Fired from Google

ITT we make ignorant, inflammatory statements/get fired from Google. I'll start.

The underrepresentation of pygmy people in professional basketball may have a biological basis.

The typical male chest measurement means they will, on average, be less suited for modeling brassieres.

Research suggests that long-distance running is dominated by Kenyan athletes in part due to genetic differences between them and Western counterparts.

Every person has unconscious biases against every race and not just white people

The nuclear family is still the best for children.

There are no black "people", only niggers.

Indians have designated shitting streets.

i fucking hate women because theyr dumb and stupid and my alt rights friends told me they never measure to anthing but being a sandwich maker and fuck toy

Some humans are born with different DNA than other humans.
Human genetics are why humans have intelligence and, for example, dogs do not.
World War II was not solely about the holocaust.
People are not responsible for the crimes of their ancestors.
Europeans and European-descended people developed most of the high technology and math used today.
Ghettos have a crime problem.
Children should eat their vegetables.
Teenagers should not be allowed to get tattoos unless they have parental consent.
The migrant crisis is putting a strain on the host nations of Europe.

You're easy to spot, change your flag once in a while at least.


English men aren't gay, they just like kissing other lads a lot

girls are into people like chad and tyrone and guys are into things like waifu pillows

White people represent the aristocracy of the human race.

Diversity for the sake of diversity is a waste of time and resources.

Women are statistically worse at solving complex computational problems than men on average.

Fuck off cuck back to pleddit

A child needs a mother and a father, otherwise it will turn out psychologically damaged and morally corrupted. Homosexuals should not have the right to adopt children, nor should they be able to donate blood.

England is a fag country

Most violent criminals were raised by single mothers because no man was there to show them how to be a man.

Women make up the most child abuse cases because they spend the most time with the child.

Women are less productive. Spend more time socializing. Are weaker and generally less capable. Rarely look to better themselves. Not competitive, but uses deceit to get ahead. A lower tolerance for stress. This is all the fault of men and we need to hold up the line so they can succeed.

The Proletariat must seize the means of reproduction.

It's such a mind blowing truth.. If you should "red pill" a normie with one sentence. That sentence would be how you do it.

Supply and demand, if you increase the low-skilled workforce, the supply goes up and the value of low-skilled labor will decline.

Orgone energy it's real and women are wasting it.


There are only two genders, and plenty of mental illness.

The pelvic structure of males may cause more complications for females-with-penises during childbirth.

Child labour laws discriminate against those who identify as chronologically older.

Affirmative Actions laws discriminate against white males who identify as trans-abled lesbians of colour.

Goat farmers from Afghanistan can't integrate into western society.

brave and yandex kill the google

By orgasming?


We're a tech company. Our main focus should always be technology instead of diversity.

Black Lives Matter focuses exclusively on men who got shot by cops because it's more interesting and provides better publicity. Meanwhile, the #1 cause of untimely black deaths is other black people.

Men and women are different.

Google may have stepped away from it's core value of "don't be evil".

this looks like a "realism" thread

Hiring so many Chinese and Indians devalues the native job market.

>This Thread

Reddit is down the hall and to the left. Your Tumblr call-out posts have no power here, tranny.


And reality is racist because race exists. In other news the sky is blue.

traps are gay

That's also taboo in multiracial country you imbecile. Anything that rank one group Superior and other inferior should be kept at academia.

You're either a bait poster or you actually believe this stuff. In either case, you're an annoying faggot. Please fuck yourself.

P.S. I'm black, and if what I'm saying makes me a racist, then so be it.

I sided with the stormcloaks in Skyrim.

Diversity is not always a strength.

Fired from Nigger you say. Let me tell you something. I'm currently working at Nigger in Warsaw. This whole topic is a big taboo here. Sometimes someone says a joke about it, but that's all. This topic is non-existent. And what is more important, ppl are not silent because they are scared of being fired. They are scared of thinking in the wrong way. There is 84-like thought-self-correctness. There is thought-crime at this company. And that's what pisses me off. Of course I'm not allowed to say it during stand-up or something. But I think, there is 5% of ppl like me, so the war is not lost completely.

Contrary to popular opinion, women aren't better with people. In fact, they hate each other so much they had to invent the term "bromance" because the idea of friendship is so foreign to them.

i'm blacker, therefore you are being racist to me

Switch to Yandex and Brave browser.

I'm a straight white Christian male with no disabilities.

I voted for Trump.

you dont even understand how true this is

I got shamed for that by my "friends" in my CS major for saying that.
They literally couldn't even.

Thanks for the morning chuckle
