This is your responsibility Sup Forums
Jew almost crying cause Twitter isn't shutting down Hatespeech fast enough
woah, is that james corden before he got fat???
Shove an electric egg beater up your ass OP.
I'm not giving your gay rant views.
Hooktube please. Not clicking that link.
>Jew almost crying cause...
Sone Leute wie den da sollte man vergasen was ne Missgeburt
Hey rabbi, watcha doin', the art performance
By the way this guy also claims that his grandparents where literally turned into soaps and a lampshade
>I wrote the reporters of Kiss FM and asked them honestly, who shat into their brains to make them think that its a good idea to give a known neo-nazi a Platform, especially in a show with myself, a jew, whose family where literally turned into Soaps or Lampshades in Treblinka
In my honest opinion, twitter should be shutdown. there's just faggots like this Mandrew or right-wing dumbasses.
Are you crazy ? If you shut it or Facebook or any similar website then all the crap it contains will flow over to the rest of the internet. You really want to see that happen ?
I mean, it's a website that doesn't make any money, that is used only by morons and SJW to complain about shit AND every post is limited to 16 chars. It's like they voluntarily put themself in jail to minimize their ability to spew their crap.
Kek!!! You are sad!!!
he should save his tears for the camps.
I would rather stay in a place where there is no Mandrew or Shitpostluka whatever their name is. Stupid right-wing bastards ruining politics.
your mom should be shut down
gotem :-)
Pickle Rick
u wrote legally latina's name on ur forehaed, how have you not killed yourself yet
can anyone make me a fansign
what's up lewis
100% agree mandrew is a cucked scot
just having a good time online buddo
>Sone Leute wie den da sollte man vergasen was ne Missgeburt
Rumors say that he dated a crossdresser.. Disgusting.
hello diogo
heard diogo did the same rt
Hey guys,ch ...check out this video teehee
Reminder that it was literally an israel who did this graffiti.
Hey rabbi, watcha doin?
you just got trolled praise kek
how do u rt on Sup Forums
why is this shit stain in Germany? Do not he and his belong in Israel? What good is it to establish a place where these demons can be jews all day doing jew things among other jews?
rumours say he turned gay due to a lack of female attention irl, some were in a groupchat where he talked about getting turnt down by a girl :(
>dating anybody
Jews behind Muslim Invasion of Europe, then start to bitch about Muslim Hate speech against them
the rt button
TFW you rickroll your fellow shadilads xd
ritsuko > misato
tfw that physique
Anyways, we gotta stop these Jews guys
praise the almighty sargon of akkad
wasn't worth it, the only girl i know he got turned down by was some anime nigga
He's right.
Agreed. I fucking hate that #Mandrew chud. They obsess over Pickle Rick and India, not anime girls like you and me
T..t..thanks user*winks shyly* ;)
I want to lick Sargon's balls and push his fat ass stomach on me
Jew guys? Heard that this D*sk*tn*k guy was actually pro-zionist. Fucking ancaps
lol lanklet anglo scum
I love Mandrew you utter nonce
in said groupchat he mentioned how he wanted to ask a girl out for ages and eventually did it irl and got turned down. I'm 90% sure anyways
mandrew doesnt even lift
which is worse? Tweeting or tagging?
I'm a Celt you lowly white
sup guys
Tell diogo that he's a disgusting French
Whoever is insulting Mandrew is a fucking virgin. Mandrew is an alpha-male and whoever bashes him is a beta retard. He has more shit than you'll ever get.
he thinks hes so cool with his fansigns, but i heard he rapes neo-vagene
Eat my fucking ass retard
i heard diogo is edating again WTF
21 pilots raped by sister
Did you guys hear that mandrew is a baby rapist? Don't let him near your babies, Philadelphia
i meant my sorry excuse me
how long did it take u to scrub off latinas name off ur face you mutant
Exactly. Mandrew is based and /ourguy/ anyway
WTF!!!!!!! FUCK you!!!
Mandrew show yourself
Cant agree more.
Lol I'm not McAndrew but I wish I was. My new flag is proof
stfu you edater fag ahaha
Doesn't look Jewish.
Sone Leute = so eine Leute = grammar?
Are these accounts even real?
fuck kpop
The smugness of this sjw is revolting. Why wasn't he arrested for spraying hate speech on public property?
Nice italian flag
b b but he's white, pure blooded bruh, muh nazi
Iam sorry you had to watch this faggot.
Who else /mandrewnation/ here?
rate this tshirt lads
You're all subhumans and fucking retards.
eva is a shitshow for manchildren
i'm /sargonnation/ praise kek
/mandrewnation/ represent
RT if you know diogo likes trap : )
repulsive fat subhuman
imagine being mandrew and an anglo, lol i cant
You know, if Jews weren't actually trying to deprive us of everything and genocide us, we wouldn't give a fuck.
Just like if Niggers were sensible and reliable people with courtesy and politeness.
Everything Mandrew touches turns into shit.
This could have been a decent thread about a stupid Jew, but no, now it's a thread about a stupid Anglo.
Why is Ben Kissel in Hamburg?
Right on brother /mandrewnation/