Google Firing

She raises some interesting points. Is she right?

Other urls found in this thread:

The thread in question

>See's well thought out Email that makes sure to avoid personal attacks

Responds emotionally by strawmanning her "opponent" as something she can feel superior to.

I think those men she hates so much should quit their jobs en masse. They should brick as much as possible on the way out.

Remember kids,


>9 points

some random idiot's unpopular rant? Why link that?

"an industry filled with thirsty kissless old virgins" stopped here, at the beginning of the first sentence, in the first paragraph.

Muh lesbian feelings !!!

I gurantee she doesn't code and those losers do, she's probably HR, communications manager, team "leader", etc some nothing job

She's right tho. White male virgins should be exterminated. Not having sex before 16 should be an automatic red flag and this individual should be removed from civilized society.

#FuckNeckbeards #HireTyroone

I worked at Intel for 3 years before quitting because of diversity hiring. I will strangle this bitch if I ever find her identity. Socially inept nerds built the fucking computer. They developed mathematics, physics and chemistry. This bitch is wrong on all fronts.

>yes,there is a problem...what we need is MORE people that agree with ME.
Imagyne mye shawk...

These dumb cunts always victimize themselves out of relevancy

Wow, that's ableist against people who are not neurotypical.

That is about the most antisemetic post I ever read

"threatened by women"
Stopped reading right there.
Rest of the post is undoubtedly just as shit.

Spoken like a true roastie

at least she's getting destroyed

Yeah because the women in tech are so normal and well-adjusted.

Please don't bring your reddit trash here.

Every single time I see a critique of the diversity memo, it's obvious to me that they either haven't read the entire thing or are ideological liars.
This goes beyond a strawman directly into just creating a straw world that doesn't really exist so they have something to bitch about.

and go where

China will over take the West because they don't have to deal with the corrosive identity politics and they share a national interest with their countrymen. US Management will put 20,000 people out of work if they get extra shekels for it by making short term bonus goals.

lmao just get laid and be a normie
who knew this was a requirement to succeed in tech. im sure all the great pioneers of the 80s were basically turbo chads with healthy social lives and could balance work snd place they def didnt grind in basement and cubicles for days in end to create software and get big

what a dumb cunt

I agree, but ironically it's the neckbeard culture that leads to hiring solely based on "muh diversity" due to social white knighting in an attempt to get laid and to be "not your typical guy, heh".

Is China and Europe starting to beat US tech firms, would make her post interesting if its true?

Is there an example of even one neckbearded loser that actually did anything great for tech? Pretty much all the greats were married normal guys.

>inb4 Stallman

No kissless virgins equals no technology industry. They would take it with them just as surely as Rhodesians took modern civilization with them.

She's unbelievably retarded:

What do people complain about that literally never happens?

- Women accusing you of rape if she simply regrets having sex with you the night before

- Female-on-male rapes

- Misandry

- "Reverse" racism

- Black people wanting to "exterminate" whites (white "genocide")

- Sharia "police"

- The "Islamization" of Europe

- The "increase" of crime in places that accept Muslim inmigrants and refugees

>woman makes emotion based argument, wields sex as a weapon to both shame men and play victim at the same time, overestimated her competence and only uses cherry picked anecdotal evidence that is easily dismissed with factual studies across general population
>ends rant with fuck white men!!!
She must be a fat fatty fat fat lulz

Heres her twitter, some Argentinian cunt

Was hypersexuality this rampant in the 80s? Globalization wasn't a thing until the mid 90s as far as cultural globalism is concerned. It wouldn't be too difficult for nerds and geeks to get married to women in their local communities. Now you're basically competing against the entire country.

I thought being normal was just an act so not everything is awkward. Women actually like being average and normal I guess.

>they don't know how to do anything OTHER than code/program
>fire them immediately

I knew a roastie like this once, at my graphic design firm. She sucked some dicks and managed to get a top executive spot, which she used to fill the company with women, mostly her friends. She got a lot of artists who didn't socialize much or seemed weird fired. She even replaced the HR guy, a sweet old man in his 50s who had been with the company 15 years, with a 19 year old roastie fresh from school. One of the guys had her on recording laughing about ruining this man's life, because "he was ugly and reminded me of a creepy uncle". Eventually she got fired by the big boss once the recordings were given to him

Because OP wrote it and wants to maximize his (You)'s

>Ruby On Rails

Now that's what I call a real programmer.

They don't exist because once they become rich people stop seeing them as neckbeard losers.

>I am so shit at my job I blame other people for my own insecurities through projection and demonizing my foes
Great the bitch can hold a conversation. The autists she works with can't. I've had to deal with this type of woman before. They'll legit spend their day venting, manipulating, and thinking of ways to get the people around her fired. They never do anything wrong and get almost nothing done yet feel entitled to the world around them simply because they exist in the same space. Horrible human being. Just give these poor neckbeards a space for themselves.

Barf. They teach that shit at coding bootcamps for women. No joke.

Typical virgin who can't handle high abstraction, or a woman for that matter ;)

>She raises some interesting points. Is she right?
No, she is objectively wrong and only demonstrating that she herself is pretty "sexist" and stupid.
Attacking someones "virginity" (something she probably has not much evidence for anyway) is not an argument and she does raise no other meaningful point.

In my personal opinion the men she is attacking are the men who are running these companies, they form the backbone of tech and are irreplaceable and vital.
It is also quite disturbing to see women hating on men this way (who did absolutely nothing to harm her, except wanting to do their job), I wouldn't be surprised if she were a lesbian/had bad experiences in her past.

So she wants to push men who created an industry, out of the industry. So that women and "minorities" can enjoy the fruits of the labour of the unsightly, socially inept, creepy "manchildren", but without having to deal with them, or even acknowledging their existence, let alone their contributions to the success of the very industry in question. Got it.

Just out of curiosity, where does she suppose those men should go? I mean, women have taken every other space there is. IT is literally the last place for those men. Its a place they created, and it was the only thing they had left, they made it profitable, they made it a success, and now they should just fuck off and die, I suppose?

Christ, I really think most women are incapable of empathy. I mean, I don't even have anything to do with IT, I don't think I could ever pass as one of those guys she hates, I probably wouldn't get along with them very well, but the fucking GALL of that bitch, the sheer injustice of this shit makes my blood boil. I feel incandescent fucking rage right now, and this shit doesn't even affect me personally. And I'm old enough to know that many, many men will have the same reaction, regardless of their personal station in life. Because many, if not most, men know when a thing is WRONG.

I've never seen a woman be capable of such feeling on account of another, unless they somehow manage to put them in the position of children. That's the closest women can get to empathy, they can infantilize a group as a substitute for children they neglected to have while pursuing their high flying careers as HR executive manager paperweight leagspreaders, and act the mama-bear towards whoever they view as the big bad wolf. I think this is why women are so goddamned vicious and evil to anyone they cast in the role of the snake, who they think is trying to eat the children they were too fucking stupid to have.

>She raises some interesting points. Is she right?

Didn't even read it



>I agree
With what exactly?
That the men in the tech industry who actually care about their jobs instead of office politics need to be fired?

And then in 10 years they turn around and ask where have all the good men gone, why are twenty year olds sitting at home jobless playing videogames? It is a mystery


so should it be pointed out that women's choices help make men like this? That this society didn't give a fuck about their males and just tried to promote women into every field that paid and had air conditioning?

Women like this are why I go on two dates and then never call them again.

Women are so shit and it's like they don't even know it lol

>mfw some dumb bitch thinks she's snared me with her pussy lasso and is gonna get a shot at my land and perfect genetics

>Anonymous (ID: GjGbRJRO) 08/09/17(Wed)21:04:00 No.136731302 ▶
Anyone who has ever made open source code or network protocols or drivers.
Also sys admins with ponytails.

Sup Forums is eating the world.

I am trying to wean myself off of jewgle but I am having a hard time as I have already have so much invested in my gmail account and on top of that I still use youtube.

I have already moved onto brave but I don't know what I can do, other than find a new search engine, to keep away from google. Is there anything else I should do to screw google even in the slightest? I know me doing this doesn't accomplish much but it makes me feel good.

We Wuz Koders and Sheeeit

>work better
>go party
wth, if she didnt notice the new improvement is automatization, having robots is good

Tyrone's ancestors invented C a 1000 years before Dennis "Cracker" Ritchie stole the compiler by murdering black scientists in Africa. So shut your mouth white boi.

How do we get women out of the workforce?

> implying having women in IT is ever a good thing.
There is a reason why programming is a task so densely populated by men.

It is based on logic in it's truest form, many women have a problem with this, especially when it becomes complicated.

When women have a majority in IT, programming or whatever related sector, you start getting Ubisoft Montreal tier shit, broken ass products marketed out the ass because they know they are selling a sugarcoated polished turd that they cannot possibly fix up with their in-house staff.

>t. datacenter engineer

Literally anywhere that isn't a big tech company. The lead dev where I work says far more red pilled shit than that memo on a daily basis right in front of the boss.

Outside of Silicon valley tech is a pretty sweet sector to work in.

Dude, actual contributions, not App #231344 for Shitty Hardware #27327362.

> I don't know what open source code is so I'll pretend its flappy bird clone 12,859

Only complete nerds make open source software projects and every single piece of software created today depends on at least some of those libraries.

>kissless virgins
Try calling them "unmarried at 40" and see the outrage

If you don't know what the words mean, maybe you should google them before you respond. I didn't know anyone could be this dumb.

cont goddammit, because I need to vent my spleen

So they view the world in pretty stark relief, there's only a few moral categories to them. There's other women, who are both allies and deadly foes, depending on the type and number of men in the immediate vicinity. There's children, who need protection from the elements, and the big bad wolf. There's men they want to fuck. And then there's all the other men, who might as well be literally dead. This is it. There is no room for empathy there. They will help other women, if at the moment they are allies, and turn on them the instant they are no longer useful. And they will help their substitute children, any group they managed to infantilize and strip of agency to fill the gaping hole in their ID, the hole where their own children should fit.

The men they want to fuck don't need their help, ever, because if they need it, they're no longer the men they want to fuck. A neat way to go about things, to be sure. And all the other men? The ones who aren't fuckable, but also aren't inept and harmless enough to be cast in the role of the child-that-never-was? They get cast in the role of the big bad wolf. And the fact that its those very fucking men who mostly created the civilisation that allows women to be such vicious, vile cunts without repercussions or risk? Pff, who care about that shit?

The West will fall unless we somehow succeed in taking suffrage away from women. The voting unit should be synonymous with the family unit, with a man as its head. Its as simple as that. And make no mistake, this will happen even if the West falls, because Muslims, for all their faults, at least understand the nature of women. Its just that all the good things in Western civilization would perish too, if the sandniggers took over, and thats the only reason I haven't yet become a Muslim.

>She raises some interesting points. Is she right?
This is obviously larper. Casually mentioning Shockley as a role model, when he was one of the most famous eugenicist among scientists.

Why is she so upset about a bunch of nerds? Aren't this weirdo shut ins the type of people who always create technology? Sounds like she's mad because she doesn't work with dudes she can fuck.

The biggest point she's wrong on is the places outside America have tech industries that aren't full of nerds. Chinese and European firms are definitely full of nerds.

The only places where tech companies have a significant number of women are, I shit you not, some arab countries and Russia. But thy're hardly the cutting edge.

Use Yandex, Viadalvi or whatever its called or Palemoon as a browser
Use duckduckgo, or even bing as a search engine

> I really think most women are incapable of empathy
bingo, just move on with your life
check /redpill/ subreddit, its worth the cancer


Exactly! Sounds like she is the one that needs to get out more!


She sounds like a bigot to me. It's a pity she has such hatred in her heart.

user, can you clarify what strawman means. im getting quite annoyed seeing the term used all the time. Say for example you bring up a argument, and I use rationalization, in other words, I keep the same argument, but replace the subject to a extreme version, to make the person realize how bat shit crazy their argument is, if you simply rationalize it. Is that a straw man?
>Example: Its ok to kill humans
>Ok, but babies are humans what about abortion?

Simple. For most people its strawmanning if they disagree with the argument, and a legit debating tactic if they do.

>Chinese are more Creative than Americans

Fuck no, bitch needs to read/listen to some John Gatto. That robotic demeanor is a result of the K-12 system breaking people down into serfs. Asians have been at that fro much longer and it's killed their population's creativity and autonomy.

nice, even redditfags are shitting on her.
But she is retarded, talking about working with neets and virgins, then slips something in about dating issues and insulting them on looks and cleanliness, instead of coding skills.
And even better i like this part
>That's why you see a drop in quality in silicon vally
it's not the recently added women being hired to fill quotas or the minorities causing it, no it's the neets and white virgins that have been working in that sector the whole time that are the issue.

So my assumption that anyone who says "Strawman" is basically losing the argument and deferring to cunt tactics is correct. Thx.

Literally ever piece of technology she uses was built by these "neck beards" she speaks of. I love how she acts as if they were to disappear tomorrow all this new innovation would pop up by women. Nothing is stopping them from innovating now. You don't have to work for a company to innovate. As somebody who has been involved in several hiring processes of "nerds" it is so hard to find quality talent. Many, many people out there are faking it. Does she believe that you learn this type of skill by just attending university and getting a degree? WRONG It takes A LOT of personal time to be devoted. Many late nights researching and learning. Because of this many "nerds" do not have much experience in the social arena. It's because they spent so much time perfecting their skillset.
Now, let me ask you, if you were a business who would you want to hire? The "nerd" that will come in and easily put in a 12 hour shift without batting an eye or the "social butterfly" who will stroll in late, with a hangover, and socialize for much of the day and then be out the door at 5:00PM on the dot?
She lives in a fairy tale world and she obviously needs to switch departments.

OMG this is SO ableist against fat people!

Basically, yes.

Though it is possible to strawman in truth, you just have to be a sneaky cunt about it. Funnily enough, the type of people most likely to misrepresent the positions of others are precisely the kind of people who screech "strawman" at a viable argument. Go figure.


oh look it's another female "argument" that's based around "haha, u r virgin"

Science and tech would not exist without asocial nerdy males. Period.
The bubble of these people is about to pop. You can feel their increasing distress.

Found her Twitter

Maybe they wouldn't be kissless virgins if feminists weren't for white genocide

modern women are demented. pandering to them was an insane thing to do

Dutch bro found it a while back

>The real problem with IT? It's filled with socially inept white men.
Yeah no shit. Where do you think they built that passion for technology? Out clubbing? At the skate park or beach?
Holy fucking shit. Let nerdos have their niche.

All I see are insults. What points?

Maybe she is trying to say more women/minorities need to get into STEM. Why do they keep avoiding it? Personal choice?

You want women out of the workplace? It's quite simple really; Cut benefits. Without benefits the lazy, entitled and worthless will no longer seek employment.

>telling the guys that they suck and are without remedy and are disgusting

>He's the one who's hurtful to the work enviroment

me too. just more noise...

China is winning because they don't care about bullshit like this, you vapid cunt.

Those men you hate so much, are the ones who actually build the platforms you use.

Do you know how much autism it requires to write millions of lines of code?

The tech industry has changed.
Twenty+ years ago neckbeards and socially reclusive wizards lorded over the internet like gods. They had tremendous power. With their power, they created tools and software for mere mortals, the normies, to rise above and harness the tech themselves. With their newfound abilities they created things like leddit, twatter, kikebook and goggle. The net became part of everyday life, a way to socialize and connect.
The mortals turned their backs on the gods, and the gods no longer have the power to enact a reckoning.

You can use adnauseum with firefox, but Mozilla is arguably worse than Google.

Just use Yandex as an alternative to google for both searches and mail.

She's right lol

This week in the elections I'm going to vote the more right wing party possible, fuck this bitch

>thirsty kissless old virgins
>second sentence

Stopped reading.

Digits don't lie this is the right question leaf

>gets a job in IT
>complains about working with geeks and nerds
seriously? maybe she'd be better suited working for a travel agency

Wow.... so this is the power of r/SRS catladies. She's still using their old ad-hominems from 2013.