When is North korea going to strike?
When is North korea going to strike?
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Soon I hope
What a stupid comic
it's pretty obvious the US is causing the crisis. The US just creates villains via sensationalized media and reacts to them as a way of making people think the US actually responds to threats. It avoids areas of geopolitical complexity because it's leadership is too stupid/blind to actually handle it.
30 minutes ago.
North Korea has never attacked another sovereign nation.
come on, get (((hollywood))).
It won't, but Trump has to be pretty fed up of saying "s-stop that North Korea" only for them to keep taunting him.
This is why previous administrations largely ignored them, unless you're prepared to act on your words you will get embarrassed every time you try and strongarm North Korea with words.
Kim is too pussy to do anything with Trump as president.
>the US is causing the crisis
The US wasn't the one to start the war in the 50s, they weren't the ones to start imprisoning foreign nationals, they weren't the ones to start making threats of nuking someone off the map.
That's why these aren't just words. Just like the "Red Line" against Assad weren't just words once Obama was out of office.
North Korea wants to make threats that keep getting more and more specific, and they are taking actions working towards making those threats a real possibility.
The shaky peace on the Korean Peninsula cannot be maintained forever and the only way it will end is in some kind of conflict. It should happen before North Korea has ICBMs and warheads stockpiled.
If they want to make threats then they can deal with the consequences. The US makes threats too, but the difference is that they can make them reality.
theres a peace parade and possible unification coming on the 15th
This image it's wrong.
It should be trump poking the mini-nuke hive.
In tje 50's the korean conflict was a civil war where the US decided to intervene to place troops at the border with China thus causing China to intervene.
>The US just creates villains via sensationalized media and reacts to them as a way of making people think the US actually responds to threats
You know these guys torture and starve their own citizens right?
CNN in the house。
>You know these guys torture and starve their own citizens right?
Did you learn that from CNN?
As long as any leader within the Kim dynasty, or NK leader that shares their visions, lives, there will never be reunification.
The only way there will be one Korean is if NK undergoes revision far more radical than the USSR did after Stalin, or when the war breaks out and NK is overrun and occupied. The occupation is another problem no one wants to deal with because you have millions of starved, uneducated, and isolated peasants who will need to be given all sorts of aid.
The UN decided to intervene because one nation invaded another for no reason, the unified forces began to push the North Koreans out of the area they invaded and then China got involved. War ceased -and is still technically occurring- with the borders that separate NK and SK now.
11 days
Kill yourself you filthy commie.
The only way there'd be a reunification is if america left SK and Japan
It was a civil war until America made it into a full scale one.
You know the US, by diverting tax dollars to pointless bullshit like Operation Iraqi Freedom and border walls and not providing universal healthcare lets its own citizens die.
Nothing will happen.
Exactly. Trump should shut the fuck up, but so should the media. Don't normalize war with Korea. Only the citizens of NK will be able to successfully mount a regime change. Intervention would be disastrous.
Which will not happen anytime in the foreseeable future.
Those are two close allies and a strategic position. To abandon it in some attempt to appease a lunatic would destroy the advanced nation of South Korea, leave Japan on their own until they can militarize again, and also play into China's hands.
It wasn't any kind of war until North Korea invaded.
China only cares about NK because the U.S. occupies Japcucks and Sterile Koreans.
Oh, fuck off with your American moral virtue. America tortures and starves its own citizens, shackles them with crippling debt and denies access to healthcare. Only the citizens of NK will be able to successfully mount a regime change. Intervention would be disastrous.
looks like someone forgot the anitfreeze again
>"North Korea"
thanks, I thought its Japan
>You know these guys torture and starve their own citizens right?
Who fucking cares about what gooks do to gooks? It's like nigger on nigger violence.
Trying to have a serious discussion with autists like you is really annoying.
North Korea was very successful until their major trading partner, the Soviet Union, fell.
Oh I'm sorry, I'll just agree with you.
>American is the great Satan! Everything the US does is always bad and every other country is more righteous!
Is that good enough for you, Muhammad?
it won't
the US will
>my country can do nowrong even when all its wrongdoings end up biting it in the ass and I'd rather make garbage posts than recogbizing the people who head it have an agenda and are incompetent.
The Soviets were the ones who enabled the war to happen in the first place. The amount of aid they gave NK is insane. Plus all the military "advisors" (Who somehow ended up in the cockpits of MiG-15s)
Every former state and partner of the USSR has managed to move on and find something new. NK keeps talking like it's the 1950s and their military tech isn't too far ahead of that.
It would do them best not to prod someone who could wipe them out entirely.
repeated integers of confirmation
The USSR initially refused to intervene in the war and refused tosuply china for a long time, also tried to pressure China in not intervening hence why most PLA soldiers were using WW1 guns and died of cold and hunger
I never said the US could do no wrong. You're the one who said the whole reason there's a problem on the peninsula in the first place is because the US (When it was really a UN resolution) didn't just let NK (Backed by the USSR) take over the South.
But leave it to a Frenchman to suggest rolling over and doing nothing as a fix to a problem.
I feel sorry for the Canadians that will die when his meme-nuke inevitably fucks up and drops back into the atmosphere way off target. Well, maybe the hot white femles, but... No. No I don't. Fuck you guys.
Non interventionism was one of the main values the USA were founded on.
Never. All mouth, no bite. They only attack people when they know they can't/won't attack back. Why do you think they target Muslims in the Middle East? Because they don't have the tech to attack back. Abit like a playground bully. Will never pick on his own size.
never, I wish, but they won't
also stupid as fuck comic because there is no fucking way big orange pussy trump is ever going to let war happen in his term
>When is North korea going to strike?
Never. EMP false flag blamed on NK, most likely.
>The US wasn't the one to start the war in the 50s, they weren't the ones to start imprisoning foreign nationals, they weren't the ones to start making threats of nuking someone off the map.
The US is the one who divided Korea and millions of Korean families, they supported the Lee Seung Man regime which is responsible for brutal massacres of pro-unification uprisings (example: Jeju uprising), the US under the leadership of General MacArthur wanted to use nuclear weapons on Korea (They did in Japan a few years earlier so why not again), the US stationed tens of thousands of nuclear devices in Korea throughout the 1960s to 1990s (then goes crazy at the DPRK having those same weapons for self-defense). Official US Air Force statistics estimate that during the Korean war, American saturation bombing and the scorched-earth policy lead to greater destruction than that of Japan during WW2. The US still stations its soldiers on ancestral Korean soil and holds annual military invasion exercises with the southern Korean puppet military
Never, they will build missles and sell them to faggots like china and iran. Maybe even oil rich african countries like nigeria. Oh boy how exciting, think of all the nigger shitholes armed to the teeth!
>"you are going to starve millions?"
>"to feed billions"
Lmao you can see their camps on any sattelite service.
the media is rooting for north korea
fucking disgusting
Yes with “starving camp” written in big red letters, right ?
>U.S. creating a villain
>N.K has actual death camps
Trump can stop any incoming missile but he will let them nuke California anyway.
woah having debt in America and being a wage slave is the equivalent of being in a north korean death camp.
This is your brain on moral relativism.
>it's pretty obvious the US is causing the crisis
>not it's pretty obvious the jew is causing the crisis
Jews hate gooks
Is Sup Forums being raided ?
Wtf i love starving now
Here nigger, theres more too
Being an American mongrel slave to ZOG is worse than the punishment for traitors in the DPRK prison system. I wouldn't wish the fate of the American goyim onto my worst enemies.
>Look at this prison, they actually punish race traitors and criminals instead of making them sing gangsta rap and race mixing propaganda on children's TV, this is just like the Holocaust
Wtf I hate the DPRK now
Can you even prove that this is a “death camp” ?
Do you have a single proof that it is one besides the word of MSM and alphabet soup ?
I too would prefer you to live with the Norks. You'd be too busy starving to shit up this board.
>Here nigger, theres more too
>'muh 6 million gooks'
No one cares, it's probably just a fun camp anyway
The only starvation era of NK was when they were hit with natural disasters + the collapse of the USSR + international trade restricrions。
This board is exponentially reditizing.
>defending a centrally planned economy run on slave labour by a fat NEET
>Not reddit
Pick one.
Im sure this place with miles away from any town or city and surrounded by more miles of forest and a highly secure perimeter is a playground or school. These were found using testimony from people who have escaped.
Are we supposed to sit here with our thumbs up our asses instead?
>le epic starvation meme
Still using memes from the 1990s? It's current year, pal. Do you think China is still going through the cultural revolution as well? I'd move to Korea if I was ethnically Korean, I'd study hard to become a nuclear scientist to defend the motherland and the leader, marry a beautiful wife and have many Korean kids to become future soldiers in the great holy war for national reunification.
And get nuked.
I don't defend them, I'm questioning ypur objectivity and tendency to regurgitate what your TV tells you.
Testimonies “vetted” by south korean intel and the CIA...
They bombed some South Korean islands a few years ago
>oy vey we better liberate those bad goys holocaustering their own people
Fuck off North korea did nothing wrong
Another commie shithole is going down and there is nothing you can do about it
The fact that someone who's wrong about other shit is telling you this doesn't mean it's wrong by default. North Korea is nationalist and it doesn't have a Rothschild owned central bank. That doesn't mean it's any less of a belligerent shithole that deserves to get wiped off the map. The enemy of your enemy is not your friend.
In Alaska we have missile interceptors.
It hasn't been a command economy since the mid-1990s. It's actually a mixed-economy at this point. There are privately run mining companies and restaurants, there are private street vendors and market stalls. But the economic system isn't so important, it's materialist garbage. The more important thing is racial and spiritual dignity, which the DPRK has a surplus of.
Pretty much this, we stopped being noble and benevolent in the early 1900s. We honestly deserve another 911 to put us back in our place.
Who gives a fuck?
It's their own territory, no one made you the world police. The only people war would benefit is the billionaire owners of arms companies.
>jews creating the crisis
But who controls the US?
How are they belligerent when the U.S. is literally blockading them and has guns pointed at them ?
It has no rothschild bank becuase theres nothng to steal from starving peasants
Go back faggot
>fuck you faggot
If America is retarded enough to try and attack South Korea, they'll nuke Seoul and collapse the global economy.
Fuck *north korea
leaf nigger, what the fuck are you talking about
>stopped being noble and benevolent in the early 1900s
The Spanish war was noble but the Philippine–American War was?
Korea is nazbol and based
North Korea kills its own citizens (which is false), so we must kill even more North Koreans.
Amerikkka is a cancer to the world and all decent people in the world expects to see your Evil Empire dismantled.
Why wouldn't the country be "belligerent" when there's enemy soldiers stationed on its own ancestral territory? Imagine if the situation was reversed and America was divided in 1950 by the Koreans, then there was a three year war in which 10% of all Americans died. Then there was a permanent division forever seperating family members. Then the Koreans stationed tens of thousands of nuclear bombs and tens of thousands of soldiers in "southern America" and installed a puppet regime. Then 7 decades later, the young people in the Korean-occupied America speak a mixed language of Korean and English. Do you think the national pride of the northern, unoccupied Americans would be wounded? Do you think they would be boiling with rage? Do you think they would accept unification under the Korean-led puppet regime?
>collapse the global economy
Samsung has global offices, you'll still be able to shitpost their newest gear, if Seoul got nuked if wouldn't put a dent in the global economy. Probably it would just increase it due to more arms sales
>doesn't mean it's wrong by default
yes, it does. You fucking kike.
>North Korea is nationalist
Best Korea
>no Rothschilds
Best Korea
>The enemy of your enemy is not your friend.
yes, they are. Now fuck off kike.
In Sup Forums, of all places, one shouldn't expect that cheap moralism of defending the "poor hungry koreans, omg".
Guess americans and other western nationals are too brainwashed, because anyone can see from a mile the true motivation to intervene: install (((bank))); annex another region militarily.
The US should stop playing world police and fuck off. Those damn jews sticking their noses in other businesses.
I hope China and Russia fuck you up.
>If you continue to threaten us we will retaliate
>*threatening increases*
>back off or else...
>waaah waaah mommy the yellow fatty is threatening us
>*smacks lips profusely and imposes more sanctions*
>in which 10% of all Americans died.
which would be a nice start.