function. These contradict each other, although they were at first united in the totality of the Nazi movement."

We can evolve beyond our neuro networks and become gods. You are but a nihilistic faggot.

yeah thats it buddy. We're all too dumb.

also, you talk about life being carnage and suffering like its a bad thing.Suffering and violence is what makes us who we are. We are creatures of wrath and passion. Quit being such a bland pussy and start to enjoy life. I bet you like your ice cream vanilla you gay bitch

>All relative things are in perfect balance doesn't even mean anything
in order for you to be "conscious" of something you must have something to compare it to. you can't be conscious of pain without being conscious of pleasure and vis versa. this is an absolute necessity. imaging trying to design a brain that could perceive pleasure with no concept of pain. it would be impossible. one cannot exist without the other. all consciousness is this way. it is impossible to perceive anything without a perception of the opposite.

consequently, consciousness cannot perceive existence without creating an idea of the negative (non-existence). but non-existence is not a real thing. only existing things exist and non-existing things don't exist (obvious truism).

the concepts of death, non-existence, etc are all false. they are not real things. they are illusions created by consciousness because consciousness cannot perceive anything without an opposite. since we exist are consciousness creates a false idea of non-existence to make sense of reality but simple logic shows that these ideas must be false.

Your life has no meaning except what you give it. That is your one and only chance to create something from nothing

Fucking kill yourselves already if you're so goddamn miserable, edgy cunts


Sounds freeing as fuck, knowing that the consequences for you actions are relatively meaningless, frees a human up for the 1 thing he should be doing - seeking gratification and pleasure from this world around us.

As far as I can tell the one and only meaningful thing in life is reducing suffering.

wtf mane
really makes you wonder about this lost prophets emo-looking twink

Everything is just the transfer of electrons.

So try to enjoy it some or just kys. Death is the reward at the end and its sweeter the longer you go through life.

wow, it's basic edgy nihilism 101
is this the power of millenials?

No effect on me. Especially considering I've heard all of this before and know it not tobe true. We do not invite death, we invite life and we harness energy from life to create more life. And I can go on in a tangent about everything else you mentioned, but boyyy..

>It's just chemicals brah
everything is based on chemical interaction you could be a brain in a vat for all you know those chemicals are more real than anything else.

There is no justice or fairness in the female brain.

Edgy the hedgy.

Everybody knows this, some people cope better than others. All these people calling you an edgy faggot, it's just self defense, but deep down they know that everything you said is true, they just don't want to admit it since it would depress them as well.

You have only one chance, out of the billions that lived on this marble so far, none of them returned to tell the tale. No matter the scientist or philosopher, their guess is as good as yours.

Try to find some meaning, any meaning, it doesn't matter, it's just a matter of believing your own lies, because in the end, a comforting lie is always better than the harsh truth.


>black pilled
>posts decaf shit
you're complaining, and probably bored. very uninteresting.

you need some jordan peterson if your life senpai

Kantian metaphysics + Gnostic Christianity