I live with a retarded grandmother who has Alzheimer's. A nigger aid from Ghana lives with us, hired to take care of her. Mom makes turkey one night. Nigger sets a portion aside that she can add nigger spices to. She asks my mom if she wants to try it and when she says no she laughs at her. I was furious that she acts like she has a leg up on her or can handle something that she can't when she's not even American. I talk to mom in privacy and tell her that nigger aid is a second class citizen and always will be, that it's insulting to act like the world is worth exploring or that any culture has value or that value can be found outside of America, that Ghana is a stinky shithole full of niggers who cry themselves to sleep every night wishing they were American, and that she should be killed for even having thoughts of superiority, and should be shown the door the next time this happens. This is not the first time she's made comments insinuating the superiority of nigger food. Mom acts like I'm the asshole. Am I the asshole?
I live with a retarded grandmother who has Alzheimer's. A nigger aid from Ghana lives with us...
niggers need very spicy food because their subhuman taste butts are not existing
spicy food is not taste - its actually pain on the tongue
sucks for them if they cant taste because of generations of dirty eating and starvation
So spices = superiority = GET OFF MY LAWN REEEE
maybe you should just accept people have different likes and dislikes. Sounds like the nigger was attempting to be nice
>being this autistic
>that it's insulting to act like the world is worth exploring or that any culture has value or that value can be found outside of America,
This is b8
What did she do that offended you so much?
They do you they need to send someone all the way from Ghana to take care of your gram gram?
Cant they find some american, or even some mexican?
Get a grip, ffs. It's just food.
>She asks my mom if she wants to try it and when she says no she laughs at her.
You're over reacting.
>Am I the asshole?
Actually Ghana is a pretty based country. You should look into it.
also their food is good.
The nigger servant acting haughty
By putting spice on her food? Fucking white power snowflakes
is this the power of autism?
terrible bait, kill yourself
Your mom can't handle the spice and you can't handle minor bantz.
You're the asshole, bitching about the woman who cleans your grandmother's ass. Lazy and Stupid.
By acting like adding her nigger spices makes the food superior to her masters food.
>Am I the asshole?
for calling your Gran "retarded" when she has Alzheimer's yes. If you don't eventually come to regret this and break down in heaving ,wailing tears you are desensitized to human suffering and should probably be put away for the safety of the rest of us.
She's not a servant, the woman isn't her master and it's ok to have personal preferences
stfu nigger. I went to University with a upper class Ghana kid whose parents worked in the Ghana Embassy in the US.
>He was always at least 2 hours late to the group work
>was also a weed dealer
>wanted someone to go to the police station to give their finger prints as his
>the only person dumb enough to do it was his sister.
>Beat his girlfriend, and thats why the police wanted his finger prints
>always cheated on tests by simply texting on his phone to someone outside of the classroom
>always cryed about racism
Ghana is not based. fuck off
Shitty nigger spice KEK
Mfw a loser tryhard tries too hard to impress Sup Forums with his intolerance towards other cultures and races but then get BTFO by the very same people he's trying hard to impress.
Let me guess, thinking about some vapid reply about me using the word "intolerance"? Fuck off nigger.
but again you are only 12 and hopefully it will go away
Be grateful that someone is willing to put up with your shit grand mother instead of your shit mother, she is probably earning every shekel she is squeezing out of your bitch pig mom.
your grandmother is literally what I read in the obituaries
You are an asshole, yes.
Also, not only are you an asshole, but why are you not caring for your grandmother yourself, asshole?
Yes user you are a fucking asshole jesus christ.
You are an asshole OP.
>Am I the asshole?
You're spot on, but why don't you hire a non-nigger instead? The Dunning Kruger effect makes nigs perma arrogant. They also are envious of whites, so they shit on them when they can.
My grandmother had an aid that would go to my parents house to feed and bathe her. She was black and no matter what the topic of discussion was the bitch always had an expert opinion or bigger better story like she was in a big dick contest. One day she sees me pull up in a tuned up Honda Prelude and her dumbass tells me how her four door Accord is faster. I start laughing hysterically at her and the bitch walks off without saying a word. Someone new showed up the next week. Still black, just as obnoxious.
>upper class Ghana kid in Germany
Sounds like a lower-middle class Bulgarian gypsy desu
No, you're not an ass hole. Black bitch already knew she was just baiting your mother. Next time just ask her how in the fuck is that funny.