I watch it from time to time and every episode is "muh girl power" - a little girl who looks like she couldnt do a single pull up running around killing full grown men. Whats the point? Why is the show all about feminism?
Is game of thrones more about feminism than it is about being a good show?
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ive been watching it and it seems fine to me
its not like aria beat anyone up, she used poison and she's a trained assasin.
it is fine.
How about the fact that she is suddenly a master Spanish anime fencer able to go toe to toe with a giant 250-pound butch dyke swinging a broadsword?
I wouldn't say it's feminist at all except for the little Lady Mormont. Her character makes no sense
Martin is a cuck, but I think in the books all the womyn get BTFO, right? only read the first couple myself then had to stop after learning fat man was just as bad as Stephen King in cuckedness
you should have realized when they made the strongest knight in the whole universe A WOMAN.
well since we live in a feminine world even the men cant see it the show is fine
>implying female children aren't actually the strongest soldiers in that backwards a place
word filter?
Are you talking about Brienne or what?
They are having a lot more feminist shit like the "we need 50% of the population we can't do it without women". Also I really wanted Jaime to kill daenarys in the last episode
And for some reason, the same woman can't beat a 70 pound girl with a rapier.
thats the mountain
the earlier seasons were great, had women treated like they should be, but now in the last season it seems like every female character got a boost in all her stats
there are 3 fucking queens battling it out for fuck sake
the 3 strongest characters are a big woman, a small girl, and a zombie controlled by a woman
That Lady Mormont is the worst. It was cute when she first showed up and acted tough. Now it's annoying and pointless. In a place like westeros, it makes no sense that they would be listening to a little girl.
>Why is the show all about feminism?
Overweight, middle aged beta writer who was good until success consumed his ambition and replaced talent with virtue signalling. Or was that Graham Lineham?
She has actual superpowers, so it's not that bad. Worse imo is Theon's sister. She is the only person who challenged Euron's rule but she is kept alive to be some strong badass womyn later.
>little girl is smarter than everyone else trope
i fucking hate this shit
GRRM is a big feminist I heard. But he's not a true feminist until the last book ends with the females all beheading the males as a symbolic gesture.
That last episode was as feminist as it gets. It even implied that Jon bent the knee to MUH DRAGONS. The North was the last kingdom ruled by a man and even it bowed to MUH VAGINAH.
You're not paying attention- every strong male on the show has either had his head lipped off or been maimed in such a way to make them not effective as the classic image of the masculine warrior/knight. The only male characters who are aligned with the good side in the show are Jon Snow feminist ally (argues for having women in his army), Tyriom Lannister (sells out his own family, let's foreign invaders capture his ancestral home castle, kills his father in disgrace), and Samwell- a fat nerd who is also a cuckold- raising another mans son. It's literally the gayest most feminist show ever devised.
>Is game of thrones more about feminism than it is about being a good show?
Yes, of course. It's completely bizarre and all over the place. It's been that way for at least a couple of seasons.
The books are fine. There's a massive disconnect between Martin's public persona and what he writes. I think he's either being paid by the DNC to be a cuck or someone else like his wife is really the one writing his books.
That was just annoying as fuck, charging a fucking dragon on a horse with a spear while everyone with basic medieval training could have thrown the the fucking spear through her.
Still watching the show because it's still half way decent and the female power figures are acting like they belong in a mental asylum, just screaming for male leadership now that there aren't any men left to manipulate since they all killed each other like war generally does. Good role models for feminists, Hell, just stating that to a feminist would be good flirting.
It's a fantasy show nigga, let the women have their fantasies that they can take on men physically.
Well, to be fair, the most alpha male character is Euron Greyjoy, and he is easily the most competent and badass character right now.
why do strong women scare you and who gives a shit.
Yeah absolutely- and you also just know he'll get his "just desserts" in this season or next assuredly at the hand of a female character. If I could have it my way he'd win haha
It's perverse. Danaerys literally brings a horde of raping savages to a land already torn asunder by war. All while riding the ancient archetypal enemy of mankind, burning men alive as she goes, burning the people's food stores for winter, and just generally embracing madness and laughing at the world. And the women idolize her.
He represents the patriarchal boogieman everyone is supposed to hate; Yara was kept around because she's going to WOMYN POWER on him later and everyone knows it.
People here give it a pass because they dont want to be called out for watching it.
Its all about feminists. Muh gurl power.
Stop posting spoilers you fucking faggots,trying to avoid the show until the fat fuck finishes the book
Its about propaganda you fucking mong.
If any of you think Daenerys is actually going to rule Westeros, you're off your rockers
"People" like you are subhuman.
what were you saying?
Because i shit tv show doesn't dictate my life lol.
Its the current year and you have to pander to snowflakes that watch HBO
It's catering to that demographic but it's not so overwhelming that I can't watch the show. It's more annoying that a girl with a tiny rapier can parry a long sword while it's in full swing and not break. I realize they need to show her skills somehow but it felt foolish to watch.
I'm merely watching at this point so I don't have to read the rest of the books (cliff notes essentially). After 4 and 5 I am done reading that crap. His editors have obviously given up after book three and I'd rather just see the end plot.
just close your eyes and walk away! baka
>Is game of thrones about feminism
no, it's about global warming.
>it is the current year
>it is a form of media
No shit sherlock. Glad you are waking up but it has been this way a while. Every form of media is more obsessed with making a political statement then they are about making art.
GET A GRIP cunts it's not like season 1 where only internet people knew about it, it's like the most popular series on the planet right now. I'm still watching, they do still... mostly have good writing considering it's been at least 60 hours by now
The 100 is feminism. A dumb ass playboy model plays a super genius computer engineer.
brown water
Im so scared!!!
The idea isnt about strong women. Its about 70 pound girls killing 200 pound men. Even brianna in real life would be dead in 10 seconds if she fought the warrior guy.
You have to ask yourself,,
When am i going to wake up and remind myself "yes, i have a brain, and this is just absurdly different from THE WAY THE WORLD ACTUALLY WORKS"
It has been this way for a while.
When it was still on George's hands, the series was better, but as soon as HBO was leading it it just became an SJW funfest. The last episode, where Arya fights off Briene and still wins is just absurd. She even blocks a few broadsword swings with a fucking shitty rapier.
I hope George knows what's up and let's the book keep on it's original way, hopefully with Stannis winning that battle (which was simply weird he lost on the show), and eventually the war
Is season 7 watchable?
the show creatirs utterly ruined it since season 4
the books are based on medieval european culture, politics with a fantasy twist
Yeah except that part where she fights that 8 ft tall Amazonian who takes one hit and stops everything to gasp in shocked awe at how skilled the little girl is with her big dagger. Cuz that's totally how the best fighters do- get hit once and start gasping like a confused fish out of water...It's totally believable and really just super excellent writing.
Are have an argument because i dont care why you hate the show or women.
I think it got worse over time and the newest season does not really feel like GoT, but rather like an average TV show.
The backstabbing and sense of mortality is kind of lost, which made the plot interresting for the turn of evenst.
Also the girl power bullshit is just getting too much.
Didn't even reflect on that until now, demand more balls
>Implying this scene didn't set feminism back 20 years
Sure, there is still enough interesting male characters. All the female characters are flat, and lazy writing, so just ignore them.
Peak Sup ForumsJWism.
Learn to enjoy things you fucking dumbass.
U masturbate to your older sisters facebook profile, because she beat ur ass growing up and you like being a submissive male bitch...
Honestly cut your penis off, girly boy
>little twerp with a butter knife thinking she's going to peirce that plate..
gay ass shit.
>bitches about an assassin skill-set taught by a god.
GoT has not felt like GoT since Season 1. Or did you really think last season was any better?
I feel ya, my habsburgian friend. That's the exact feeling I have, that it isn't game of thrones anymore. I feel like George would have the dragon kill that sidekick guy (I forgot his name), and then Jaime would have thrown the spear and killed Daenerys (maybe even getting killed by the dragon after it?)
George gave 0 fucks, killed many protagonists all the time (Most Starks, for example)
Well to be fair woman were mostly treated like shit everywhere in the show on early seasons.
Now, some of the female protagonist are so, so much WOMYN POWER that it's starting to break their characters(and not in a good, character development way).
And to be fair the shows writing have been ridiculous since season 5 when they had to deviate from the source material because GRRM is a lazy fat fuck who won't finish his story already.
Since Stannis set fire on his own daughter I stopped following the show and only watch the most important snippets and battles on YT, they completely butchered his character for shock value.
She was sparring with a child. If you had a (significantly) younger sibling, and they wanted to play swordfight with you, a master play-swordsman, wouldn't you be surprised (or act it) if they struck you within two seconds of the fight beginning? Still unrealistic, but I don't fault that bit of their fight.
Ok, where can I download it? Since I'm french we do'nt have it on TV.
Don't care, I'm still chuckling about (((the iron bank))).
In other news, a chimpanzee cures cancer.
Women are clearly overpowered in a war-torn world filled with violent men, so they wield their power through sex and manipulation
>TV Show
If SJWs didn't pop up it would just be like Baldergate or other D+D shit. Completely inperceptable.
That is why the SJW obsession with the games/comics/fantasy genre industry (from completely OUTSIDE intervention) came as a suprise. Girls were always welcome, if not at the potential hazard of "a boy being a boy" (greasy perv).
Look at cosplay then look at socialites or whatever other alternative popular activity or social group.
Ha needed to make sure something wouldn't trigger you before agreeing to watch it?
>>>EU flag
Fuck off Germany, come back when you have the balls to show yourself.
Also, SPOILERS, George R.R.M. didnt actually write his books yet. These developments are entirely created by the two jews running the TV show. Also, George R.R.M. completely sold out in the sense that he has absolutely no veto power regarding the content or really anything regarding the show. I think he has more historical knowledge and a grittier sense of fiction to actually allow this sort of thing to pass, but he signed his soul away for the dumptruck full of money.
BTW, legally speaking he still owns all the rights to the book and is fully entitled to write his versions of how the story unfolds. I just think that he didnt anticipate that the kikes will turn his narrative into shitty feminist propaganda and that nobody will give half a shit about his books once the TV series concludes.
Nah but I watched it and it was great, then season 4 to 6 was... what it is, so I wanted to know if it don't go farther and farther to the book and closer to propaganda.
Its wall to wall feminism and degeneracy.
Holy shit kek
Arya should have never been able to shrug off the faceless men so easily.
I hope they're just playing the social justice bullshit for ratings but go out with a bang in the last episode. White walkers must slaughter everyone.
Or Euron summons a kraken. But that's not happening.
I did not read the books, so I can just compare the different seasons, but I just does not feel like in the beginning where politics where involved and human weakness in all kind of forms, added with miscalculation.
That made you like certain caracters, but it made also sense when their "enemies" killed/punished them for advancing their own goals.
Last season and this one in particular, you already know who is not going to die in a battle scene, which makes it kind of strange and more like an average TV show with the "hero/good" guy.
What's that one genre called where it's not meant to be factual and purely for entertainment because the way the world works actually sucks balls. Not non-fiction.... god if only I were smart enough
Because it's mostly women watching it. According to feminists "man-babbies" are too busy playing video games.
>t gamer
Because im friends with your father, and hes devastated to learn that you grew up to become a little bitch who worships the inferior physicality of the female.
Watch breaking bad patty. Skyler white is the biggest true badass of a female that ever lived. And all she is is a good loyal housewife.
I guess if you overlook the fact that the massive birch is, herself, a fighter and would have been equally skilled by such an age, also quasi modo isn't a fucking child unless she was supposed to be 10 years younger than the useless one she'd be in her late teens - old enough to be married and pumping out babies. Not to mention one is in armor worth a sword the other has a fucking dagger - regardless what it's made of that midget never should have been within sticking range of big bitch. It's well beyond fantastically unbelievable and into the range of character masturbation. It's even more cringe than 'twelve good men'..
I don't even know why you fags are hyping Euron, dude surely is crazy but his character is all about his BIG COCK, no fucking depth whatsoever.
And his BIG COCK shtick is totally not a set up for later on when Yara finds a way to castrate him.
Yeah user she´s only been training for 7 seasons, parts of this with some of the best / most dangerous fighters in the world (not even Westeros).
>implying Skylar is loyal.
Fantasy books written over the last 3 decades or so have been pretty big into girl power.
How far are they straying from the books?
GRRM doesn't like Trump.
He represent chaos, which is the true spirit of Sup Forums
She got hit by an ugly chick with a stick a lot...I guess that could transfer skill somehow..
So that is what submission means to you? Getting angry over a shit television i don't care about that you care about because i don't agree with you? Growth up or better yet fuck off and die.
There was that hot lesbian scene though.
funny how many europeans are ITT, americans seem all but absent from attacking this shitfest of a show - it all went down hill after stannis got plot sniped by ramsay and his 20 good men.
>And his BIG COCK shtick is totally not a set up for later on when Yara finds a way to castrate him.
This is true, they're not being subtle at all about their setups, an it sgetting boring making easy predictions like these. In terms of the bigger picture, it's interesting how there's a total blackout on masculine content that isn't subverted in the end, not just in this one show, but everywhere. Its like they're trying to train the youngest generation by never actually exposing them to anything masculine at all, so they can't even imagine it, so all they ever even heard of was WOMYN STRONK and WE WUZ KEKED. It's interesting how far they're willing to deviate from the book now, in these later seasons, just to shoehorn in their womyn stronk absurdity. And all these women are growing up wondering why nothing's actually working out for them when they try to be like men...
You have to realize that this is a show based on a series of books.
These books have been written by a libtard and complete hack of an author who managed to keep his act at least somewhat together.
He attempted to write a trilogy (mind you book 6&7 are now announced), the first 3 books were quite good and managed to be a somewhat refreshing take on fantasy, by being somewhat dark and more realistic.
After book 3 he clearly had no intention of continuing to write this series (book 3 also was in no way a closing) but he continued anyway, shitting out ~2000 page of literally nothing in book 4&5.
This was then made into a series, which firstly kept quite close to the decent source material, but when the writers of the show started to realize that the author couldn't keep up and they didn't have to adapt anything and could do what they wanted, they did what Holiday always does.
They turned it into a liberal shit fest, probably having analyzed their demographic really well, they realized that nobody cared about the "realistic" that much and that people liked the gritty. So they replaced the "realistic" with what people wanted to hear, aka "muh strong women".
If you really wan't to get into this, read the books until the end of book 3 and pretend nothing after that exists.
That's why they're still fantasy.
Show needs more rape to be realistic.
He also represents what really happened in the real world in the time period were the story is set, and put women in their places.
But go ahead and try to make a show displaying this nowadays. See if the commies won't blacklist your sorry ass out of Hollywood.
every day is a holiday, HOLIDAY.
Just wait until she's using her conveniently introduced plot dagger to ninja 7 foot tall white walkers to death.