Let's settle this once and for, Sup Forums!
Who is to blame for this shitty planet, Sup Forums?
Do it, Sup Forums! Do it for my trips!
Shit poll
I give it 4/10
literally all of the old people in power right now
the jews
Why there isn't a jews option?
>ask Sup Forums who is to blame
How is this a shill post? I just wanna know whom Sup Forums blames for the downfall.
Honestly, it's like after a while, you morons just repeat words and phrases without even caring if they mean anything.
women's suffrage and the people who allowed it to happen.
Women should have had to fight a civil war to gain the right to vote, instead of some pussies rolling over and letting them.
maybe women were okay back then but they're not okay now
It's the Joooooooooooooooooooooos
As always
Millennial shoppers are roughly 17-35 years old depending on how broad of annet you want to cast with the definition.
The shit that is killing America has been going on since the 1960's.
I have no idea how "shoppers" wound up in that post. Fucking phone.
He said shit, not shill
fucking leafs
Boomers caused it
Millennials only moan about it but do nothing to fix it
Millennials are products and baby boomers did fuck shit up to a degree but their values are still golden
You know who actually did the damage?
Gen X
Those fat middle aged degenerates you see in cargo shorts and batman shirts?
They fucked up the worse
Was going to post this. What a shit poll, OP is a fag.
Just another leaf.....
Either way, it's an interesting thread. I just wanna know where Sup Forums stands.
"The natural state of entropy is to blame for the "shitty planet" and the strength of current institutions is why we've forgotten this." - this is the problem.
Wow, an exact 2/3 blame Baby Boomers and 1/3 blame the millennials.
this. with jews everybody loses.
and niggers too
>Yes goyim, the boomers are to blame! Hate your parents and grandparents!
Anybody who does not vote babyboomer should be gassed on the spot.
Match made in heaven.
hurry Sup Forums
I will keep this poll up only for today
Boomers BTFO!
It's the fucking Millennial shitstains!
Why wont Sup Forums take the red pill and realize that the entire world is run by 20 year olds! And us over 20's are being oppressed by these fucking youngsters who are ruining our culture speedily as a fuck you to us before we die!
I guess the Baby Boomers are to blame for the world's woes.