Daily reminder that America has the most prisoners in the world...

daily reminder that America has the most prisoners in the world, even more so than totalitarian regimes like North Korea, per capita.

daily reminder that this is all because we have a for profit prison system that uses draconian drug laws AND police have arrest quotas because they need to arrest as many people as possible to put into these for profit prisons

reminder that these for profit prisons then use these prisoner as slaves and rent them out to companies like Whole Foods, Wal-Mart, AT&T, Pepsi Co, Starbucks, BP, Shell oil, Microsoft, and even Victorias Secret

and reminder that these for profit prisons which only exist as a slave trade cost tax payers billions upon billions of dollars a year

And you guys never say shit about this. Also, none of the people arrested by ICE are deported, they are just thrown into this system.

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ok Henry Rollins

I dont even see why this is a left or right thing. There are 2 million people in our prison system, and its ONLY because these for profit prisons need more slaves to rent out to companies. Companies too cheap and greedy to just hire honest americans looking for a job. We bitch about shipping jobs over seas, or hiring illegals and flooding the country with immigrants, but companies using us as literal slaves is just glossed over.

Am I really the only one on this board pissed off about this?

When you say "for profit" it's actually to pay prisoner expenses because they need to fucking eat and take shits

Were the third biggest countrt in the world, and have a more compitent prison system than china and india, i dont see the problem...

Yeah, you might want to head on over to reddit with this. Very serious issue!

t. contrarian cucks.

>According to the Tucson Citizen’s analysis of Arizona’s three oldest private prison contracts, the rate to hold one prisoner for one night has increased 13.9% since the contracts were awarded. Compared to the cost of state-run prisons, Arizona overpaid for its private prison beds by $10 million between 2008 and 2010.


youre paying millions of dollars to some faggot just so he can rent out slaves to companies while you bitch about unemployment and not enough jobs in America.

Remember to archive

Are you uncomfortable talking about actual issues in our country?

Tfw more niggers per capita than north Korea

Its because the right wing is heavily invested in for profit prisons. Another example of the right being cucked by their corporate overlords.

yeah, the higher ups are. This is why Sessions wants to increase his autistic drug war.

All the underlings, as in most people on this board, have no vested interest in this and are potential victims of it, yet cheer it on out of retarded contrarianism

Its because people on this board suck Murdoch and Koch brother dick. Sup Forums has deemed all information outside of the Murdoch-Koch media sphere "fake news".

>daily reminder that America has the most prisoners in the world, even more so than totalitarian regimes like North Korea, per capita.
>Daily reminder America is a multicultural nightmare where everyone is enslaved by jews.

>oh shit, Im on the verge of learning about actual large scale immortal corruption!
>better deflect it with some bird brain comfortable conspiracy theory

fuck, you were almost on the verge of actually learning something there!

as long as its mostly niggers and spics i dont really see what the problem is

Anyone who wants to go to prison, will gladly find themselves there, no problem. America also has the "highest" amount of serial killers, but also due to other countries not able to understand a killing might be a serial killer. So it goes unreported. They basically don't have the resources or funds to even investigate such "accusations". I'm wondering what you're doing to even care, or worry about being "thrown in the system".

Thats right, keep defending this shit like the good goy cucks you are.

We are all prisoners, user. Prisoners of our flesh and desires. Let us pray for salvation.

Blacks aren't people though.

>would rather allow violent nigs and spics on the streets

how many shekels do you have in your bank account?

Don't act like a LOT, a LOT, I mean a shit LOAD of people who are there, shouldn't be there. Look at the statistics for ex-cons who go back eventually. In and out, in and out, over and over. Repeated failures, repeated offenses, just non-stop thugging. Read stories on how 1st time offenders like murderers, who eventually get out, go back out to the world and continue killing.
Druggies deserve their time in jail. They specifically target children to be long-term addicts who will give them more money in the long-run. They specifically target women for free sex slave labor in return for a drug dependency so they never leave. These are bad people.

your only stating the symptoms without ever addressing the cause. And your op is fairly common knowledge. Enjoy your first year in high school big guy.

>daily reminder that America has the most prisoners in the world

It's a combination of our large population, competent police system, and our large amount of "diversity".

If you want a high-population country full of niggers with less prisoners, go to Brazil. Criminals walk the streets freely there, looking to shank and rob dumb plebs like you.


except the vast majority of those in prison are there for nonviolent crimes user. We literally ignore violent crimes just to pick up people with a bag of weed so for profit prisons can add them to their slave trade.

Im not saying murderers or rapist or theives shouldnt be in prison. Im saying we shouldnt have these retarded draconian laws specifically just so prisons can get filled up with people because they make more money that way. I dont understand what sort of contrarian edge lord would actually defend this.

Louisiana alone has more prisoners than China. The "its just because we have a lot of people" excuse is bullshit. One state in america has more prisoners than one of the most authoritarian states on earth, all to line the pockets of a few elites, while you subsidize them with your tax dollars, yet you keep finding excuses for them.


>its ONLY because these for profit prisons need more slaves

Epitome of dindu nuffin. What 90% white suburb do you hail from?

>competent police system,

Seriously user, I want you to watch this and drop this ironic detachment act and then tell me you honestly think this is right


China executes people for drug possession.

Also, you don't think the Chinese lie about their prison numbers? Satellite images show they have a lot more "re-education" centers than they admit publicly. All those Falun Gong and anti-Marxists need to be stashed somewhere.

I live in BFE Louisiana in a working class town and Im blue collar. Unlike your projection, as a way to not acknowledge the problem. Seriously, why are you defending this shit when you know its wrong

Because I know it's not wrong.

Also, I'm okay with druggies and criminal scum getting put in the slammer, because you people are generally leftist anyway.

Seriously, just look at the FBI's records of crime rates by niggers.


>daily reminder that America has the most prisoners in the world
>per capita
that's a round about way of saying "not really lol"

Yankee imperialists on here think they can fool us into turning on DPRK. Shills don't realize USA is most evil nation in world history, killed more people than any regime ever. DPRK will crush imperialist dogs.

So now you are just being emotional because you cant deal with being proven wrong, so you will defend this system out of spite? Lol youre a fucking joke and a complete cuck.

How am I proven wrong?

I didn't contest your shit to begin with.

I agree with the current laws, and I want niggers and leftists to be enslaved and buttraped.

Also, explain why the murder-per-capita rate is higher in all these nigger countries that have virtually outlawed guns.


Really makes you think.

yes it's discouraging to see the responses to this thread , people here and in general can't think for themselves , but what else is new

this is the problem with marijuana legalization it will slam the door on ending the drug war that's been destroying the country for 50 years by removing support of the "moderate pot users"

Strange how brainwashed people are that go on about "muh rights"