Cheeto Hitler tried so hard to look like a strongman for his emasculated base of used car salesmen, obese union workers...

Cheeto Hitler tried so hard to look like a strongman for his emasculated base of used car salesmen, obese union workers, and sexually confused internet trolls that he has now put the entire country at risk of an actual nuclear strike for the first time since the 60s

He provoked what was a low level threat into a strategic one with his utter incompetence and low intelligence

This is why you don't vote for reality tv gameshow hosts to be your president

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Or maybe Clinton, Bush, and Obama let a maniac get nuclear technology for decades while doing regime change in Iraq in Syria because of nonexistent "WMDs"


When did DT become a water pig?

>literately agent of north korea thread

>Trump gave NK nuke tech

No that was Bill Clinton user

When Obama was called a cuck for Syria red lines Assad cleared his chemical weapons stockpile. Orange is a fucking coward who can only talk shit now North Korea has a viable nuclear stockpile now every regime will see that they can just get nukes with impunity and push the orange faggot around

Except the NK situation was under control and actually just kinda funny under all three of those

Things were even thawing out with Dennis Rodman taking crazy trips over there

It wasn't until Cheeto Hitler came to office and tried to look tough that things got out of control. He does this because his base of omega males needs an alpha to attach their self worth to, even if it means starting a war the USA cannot win

Cheetos Hitler has now drawn a line in the sand where if he backs off, it means his presidency is over. And do you actually think somebody as stupid as Cheeto Hitler will sacrifice his reputation even in the face of a nuclear attack

Literally no. Congress needs to get him out of the presidency asap

Union workers are democrats

The plan is to push Fat Kimmie into nuking the left coast to rid our country of a significant numbe of niggers, faggots, spics, trannies and commies. I cant fucking wait to see LA get classed by the Norks. Praise the glorious leader!

Reported to FBI

Checked. I'd love it if this was true.

If he goes in he has to militarily occupy a nuclear/sarin/Vx armed Vietnam tier gook state that has been preparing for war building tunnels and shit this nigger will end his presidency in disaster whatever he does from now fucking Iran will get nukes now for sure followed by Saudi Arabia

You realize this isn't Reddit or Tumblr right? Im already on the list and dont give a single solitary fuck.

I reported you to moot @ jewgle. Good luck.

No, he doesn't. You are thinking like Dick Cheney. Trump will turn Norkland over to China after Grorious Reader is greased.

>an actual nuclear strike

>pre-hiroshima level technology

ok shariablue, saged.

The corporate media only ever trots out North Korea bullshit when they need a distraction from some development that goes against their masters' designs. I can't believe so many people on this board fall for it every fucking time.


>Syria had chemical weapons or did any chemical weapons attacks
Yeah, and Iraq had yellow cake.

You been asleep the last few days amigo? It aint just the MSM driving all the talk about Norks.


Yes we need to stop focusing on the threat of nuclear attacks and instead focus on more important issues like people speaking Spanish directly causing white genocide

No sweetie the intelligence agencies that Trump hates so much say that they have ICbMS retard that means the fucking missile goes into the stratosphere not to mention all the short range shit that will hit South Korea and Japan

Yeah, it's Trump's fault that Best Korea has nukes. Fuck off.

How much of a fucking coward are you?
Like think about what you're scared of here

>nuclear war is bad
Reddit leave.

Never forget Muh Nigger President got us all to this point.

>best korea threatens practically anyone and everyone for years
>mostly failed tests / some recent 'success' tests
>somehow its all trumps fault!!!!
its like historical connotation only exists when its beneficial for you and is immediately thrown out of your brain the second it might not assist your retarded narrative / thought / opinion

Exactly. Only fucking Boomers cower at the nuclear boogeyman. Displacement of whites by foreign invaders is the far more pressing concern. We need to pass the RAISE Act and ignore internal politics of East Asia, isolationism is the American way.

Nah, those niggas can barely hit a target 20 miles away.

The real story is that the Military and CIA are trying to goad Trump into asking to nuke so that they can say no and coup him

I wonder if Podesta enjoyed North Korean delicacies

>Obese union workers.

The Democrats have completely lost touch.

Do your BLM buds know you attack the mentally handicapped by using such offensive language?

>intel agencies
What a tool!
Those same intel agencies and their corporate media lackies swore Iraq had WMDs, Saddam was getting yellow cake from Nigeria, Assad was gassing innocent moderate rebels, that Osama bin Laden was a great ally against the Soviets, and the democratically elected government of Iran needed to be couped.


Lemme drop a red pill on you.

>North Korea does not exist. It's a CIA psyop.

Be prepared, there is a small chance that our horrendous leadership could unknowingly lead us into World War III.

>Assad cleared his chemical weapons stockpile

lol, because russia stepped in and took over. holy shit i am going to trace your IP and kill you.

It is very disrespectful to address the President of the United States as "Cheeto Hitler", sir.

Sorry didn't realize we had a spec ops dude who was about to assassinate Kim himself here. When are you deploying?

you cunt holes gave north korea nuclear technology in the 90s that started this, muh cheeto hitler muh orange man fuck off kikes.

Nothing will happen, just more libtards overreacting since election day

>that he has now put the entire country at risk of an actual nuclear strike for the first time since the 60s
North Korea threatened nuclear war in 2013 too. They even showed Kim Jong Un behind a map showing airstrikes on various US cities including Austin

>people still take this north korea war shit seriously

I liked it when ole' Trump told fat boy "we'll destroy you with fire and fury"

You got to respect Chinese sentiments when you are getting paid

Trump is dangerously psychotic and must be removed from office before he destroys the world!