Why do you guys deny the holocaust when most historians say the 9,000,000 mark is an understatement?
Why do you guys deny the holocaust when most historians say the 9,000,000 mark is an understatement?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Muh 6 million
>How could the west allow 9 million Jews die?
>I just can't believe 12 million Jews were killed by Nazis
>Trump is literally Hitler. He will probably end up killing 15 million people just like Hitler
>Oy vey. It was 18 million goy. Never forget
>more jews were killed than were in all of europe
I actually believe the reports from our GIs of mass starvation in the camps, the supply lines were bombed to shit after all
Note how not a single US Soldier ever saw a gas chamber, really makes you think
By the way, 5 million europeans didn't die in the holocaust but the 6 million jews is totally real trust me, goy.
Source on the "5 million didn't die" claim jta.org
Because they killed people who had Jews ancestry and people who looked Jews to them.
Shame on you! How could you hold the death of the 28 million in such low regard?!
>link to youtube
Kids these days
Because most people weren't killed in the gas chambers. That was something done at the vey end.
Thank g-d them mericans saved Jewry from those evil nahtzees
I like how the official story of how "most" people were killed changes every time the previous one starts being questioned as completely implausible
If you fucking faggot Nazi's deny the holocaust one more time you're getting doxxed.
190 million. Remember it you fucking scumbags.
You're a fucking antisemite, the correct number is 230 million, you Nazi.
Fake and gay. Somebody buy this chosen fellow a ticket to madagascar.
Yeah they didn't even have gas chambers until the (((Soviets))) built them!
Really thaws my dinner.
(((Historians))) you say?
Most historians are hacks that just lick the balls of the faggots setting the standards so they can get funding. Historians cow to pressure all the time because they'd be paupers otherwise.
>TFW you realize the next world war will result in the deaths of hundreds of millions.
>most historians
Explain how the poor juice pulled the bodies from the gas chambers without suffering any toxic effects themselves without protective chemical suits.
Explain how so many bodies were incinerated to ash quicker than modern crematorium ovens can do it today.
Explain where the energy came from to incinerate all those bodies
Do the math, use logic not emotion.
oy vey. 600 septzillion is the accurate number. we have testimonials to prove it. ever notice that there are so many lampshades in europe and america. case in point my fellow whites
People died of veriest reasons. Being shot, worked to death, in the Ghettos and what not.
Just like the last one then?
>hundreds of billions
>mostly Jewish
Don't you mean 10's of trillions, goy?
Nope, the death toll never came close to 70 million.
0 gassings
This is why we need a law against denying the holocaust.
You disgust me, fucking revisionist. ALL historians agree that at LEAST 2 BILLION innocent Jews died in the Holocaust. What are you, a fascist?
Sure thing bro, do you even believe that at this point?
Stop censoring us you facist!
Remember Muh' 6 Gazillion,oy vey,anudda shoah!!1
After talking to holocaust survivors.
When you deny something everyone believes and claim that you have the real truth, that provides a strong ego boost. You see this UFO conspiracy theorists, creationists, and lots of other groups. Holocaust denial is just the local flavor. The only way to maintain this ego boost is to be very selective about what information you accept, which is why anyone who disagrees with them is part of a worldwide conspiracy. There's also a lot of Dunning-Kruger going on. Holocaust deniers overestimate their knowledge of history, their ability to separate fact from fiction, etc.
Jews worldwide use the holocaust to get simpathy and money from Germany and the world.
I've seen Jews in our local media
>of course here we have Jews overrepresented on TV and Newspapers, just a coincidence!
using "muh Holocaust" argument while debating about things that have nothing to do with that, like the economy, politicians, sports. They guilt trip everybody even here where 99% of the population never killed a Jew.
At the same there are lots of laws and active persecution to those who dare to defy it. But there are 0 laws against Communism or TV Shows aired at children with oversexualised content.
There are no truths that need those two beahviors from the people who say to defend it. We don't jail people who deny Slavery cuz it is pretty fucking easy to prove true.
>Trump killed 7 billion jews on the holocaust of WW3. Never fograt
Explain how gassed bodies lost weight post-mortem?
Then "most historians" are balled faced liars.
next you gonna tell me earth is flat and my ego is big for saying its not.
It would be hilarious if it weren't so sad.
Sup Forums is so misinformed about history that it doesn't even know what exactly it's arguing against.
So much of what was considered wide-eyed crackpot conspiracy was vindicated. You should feel inferior for disregarding your capacity for skepticism and admonishing those whose only crime was looking to uncover injustice.
Not an argument, rabbi.
WTF? do you even read what I posted?
So many shlomo's in one thread,is almost like there is 6 million just in this thread alone!
Fuck off kike
I wonder why there's so many survivors if the intention was genocidal in nature
>provide no argument
>use unrelated conspiracy theories to call someone a conspiracy theorist
Nah I'll just call you a low IQ liberal
Then that wouldn't be Jews getting killed technically now would it?
Fuck you shlomo or i will gas you up.
>multiples of 3
Reminder that (((they))) can name only 3 million """victims""".
My favorite "effort to cover up the holocaust" is when the Germans were retreating, and stopped to dig up the mass graves of 100 thousand, and burn them in the open air.
Lots of redpills here:
Jews literally made up 5 million non-Jewish victims for "sympathy"
>‘Remember the 11 million’? Why an inflated victims tally irks Holocaust historians
>An oft-cited statistic of 5 million non-Jewish Holocaust deaths has no basis in fact, experts say, and may be contributing to denial efforts
The “5 million” has driven Holocaust historians to distraction ever since Wiesenthal started to peddle it in the 1970s. Wiesenthal told the Washington Post in 1979, “I have sought with Jewish leaders not to talk about 6 million Jewish dead, but rather about 11 million civilians dead, including 6 million Jews.”
Yehuda Bauer, an Israeli Holocaust scholar who chairs the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, said he warned his friend Wiesenthal, who died in 2005, about spreading the false notion that the Holocaust claimed 11 million victims – 6 million Jews and 5 million non-Jews.
Yehuda Bauer (Thonke/Ullstein bild via Getty Images/JTA)
Yehuda Bauer (Thonke/Ullstein bild via Getty Images/JTA)
“I said to him, ‘Simon, you are telling a lie,’” Bauer recalled in an interview Tuesday. “He said, ‘Sometimes you need to do that to get the results for things you think are essential.’”
Bauer and other historians who knew Wiesenthal said the Nazi hunter told them that he chose the 5 million number carefully: He wanted a number large enough to attract the attention of non-Jews who might not otherwise care about Jewish suffering, but not larger than the actual number of Jews who were murdered in the Holocaust, 6 million.
Then explain why there were jews in the german army?
You are a Nazi moron
I'm almost 100% sure that there are more Jewish "holocaust" survivors than there are "holocaust" deaths in total.
Aktion 1005 actually started in 1942.
>“I said to him, ‘Simon, you are telling a lie,’” Bauer recalled in an interview Tuesday. “He said, ‘Sometimes you need to do that to get the results for things you think are essential.’”
>‘Sometimes you need to do that to get the results for things you think are essential.’”
>‘Sometimes you need to do that to get the results for things you think are essential.’”
>‘Sometimes you need to do that to get the results for things you think are essential.’”
Doesn't apply to the Jewish victims, those were 100% real though. Please don't look into this any further
I was reading my nephew's history book and I shit you not it claimed 11 million.
It's more efficient to kill lots of people by simply starving them of food and water. Free, in fact.
Very odd that Germans would continue shipping food and medicine to the camps on a daily basis until the rail lines were blown up, when they intended to kill everyone in the camps anyway.
By the end of 2021 someone will clain that 24 million jews died.
If there were jews killed weres the bones?
>all burned
You are deluded if you think that. Not even modern burning ovens in crematoriums burn all the bones. Most bone chunks are crushed in a specially designed crushing machine. The bone dust is added to the ashes. By measuring the ash percentage in the soil in and near death camps we can tell how many jews were killed but measuring the ash content is illegal, i wonder why? From those who werent burned we can use sonar type technology which is used to locate and form 3d images of mass graves without putting a shovel in the ground. This is illegal as well, i wonder why?
>That was something done at the vey end.
The same historians who say pyramids that dot the face of the earth, all of similar craftsmanship, were built independently from one another and that pyramid construction is an "open-and-shut" case?
>muh aliens (no)
Civilizations were definitely in contact with one another, or a common third party.
These sermons are a good start
Whether their families were in the camps of not every Jewish person is a Holocaust survivor solely for not dying there. Questioning this makes you an anti-Semite bigot.
>no german communications
Because the allies were coming.
This is about the best and most faithful allegory for why everyone hates the jews and doesn't give a fuck (pic related: "6 million" is itself a popogandized lie, and real investigators have only ever been able to account for ~ 800,000 of all garbage people and not just jews who wear eradicated) . All they do is lie cheat and thieve, complain about not getting enough, and leave everyone else holding the bag when the check comes due.
So they built special facilities? Why not just cut the water supply? Camp would be empty in a week.
>I get my history from some batshit evangelical preacher!
wow, so this is the power, of stormfags!
the proof cries out in pain as you question it.
They did do that user, are you retarded? Thats exactly what the scene from Band of Brothers is. They just locked them in and ran away from incoming allies
>Simon Wiesenthal himself admits he fabricated 5 million non-jewish victims for sympathy
>but all the jewish victims are real, i swear
More like Hitlers cannon fodder
lol, deniers are such desperate retards grasping at straws
other races use that to blackmail us for whatever reason and we don't like that very much, other races and blackmail
Why build the gas Chambers then?
how do you come to terms with the fact that 5 million non-jews dying in the holocaust is an admitted fabrication?
Because it wasn't killing them fast enough. Why do you think it was called the Final Solution.
9 million?!
Its manipulated. And besides if you need to crush the testicles of german soldiers to get fake holocaust confessions then you know it never happened.
How about you watch them. They are filled to the brim with scientific and mathematical evidence, fuck wad.
because one simple fact
camps didn't open until 1941
if you calculate 1941 until 1945 you have 4 years
or exactly 1460 days
To exterminate 9 million PEOPLE (notice i didnt' say jews)
you would have to kill 6164 people every day.
how the FUCK do you kill 6 thousand people a day.
Every day, including sunday's holidays, basically each and every day.
the numbers are impossible.
do i believe 3 million...yes
any more than that. FUCK NO.
even if each camp (and not all camps were extermination camps) did 500 a day. You don't think these camp inmates would notice??!!
People went into these camps not realising they were death camps.
There had to be some sort of cladestine or at least "on the down low" removal of them.
Even the gas rooms that were build like drive ins. Only killed a few hundred a day.
6k a day every day for 48 months. Come on now.
You guys are truly deplorable.
Over 2.4 billion jews died for your freedom.
All reputed (((historians))) agree this figure is accurate.