Why is Eastern Europe stupid?

Why is Eastern Europe stupid?

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Slavs are subhumans, but feel free to show your flag.

He's wearing the caliphate flag.

because russians + communism, case closed

If he shows his flag people will just attack his country instead of refuting his point. Why should he?

I am in one of the stupid countries. Actually I figured it out in the meantime.

Balkans = turk rapebabies, gypsies, albanians

That should explain it.

Ukraine, Poland, Baltics, Belarus = Potato based diet has not helped their IQ

you're albanian aren't you?.....

No? lol

>according to this graph I am considered human
>I hate western EU cucks

Albanians have average 118 IQ though...check this website for proof

Albania was communist. Communist countries drive all the smart ppl out. Either that or extremely retarded ppl vote for communists.

what the FUCK is wrong with Albanians?

t. mongol-slavic mongrel

>0.1% shitskin

>15% shitskin

That's pathetic

Nothing...this is fake bullshit Albania is way smarter than 82 IQ

In the case of the Balkans - gypsie minority.

>tfw without remnants of communism and russian occupants you would be intelligent enough to ascend to a higher plane of existence

physical removal when

The Balkans have a lot of gypsy and Turkish admixture, like Romania, Bosnia, Serbia. Rape babies.


>Actually I figured it out in the meantime.

Romanians are suspiciously close to us genetically and we have no turkish genes. Let's stop with the pseudo-science and look at actual studies.

Intelligent people flee communism, and as we all know intelligence is for the most part hereditary.

Take fake map and make yourself fap material - great work user - any reason not to cite the source - some scientific article maybe ?

It's proof that IQ is tied to standard of living and not genetics. The poorest parts of Europe have the lowest IQ.

Slavic people like Polish, Romanians and Ukrainians are all plumbers and clean toilets etc. They Europes Mexican people. If all American pretending to be Europeans knew about it, they would understand.

Explain the IQ score then.

Education and culture plays a part in IQ
Also this graph is actualy bullshit since Italy has the highest IQ in Europe

Superior Mongolian genes.

99 IQ post.

I dunno

why is western yurope so stupid?


Yes, IQ means alot....

Mongols average about ~95 IQ. The Han population gives them a boost.

I'm fairly sure Russians are poorer than Turks.

t. insecure Irish-American

Stop saying the IQ is that low due to the gypsies.Do you really think gypsies participated in those tests?

Perhaps the perpetuation of the myth that Slavs are general drunks being a self-fulfilling prophecy might have something to do with damaging their brains since infancy?
Or we can blame it on the ethnic minorities. You know, Gypsies, Mongoloids, Turkics (see proud Turkey, with all of that imported blood from the Ottoman times, still goes as low as 89), the other even smaller ethnic groups whose names no one remembers after 2 days

There are no Han in Outer Mongolia.

Jeezs fucking serbs, thats what you get when turks fuck your women before wedding night. Bosnia would be lower than Albania without Herzegovinian Croats raising the standard.

The maker of this map thinks living standards are a variable in IQ determination, take it with grain of salt.

Communism and socialism lead to dysgenics and low IQ. Also, gypsies decrease the average IQ in some of those countries.

Well in Romania they mixed with "whites" so they definitely lowered it for few points.

>Jeezs fucking serbs, thats what you get when turks fuck your women before wedding night.

roached my kebab off

>adjusted for Flynn effect and PISA

Why do you retards still keep posting this garbage?

>Finland happens to be highest

What a coincidence.

You believe to much in memes and those russian videos on youtube.Whites are not all the same,you have subgroups.So generally eastern Europe and Balkans have different IQ.It's mostly genetic,but communism and aristocid had some effect on IQ i think.

Somehow Russia is an oasis of civilization. Fascinating.

It's like saying Feudalism is dysgenic. Communism selects compliant people, who know when to shut up and follow orders, just like Germans.

Well you need to be smart to get drunk everyday with no schilings in your pocket, only the most capable survived.

Communists killed all the intellectuals and free thinking political opponents

I've always sensed this shithole site with it's political threads was some kind of platform for russian propaganda

the more time I spend there the more I realise it.

Feudalism isn't dysgenic. Smart people could still rise and lazy stupid people would starve. In communism and socialism, everyone is equally poor, so either everyone or no one starves, regardless of IQ, with the obvious exception of the party elite.

When the government literally pushed propaganda North Korea level on us for 100 years you get pretty stupid, let the old due out, we'll see the difference in 20 years, France has lost 9 points in 4 years

Don't want to defend communism but smart people could also rise in communism. Literacy was high, education standards were higher in the east than now. Even today kids in East Germany are better at PISA tests. Just no free market and enterpreneur culture.

East-Germany is so incredibly depressing migrants don't go there, that's why they perform better in school statistics.

>east central Europe

Because IQ correlates with socioeconomic status and their economies are weaker.

they're all 2nd-world countries and they're proud of it

Subgrouping whites is a bit troublesome. Even trying to outright brand Russian Slavs as nonwhites based on the more Tatar-looking among them is a bit bold. Too bold. Apart from legit Germans who went east in the poorer times of Germany, looking for miner work, some strains of Slavs are, genetically speaking, dangerously close to being Germanic. Not to mention the most German of German ethnicities assimilated a Slavish nation into itself.

In white Europe, I'd therefore blame these differences in averages on recorded minorities, but mainly lifestyle differences, i.e. Finland mounted an effective prohibition campaign through ridiculous alcohol taxes, while the land between Poland (master drinkers) and Russians (also people who know how to drink somewhat safely) is lost to poor nutrition and high ethanol usage

Wrong. Lower IQ creates lower socioeconomic status. Stop mixing up cause and effect, liberal donkey.

Yeah, possible. But Moscow has an IQ of 107 and there are a lot of 80 IQ Chechens and Central Asians. So there isn't really a dumbening effect of communism, quite the opposite if you compare slavs before the world wars, who were known as peasant retards ruled by foreigners at that time.

t. slav talking some shit-ass mongol language because his ancestors got raped

no, communism does that you piece of shit westerner

It might be prudent to first separate shitskins and whites, and then do the horse-breeding eugenics move on whites.
Like "Stallion X was foaled by Mare Y of very notable lineage A, sired by Stallion Z of super notable bloodline B"

Kosovo was included as part of Serbia in these tests, and it's full of Albanians.

not even joking on the north gorea part
we still have an extradition treaty with them

jakub marian is a leftist from czech republic. explains a lot about his maps.

Brother, let it be. There has been enough feud with the racemixers down south. We could one day harmonize our historiography. They call us Hungarians speaking a Slav language and we call them bastardized Slavs speaking mongolish; it's getting old.

They'll be more okay once they stop fearing they'll get rushed with tanks overnight, so we could be a bit more tolerant, right? Let them think Csardas is their invention and that the horribly disproportionate and plain Palvin is top model-tier.

Tolerance will bring peace.



I'm lying to myself

IQ isn't everything, imagine a pan-european state minus the shitskins, muzzies, and asians and everyone interbred with one another.

You would get the best combinations, slav+med+germanic=ubermensch

hey alboshit op, they are counting your people from kosovo in my serbian average, so you can fuck off.

I read a medical paper from the 30's that said even that is degenerate. They mentioned how if nords and meds interbred, then the kid's head size would be out of proportion with the pelvis. That would make natural birth impossible in many cases.

Eh, yeah.


Um, yeah, how do I put this...

>Slavs, but only one strain from a very specific range of years in the migratory period having carrying the a-R1a-n gene

>Meds, but only the white, virtuous northern half of Italy, some parts of Spain excluded, Greeks screened by eyebrow thickness

>Germanic, but certain Federal States excluded

>Don't forget some beleaguered white groups in northern India

'Uebermensch' by proper Nazi eugenic standards has a somewhat tighter definition.

But it all became irrelevant anyway when the fathers of the pan-white empire realized that the Aryan people got bitch-slapped and raped by mongoloids from the east, and came to the conclusion that
>Aryans are inferior


>But it all became irrelevant anyway when the fathers of the pan-white empire realized that the Aryan people got bitch-slapped and raped by mongoloids from the east, and came to the conclusion that

Russia periodically swept west into Europe on military campaigns. That was nothing new. It's not like they are any better off for it.

because slavs are not white. white means british, french, german, dutch, and scandinavian.

slavs and eastern europeans and spanish are subhuman scum that have accomplished nothing of value. everything that we have accomplished has been done by actual white people. slavs and eastern europeans and spanish are subhuman scum that try to take credit for their betters.

What about Tesla? Lots of scientific and industry terms are Slavic words.

Still too intelligent to eat up Eu liberal propaganda.

No, you're just butthurt that Poland can't compete with the big boys.

Well he is under an EU flag so I already decided to disregard everything he says

Are non northern europeans even white? The US is 52% white and it has a higher IQ than most european countries.

Maybe because only stupid people pass IQ test, clever people normaly dont spend time on such shit.

My sides!

>everyday still spamming this shit unreliable source


this board is getting more stupid than the this iq map

show your flag

geeee... maybe because someone had a great idea of cleansing us of the bourgeois elements who coincidentally had a higher IQ's. We may never know

Because you are gay

if not for dalmatia we would easily be over hundred

If we're so stupid how come we are so smart?

Cute memeflag

"white" is a fucking meme word created for colonial people that are too admixed to claim any certain ethnicity.

Albanians are subhumans

Sure thing bro lol, chemistry, physics and math has a lot to thank to slavs. And most scientists from prussian part of german territory are genetically mostly slavs. Thats only science in sports western Europeans are fucking roaches compared to slavs.

i'm american bro

select slavs and eastern europeans are capable of being smart like anyone else but their general population has more in common with non whites than whites. sorry bros

If all the gyppos would suddenly dissapear our average IQ would be above your kurtos brain

>white means irish

>more in common with non whites than whites
not true tho

Your chart is wrong. Britain sets the baseline for IQ, they are always 100.

> slavs are not white

Lmao and the cuck nations of France, Sweden and Germany are 'white'?? I promise you will never find slav women fucking black guys unlike western cucks but okay

Turk and mongol genes.

So I should believe a mr.54% dictate who is white or not?
