Molyneux is #12 on trending

Molyneux is #12 on trending

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It was #8 earlier.

I never even look at the trending list. Since when do they let people like Mollymeme on their?

well thats good. Molyneux is the transitional red pill. glad hes getting more and more popular

Why the fuck would James Damore give Molyneux an interview so soon? Why is Damore talking about Jonathan Haidt? LIKE JORDAN PETERSON? Jordan Peterson is involved in this shit. That's why Google erased his accounts.

John Oliver always hits #1 every week on monday, even on topics no one fucking cares about

what is (((Youtube))) doing?

Project Veritas was #1 a while ago remember that?

Consider: when was the last time you saw a thread on Sup Forums about JewTube search rankings?

Beware. Googly may be trying to bait out methods we have to SEO their results.

I guess he'll have some new recruits for his cult

Damore is such a beta fag.

I keep reading comments on here accusing Stefan of running a cult. What evidence is there to suggest this is true?

Fuck off youtube shill. One video making it once on the top 10, for a day, don't mean shit. You're losing and shitting your pants

Actually it helps exposure.

Hey look, new plinkett review

since it would be counter to their perceived integrity to suppress this particular video

They're trying to come off as unbiased. It's bullshit. Their trending page is made up of paid liberal propaganda. They include one right wing video once in a while and go "see? we're not left wing". Fuck them

Morality isn't black and white. I hate niggers but I feel sad when I see a picture of a black orphan.

it's almost as if a large number of people agree with james

What's the Plinkett review on trending?
Someone at Sony probably got really butt hurt about that and put a swift end to it

are you fucking retarded?

weren't you all a little disheartened to find he sounds dumb and weak in the interview, too

>Wow this tech nerd sounds like a tech nerd

I'm sure you're an alpha

i don't mean his voice itself but the things he was saying and the way he was speaking.

Seriously, I've kept putting off watching his interview with Peterson because it'll actually be an echochamber

I've been watching Peterson a lot recently since he started his bible lectures and it's kind of alarming how inflexible he is with the things he says. I guess it comes from being an orator, like it's basically performative and he spends so much of his time talking, he kinda falls into little routines where you can find him saying things he's already said before almost word for word. It's especially bad in the bible lecture series, since he's doing it kinda freeform, with barely any preparation. The latest one, which came just after he was temporarily blocked by Google, had him saying barely anything other than things he'd already said in the same lecture series. It was a waste of two hours.

I don't disagree with much of what he says but he's already overexposed now and that puts me off. And then at the end of that same lecture he does a Q&A and they treat him like a fucking messiah and shower him with praise. I can't imagine it isn't going to his head.

It's a result of some bullshit internet drama, with a shitty e-celeb/Youtuber faggot.
>third party makes a video/interview, on the topic of gibsmedats/free school lunch
>the video is utterly retarded, it's more or less the textbook "if you don't want state funded welfare as a solution to this problem, then surely you must hate the people who would have received it"
>Stefan replies to that in one of his presentation videos, gives basically the textbook libertarian replies
>thunderfoot, who like Stefan, is an atheist and has a minor overlap in audiences enough to know of Stefan, watches this video, and decides to leave an utterly, completely retarded reply that meme or no, doesn't even begin to make an argument (pic related)
>Stefan notices this and makes a video reply to this, shitting on the guy pretty fucking hard, but invites him to have a proper discussion on the topic
>as a reply and ignoring the original topic completely, thunderfoot combs through Stefan's videos for anything useful to make him look like a weirdo (his early stuff is admittedly good pickings, though), cuts it together with actual footage of cultist recruitment videos and accuses him of being a cult leader
>not much more happens from either, but the fans/followers have a minor internet shitflinging over the whole thing
>the idea that Molymeme is a cult leader gets started off, used whenever convenient


He came across better in the Peterson interview.

I hate molyneux for knowing what a hot button issue this is and still not even attempting to hide his autism, for the sake of the guy as well as the legitimacy of his pamphlet. The guy is such an arrogant fucking clown

>I've been watching Peterson a lot recently since he started his bible lectures and it's kind of alarming how inflexible he is with the things he says.
I've never seen any real arguments against what he says, being stubborn is an essentially right wing trait anyway.

His video that he took down about how to win arguments from a lolbertarian/ancap position against anyone was to ask if "do you support me being shot if I disagree?" and he said if anyone said yes you should get them out of your life. It's typical cult behavior to make people abandon their friends and families and depend on you solely.

>that pic
That thread was fucking hilarious

Switch to Yandex anons.

Unfortunately, the better interview isn't:

Jordan Peterson has a set of ideas he repeats over and over in different forms, once you understand them you don't need to keep watching. I've been paying some attention to the bible lectures but really if you watch last years Maps of Meanings lectures and maybe a few personality ones you know everything he has to say (though to be fair I havent looked at Maps of Meaning the book, so maybe theres a lot more in there)
The so-called "Classical Liberals" like JBP are usually more or less correct in any criticism they make leftwards, but they're usually not great at seeing Liberalism itself as a historical movement that related to the rise of the New Left. Its like they think this New Left pseudomarxist shit just fell out of the sky one day in the 1960s. Nobody seems all that interested in really pulling the threads of how this stuff came to pass, because it implicates basically the past 200 years of Western history.

Can we get an archive alternative to youtube PLEASE

Yeah, it was. Can't believe it's been two fucking years since then.

This user supports them.

just a matter of time until (((google))) shuts it down.

As I said, I don't particularly disagree with much of what he's saying. He does sometimes make some big leaps in logic to reach his conclusions, though. Like, the way he assesses things, while ostensibly psychoanalysis or whatever, often comes across to me as more like literary interpretation, and I don't think a literary approach is always the best way of interpreting some things. It's especially ironic considering how this is on the verge of embodying the post-modernist thinking he's rallying against, you know, how you can interpret things a million different ways which means there's not actual truth to glean from it.

They can't, it'd backfire on them.



Molyneux referenced the test Peterson had developed for people to get their life in order and suggested if they used it there would be no need for expulsion or mass deportations in Europe. Seriously.

The womyn who's job it is to alter the stats and control what is trending had taken the week off because that letter triggered them.

#10 now.

>Government takes over the education of your kid
>The price of raising a kid sky rockets to 500k/per kid
>Hey guys we need to have the government to raise your kid, otherwise kids will grow up dumb.

Meanwhile in Soviet Russia
>Government takes over food production lanes
>The price of food sky rockets
>Hey guys we need to have the government to supply food, otherwise everyone will be starving.


it's like watching reruns of a really crappy show

Full version
Peterson's interview is much much better.

>still not even attempting to hide his autism
Why would he? It's dishonest to pretend to be someone you're not. Lying is a seriously bad habit everyone should try to get rid of. You don't even realize how many times a day you're lying until you start to consciously note every time you do it.

What test?

That and JBP has said himself that most of his friends are Jews so I doubt he'd be willing to dig all too deep.

Look up his defoo shit. This guy is either nuts or a con man and the fact that faggots on here keep posting his vids makes it look like Sup Forums is full of gullible retards.

Some performance review thing that he gives to people in college, it equalized graduation rates (or at least scores I think) across ethnic and gender lines on a dutch college. How that's going to solve Rotherham rape gangs or spontaneous explosions, let alone 2 vastly different ethnic groups in perpetual competition for ressources occupying the same area is anyone's guess.

The most likely reason tbqh.

No one suggested he should have lied. The man does not need to put his political autism into every discussion he has, especially not an interview meant for a very general audience. It's no wonder they falgged the peterson one but left this one alone.

>Peterson's interview is much much better.
Still flagged down?



molymeme's a good asset to have

i dont get it explain please

JP is incredibly dumb on the Jewish issue

Why didnt you post the link??

Bellcurve, female vs male

Two (gender) separated (gap) Gaussian distribution (biology).



Can be interpreted in various ways.
The bell curves could represent either IQ/ability (in support of biological realism) or wages (reinforcing the pay gap theory).

Google male vs female IQ average.

Then Google Race/IQ distribution.

Welcome to Sup Forums

Because James Damore is a smart man who realized that he could gain more stature, money, and success if he was maligned by Google for expressing his opinion.

He will now make far more money than he ever could at google. This is like sacrificing your bishop to claim an opponet's queen.

I expect the man to come out with his own independent content soon, and I hope he does well. He's a smart cookie.


it'll be taken down soon

It was removed from the list already.
Its still online but there is not "most viwed" list anymore for it.



Best (((doodle))) ever.

He paid James to do the interview about 50,000 dollars.

I hope so.
The guy need all the money he can get to make that lawsuit against Google happen.

this, he should have run it by Jorden Peterson first, he would have told him to avoid Molyneux, he's controlled opposition and will do him more harm than good.