/utr/ Unite the Right General #2 HAPPENING IN 4 DAYS


Saturday at 12 PM - 5 PM
Charlottesville, Virginia

Last thread: Lee Park
201-299 2nd St, Charlottesville, Virginia 22902


In response to the Alt-Right's peaceful demonstration in support of the Lee Monument on May 13th, the City of Charlottesville and roving mobs of Antifa have cracked down on the First Amendment rights of conservatives and right wing activists. They have threatened our families, harassed our employers and tried to drive us from public spaces with threats of intimidation. We are not afraid. You will not divide us.

DISCORD LINK TO THE ALT RIGHT DISCORD: flyt.it/DBV4GF (its just a link shortener, don't worry)

Thousands are going to turn out, both nationalists and antifa, and both sides are gearing up (pics to come). If you're looking for a ride, lodging, or others to go with, there should be a lot still available through the Daily Stormer forums and the Faceberg. Godspeed anons.

This is an event which seeks to unify the right-wing against a totalitarian Communist crackdown, to speak out against displacement level immigration policies in the United States and Europe and to affirm the right of Southerners and white people to organize for their interests just like any other group is able to do, free of persecution.


Other urls found in this thread:


Eh, bump I guess

bumping with physical removal

Reminder you have no choice but to go. You just have to. No excuses.


Alt-Right is a Jewish trick.
Spencer is not only a kike but a CIAnigger.
Proof? They'll attack me but not the claims made.


shut up I want to see a chimpout

fuck off rosenburg

also here are shields being provided by the League of the South

LINK TO source for that?

forgot the exact video but it was from a Patriot Prayer march over the weekend in Portland


and here are some of the helmets being provided by the Traditionalist Worker's Party


>join server
>half of the mods are blocked from either spamming alt-lite bullshit or being anti-white cucks

here come the little virtue signaling non-white cucks!

what do you mean by this? How would mods be blocked on their own server?

they're blocked by me and I only block people for two reasons: spamming and being anti-white

the utr rally is good
Moarpheus and Spencer are CIA LARPers

Sup Forums has never been alt right take this shit to reddit

I'm white but identity politics is for fags anyway.

>I'm white
you aren't fooling anyone
you HATE that white people are standing up for themselves now

>Proof? They'll attack me but not the claims made.

state or assert that something is the case, typically without providing evidence or proof.

Not an argument.

This is moarpheus from leftypol, an anti-white communist and infamous shitposter

Mark his ID for all the anti alt-right (anti white) shilling he's going to do in this thread

then which claim would you like to debate? :)

pic related. still mad about the other thread? hehe

You're equivalent to a BLM supporter shouting "coon" at another black person for not thinking as a racial monolith.

That's not me commie subhuman

Thanks it's amazing how these vids gifs pop up but are hard to source

>He thinks niggers will ever be on the level of an organized far-right white movement

>its not me tho guise!!!!1

how much you wanna bet that without TRS niggers to bump the thread, and without me to troll it, the thread would die because no one gives a shit about the Alt-Right any more?

Reminder that if you could have gone to this and you didn't you will feel a deep sense of shame for being a cuck

>You're equivalent to a BLM supporter shouting "coon" at another black person for not thinking as a racial monolith.
Nope, you are a darkie pretending to be white so you can claim some moral high ground. I know you niggers thought that by supporting Trump that whites would somehow ease up on you, and not continue to ask for their homelands back, but NOT THE CASE!


Is that why you need to "unite the right" to try to ride the coat tails of legitimate right wing groups because you have no credibility on your own merits?

TRS niggers = Moarpheus code word for white people


>I'm white
No, you're not Ahmed, now go fuck a goat.

BLM and antifa are suppose to show

Wonder if they will

>then which claim would you like to debate? :)
You must provide some argument based on objective reality for me to debate you.

Sorry, retarded axioms don't count.

>sages with image
>calls others newfags
>thinks Milo and Alex are alt-right
>calls others /leftypol/
I love Moarpheus. How's that personal twitter account going?

alt-right is controlled opposition

i'm not all that familiar with richard spencer and his politics, but i'm more curios as to why his head is shaped like an egg. is this a genetic disorder or is it because of the hairstyle/haircut?

>try to ride the coat tails of legitimate right wing groups

There are no right wing groups that represent whites except the alt-right

Are you referring to lolbratarian or neo-nazi movements? No thanks.


behold the master race

Every picture I see of him his haircut and head shape looks worse, is someone shopping these

(((white people)))

which claim do you require evidence for? :)

>thinks we dont see the D&C tactic with the Alt-Right VS the Alt-Lite
>think we're all dumb goyim

You are a shitskin

Anti alt-right = anti white

here they come

Admit it

Every time you say "TRS niggers" you're referring to white people

You're triggered by our alt-right movement because it works

I bet you want us to go back to nazi-larp and never reach mainstream prominence

>studying your enemies
This isn't shilling at all, no no no.
Also, inb4 ''look at the Lenin quote!!1!"
Doesn't mean anything, it isn't proof of shit.

So let's see how your thread goes?
Without TRS to bump it feigning interest, and without me to encourage their bumps, it will die because no one gives a shit about kosher Alt-Kike.

The goyim know.

Is the discord Sup Forums related? I don't wanna be in some non-Sup Forums discord

>our alt-right movement because it works

This guy is autistic enough to believe he's going to destroy the alt-right by shilling half assed memes on Sup Forums

I'm glad everyone is calling him out. There are 3 more leftypol agents ITT:

Oh man you guys must be excited for all the LARP'ing that's about to go down. Antifa and the Alt-Right are a bunch of retards who help (((them))) divide and conquer us.

Name a bigger political event than this rally in the last 70 years

You're about to get knocked the fuck out.jpg



Is that how this works now? The left calls you a "racist" to mindlessly try to discredit you and you guys call someone "not white." Remarkable intellectual prowess you have, you make our race proud.

Moarpheus/Peter is here. Witness his retardation.

Charlottesville has gone full SJW why is it being held there?

>which claim do you require evidence for? :)
Any of them will do.

>our race
Thought I told you to fuck off, nigger.

>implying this event will be big
no one gives a shit


White movement for white people. No wonder you feel left out.


They're getting bussed in by the thousands along with their BLM nigger pets. They're about to get BTFO

They are on discord and they post our threads so they dump all their folders at once

They're not active all the time, just coordinated attacks on alt-right threads

Who's considered white?

Keep trying.
And remember, if your tactics fail you win.

>Alt-Right vs Alt-Light is D&C shilling
I couldn't make this up if I tried.

Southern cops don't fuck around

Anyone expecting Berkeley or Portland is going to be disappointed

The people you're referring to when you use the term "white privilege"

Whites exist when we're blamed but not when we're united. Cute

To poke them in the eye, why else? We should hold an anti gay rally in san francisco

>attacks all alt-right/anti-diversity figures
>thinks people won't recognize leftyfags
>being this new

I seriously hate these rallies. Nothing good comes out of them. The media paints Alt-Right as Racist terrorists because of them and all you see is crybabies screaming for the police because somebody touched them. You guys do whatever you want and I'll work one on one with people and try to undo the damage.

Good argument.



Holy fuck go back on the The_Donald and go watch some more Steven Fucking Crowder. You seem to watch way too many anti-SJW faggots.

we get lots of good chimpout videos though, that's pretty cool

>Nothing good comes out of them

They said the same thing about Trump rallies. Remember when everyone thought Hilary was going to win? Rallies made all the difference.


Wait, this doesn't even make sense. Moarpheus is a purist who attacks anybody who doesn't advocate the extermination of minorities, especially Jews. You are against Jewry (as clear from your first post), but you also claim Alt-Right/Light split is is divide and conquer shilling. So either you are
-Moarpheus, outed as a massive troll
-not Moarpheus, but a massive troll
-not Moarpheus, but with different and more nuanced opinions
Which is it?


>We will not be marketing anything to women. The draw to women will be the men that we draw, because we have to be sexy.
fucking kek

The absolute state of the 'alt-right'

I seriously hate these Trump rallies. Nothing good comes out of them. The media paints Conservatives as Racist terrorists because of them.

What's the stated cause now though? I'm not shilling. Maybe I'm missing something.

Give me one reason we should let women subvert our movement

>We must have Chad Nationalism. That is what will make guys want to join us, that is what will make girls want to be our groupies


I'm still laughing at 'chad nationalism' desu

So far we've got all the leftyshill tactics on display in one thread
>muh the_donald
>stop identity politics!
>photo-shopped foreheads
>*insert pro white* is a jew
>trying to call people shills after being outed
leftyshills eternally BTFO'd

That's photoshopped.

>Moarpheus is a purist who attacks anybody who doesn't advocate the extermination of minorities, especially Jews

Nice digits. He does that not because he believes in it (he's a commie) but to subtly discredit the alt-right in context because he just wants to destroy it

>Yes goy I'm just like you we need to gas Jews, btw fuck those pro-white activists lmao

Mock me if you want but busting people out of their Jewish coma isn't easy. It takes patience. Then when I get them fired up I tell them to talk to their friends and family. Maybe the rallies do help fire people up.

are you a chad nationalist too?

Wow I have no clue how to reply to a person. That Richard Spencer image is photoshopped.

the shill is literally replying to himself

The absolute state of leftyfags trying to steal our memetics because they're fucking retarded.
>It's cool to be shit-eating cucks you guys!

>Can't navigate ideas
>Thinks pointing out geography discredits and argument.

I was replying to myself because I was posting another quote from the article moron
'chad nationalism' hahahaha fuck off


You are factually correct.

I fully support this shit for the riot prrrn primarily.

But this is going be dull like the TWP rally held at the same place.

Southern cops don't fuck around

If any antifa show up it will be a miracle

>No Depeche Mode
Stop posing as Alt-Right

TradWork are there?
Fuck yeah boy NatSoc for the win.
I honestly could not give one fuck about Spencer though.
He seems more like Ernst Rohm than Adolph Hitler.
In any case I will support your happening on this board.
Smash the AntiFa.
Bonus points for doing it in a brown shirt.