What will be the verdict Sup Forums?
Eric Clanton is going to court today
Other urls found in this thread:
guilty for something minor; slap on the wrist
liberals don't get punished
boy you all have short memories
>accidentaly bump your bikelock into someone's head making minor injuries
>goes to jail
land of the free everybody.
is there a feed or nah
slap on the wrist, because he rated out everyone. I hope they do mention he was a good boy that collaborated with the police.
I'm sure someone will find something if we get this thread going.
Last time he was spotted that I know of was here, youtube.com
Where he is violating the terms of his bail
While this is indeed on the low-end of the criminal scale for a shithole like brazil, it's pretty big beans for most civilized societies.
Now, back to your regularly-scheduled nigger rapings.
how do we know he ratted everyone out?
He's a rich liberal faggot in Soro's gang of faggots. He's going to go home and live a life he doesnt deserve until the happening occurs, at which point he'll be skinned alive.
Here's another video of him: youtube.com
Come on, he was around Yvette Felarca at Berkeley that got arrested a few weeks after he got in trouble. I don't mind seeing him walk away if they lock up the crazy chink cunt.
Is there a stream?
Wait what? That cunt is in jail now? Link
Hot damn. A thread that is actually relevant to Sup Forums.
It will likely get delet by mods.
charged with inciting a riot, had to do with that big brawl in 2015 in Sacramento, when those white nationalists beat the fuck out of like 100 antifa
Video of Antifa following/doxxing people who attend the Eric Clanton trial: youtube.com
They then went around putting up flyers of the "fascists"
Probably just an insignificant hearing
>prosecution needs more time
>defense needs more time
>new date next month
>repeat for about 3-9 months
That's how most cases go.
Sweet. Hopefully she gets raped in jail
I thought his court date was tomorrow.
30 years. Digits confirm it
Idk Gavin Mcinnes said it was today
Maybe, but Aug. 10th is mentioned in this vid
Pretty sure he helped aid in the arrest of some other members in his organization because he was cooperative with the FBI. So I'm thinking they made a deal already.
>Why go to the pen when you can send a friend
He's gonna walk.
They'll say all the evidence is just circumstantial even though they found the clothes and the selfie.
We're all gonna be pissed including myself
execution. (no matter what the court decides)
>i'm white
ahahah laughed out loud. like literally.
He'll get a continuance or something. There'll be no trial tomorrow. Got to drag this out for a year or two.
dick in the butt lol
This is funny
Continuance, with an eventual "not guilty" plea entered. His defense will attack the video evidence and claim it's circumstantial. There's not a whole lot of very strong evidence we have on him. The only times we seem him only parts of his face are exposed. I guess the prosecution might go for vein-mapping evidence and other shit like that, which the defense will attack as "not a hard science."
Nah. He's fucked.
I thought they executed a search warrant. Anybody know what was found there?
Hoodie. Hat. Glasses. Selfies in his antifa "uniform". Bike lock.
"Selfie" in his mask, GPS coordinates putting at the location/time of the incidents.
dozens of bloody bike locks
stacks of brony porn
glue huffing stuff
obscure books on philosphy ("Why Im a Faggot", How Socialism Actually Works", "bringing the White Man Down" and othe titles)
several pairs of shitstained underwear
1st Degree Murder. 25-life
Eight years.
He already pleaded not guilty and they found the clothes he was wearing in his house including a selfie he took that day wearing them, wasn't just video evidence.
Still think he's gonna walk though sadly
They found bike locks, and no bikes.
They found selfies of him, in his "assault outfit" on his camera.
They found antifa hate literature.
He has priors for similar behavior.
California has mandatory minimum jail for his crimes.
I doubt he will walk.
Get that scum off the streets. Set an example. Fuck that lawyer too for taking the case pro bono.
Oh, well then, Clanton's finished. It's over for him.
Commie cuck underestimated our weaponized autism.
oh hes gonna get fucked all right
passed around by a nigger rape gang as their toy
sold for 3$ or a pack of cigarettes, while Jamal reams his asshole and uses the blood as lubricant ..... I'll be suprised if he survives prison, hes definitely getting pozzed
whats the mandatory minimum,
You think this because pedophile rape gangs are allowed to operate in your country with no problems. It takes ten years to prosecute one of those gangs when they admitted to raping a child, and then serving her to people as kebab.
I'd have a pretty dim view of law enforcement too.
He'll be let off.
Look at the world around you Sup Forums; you are the ones who are reviled and impotent. Clanton is a warrior of the suicide cult of degeneracy at the heart of the modern West.
>pol knows hes a good man
>wants to jail him "for the lulz"
thats fucked.
will he stop making music??
The moment I saw this thread I nutted
History will tear to tatters the verdict of this court.
Three or four years for each charge, he has four. Three strikes comes into play. That's 25 to life, even for non violent crimes. They hit him with an extra violent charge due to the brutality of his crime, that I assume will be dropped. I researched it all when they arrested him and it's been awhile, forgive my imperfections. He also had some charge for using a mask to conceal his identity.
If they have the clothes, mask, and lock... and he walks, Berkeley needs to burn.
>good man
>smashes innocent man in head with bike lock
This might be the worst bait I've ever seen.
Both are objectively false.
Why do u think "pol knows he's a good man"?
Child rape gangs are allowed to operate openly in your country. I understand why you feel this way. We actually have prisons for violent people in this country, not vacation resorts.
The kid who got hit should file civil suits for medical bills, rehab, pain, etc. Just bankrupt Clanton and his whole family. It's a lower burden of proof in civil litigation.
Why do you reply to obvious bait?
>your country
>the day Sup Forums identifies a masked man in a crowd full of masked men, gets him arrested, convicted and sent to jail from the comfort of our homes
just another day
Look up California three strike law. He could get life.
I really don't think they would push it to that extreme, but it's legally possible.
>tfw Sup Forums is more efficient than the police in solving crimes
>tfw Sup Forums is the most powerful taskforce of the world
So many garbage threads today.
He plead not guilty, so it's trial unless lawyers filed motions.
No news yet on the web, that I found.
it depends if cali is a frye or daubert state in regardsto new or unproven science being used as evidence.
I looked up the shabby house he was staying at in Oakland and it has various "tenants"—some of which have died years ago. Most of these tenants (or persons registered living there) were pretty elderly when they died. They all seem to be Californians, although they live(d) in other towns. I cross-checked the registered occupants with state obits.
So, is this a case of social security payment fraud or welfare fraud? Or is this just a voter fraud scam?
He'll probably get community service or some shit
Cali is frye. But no one is going to spend that kind of money on this pissant case.
pretty savage for a leaf, but your target is a favela-monkey so it was an easy target
Eric did nothing wrong. He is the target of a racist online smear campaign. Justice for Eric.
Will they "lock" him up in the pokey?
>death to commies
Didn't they crowdfund a couple thousand dollars for him? I know he got some hotshot lawyer, pro bono. His bond was only around a thousand, to a bondsman. His defense has some $$, the state is almost broke.
he was also found in violation of his parole by attending another antifa demonstration
Not guilty by reason of self-defense.
excuse me i meant bond violation. see how they try to deflect the camera away from him and try to cover his face?
Again. California has MANDATORY MINIMUM prison sentences for his crimes. It's not possible to get community service for what he's accused of.
He walks, pleads out on something else, or bunks with bubba in San Quentin. No other outcomes are possible.
>the state is almost broke
That's why they aren't going to hire some science faggot for $100k on an assault case.
The state's case is decent. If they have found victim blood on the bike lock, Clanton's fucked. The clothes, timing, and his statements overcome reasonable doubt.
They found his assault outfit, the mask, selfies of him wearing it.
The blood on the lock is total shit, I've read about fifty reports and none say that.
You don't need fancy science faggots when his cellphone placed him at the scene. It's not arguable that he wasn't there, logically.
I am really curious what's going to happen.
>hotshot lawyer
You should look at some of the youtubes of Clantons lawyer talking to crowds that are floating around. The guy is an uninformed nervous wreck who acts like your typical tumblr leftist.
If the judge is even moderately away from lefty politics, he'll be laughed out of court.
How long can the trial last? Hours? Days? Months?
meme flags are a mistake
That's your opinion.
He actually runs a law firm and has a huge legal career. en.m.wikipedia.org
Replying to them is a bigger mistake. Weeks. No guarantee it's a trial today. Both sides could agree to a continuance and another month delay, but I'd expect that to make some news.
Dude, they don't even have tradecraft.
Mostly depends on how many witnesses. This isn't a complex case. Jury just has to determine whether he was the guy or not. No other facts seem to be in question.
a week or two
desu I' am not white too, but I turn 12 shades of black if I spend some time under the sun.
No we want to jail him cause he's slightly more likely to be killed in there.
that his best song was layla