This is a thread for the discussion of Paganism, the future of Aryan Race, Culture, Traditionalism, Jewish Question and Christianity.

ᛟᛟᛟ Places to start learning ᛟᛟᛟ

Varg's playlist "European Polytheism & Tradition"

Survive the Jive playlist "Paganism"

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Discord Code: w68tguT

Any questions, interested in learning, Christians on the edge, or just want to debate, feel free to join any of the groups above.

IMPORTANT! Before you have any questions, please check out the Q&A below:

> (embed)

ϟϟϟ Recommended channels and Media ϟϟϟ

Varg Vikernes

Survive the Jive

Midgard Rising Podcast

Aryan Kitchen

Forgotten Roots


Survival Russia

Jackson Crawford

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>!dlZlDbqL!TXG5bGvWufONkrQAL7b7jA (his)!AE5yjIqB!y7Vdxdb5pbNsi2O3zyq9KQ (library of thoth)

Other urls found in this thread:!MahAVQYR!M7fBxWWNIYh9fevOFHL7WQ




Definitely the comfiest thread on /pol

So, who of you has seen Wagner's Ring live? As in went to the Opera. I think it's a must desu.

i want to go skyclad


This going to be a regular thread like threads like brit/pol/ and Aus/pol/


If by that you mean go nude that's great lol, it's a lot more natural though in modern society it is very sexualized.
Yep, it's a daily thread. At least one a day now.


Be blessed then. I look forward to posting more


>choose a god
>start doing stuff in his favor
>get favors back

much better than praying to the desert trilogies

The children of Hekate wait for the lands to begin healing.



This isn't a Wiccan thread btw, just making that clear. I don't like Wiccan symbolism in this thread.
Getting /fit is the first step to a lot of people becoming red-pilled, once you understand who society tries to feminize and avoid this you will automatically become red-pilled over time.

giv devi gf


The feminization is an evolution (or involution), as a result of the woman competing with man instead of co-operating, as God has intended.

This is not exactly a problem. All abnormal people that choose the anti-hetero will likely lead to dead evolutionary lines, no big deal. Modern medicine can't save all these "freaks of nature".

Mother Nature, might give some of them chances to try to survive. In the end, it all is in our hands. We decide what we leave on this Earth through our children.

Fucking pagan fags. Jesus is the savior of the white race. Cut off your childrens foreskin to honor yahwea stupid goyim

>Never heard of the Byzantine Golden Age
>Not realizing that Europe from the 400s-2010s was Christian

can you please actually fuck off to /x/ with this roleplaying? it's not politics and there isn't enough interest here to warrant a """"general"""" as far as i can tell


This. Christcucks are stockholm syndrome at its finest. Pathetic fucking useful idiots. Notice how they're nearly always (((American))) too.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it Christianity with all of the non-Whites?

stop posting on Sup Forums


You could bounce a quarter off of Thor's ass. He also has a huge hammer

New template




This is a thread for the discussion of Paganism, the future of Homosexuality, Aryan Race, Culture, Traditionalism, Jewish Question and Christianity.

Many famous Pagans were homosexual, and societies like the Celts and the Greeks were well known for their homosexual war bands and sexual fraternity. Homosexuality, and worship of true European God's, was the natural state of man until the (((Christians))) came and destroyed our European culture.

ᛟᛟᛟ Places to start learning ᛟᛟᛟ

Varg's playlist "European Polytheism & Tradition"

Survive the Jive playlist "Paganism"

ᚦᚦᚦ Social Media ᚦᚦᚦ

Discord Code: w68tguT

Any questions, interested in learning, Christians on the edge, or just want to debate, feel free to join any of the groups above.

IMPORTANT! Before you have any questions, please check out the Q&A below:


ϟϟϟ Recommended channels and Media ϟϟϟ

Varg Vikernes

Survive the Jive

Midgard Rising Podcast

Aryan Kitchen

Forgotten Roots


Survival Russia

Jackson Crawford




He does. I'd love to drain his seed for strength.

well, welcome back battlebrother. thank you for your digilient work diverting shills against us to you. your efforts are well rewarded.

Wondering when Battle Brother was going to show up.

>Christian Europeans conquer the world
>Conquered people still practice Christianity
>Europeans stop being Christians
>More nigger Christians then white Christians now

What a surprise

If Pagan Europeans conquered the world and taught their slaves paganism, and the slaves kept being pagan while Europeans stopped being pagan. You would use it as a symbol of how stronk the pagans were.

I'm struggling with Paganism somewhat over one issue. As much as I have tremendous respect for the Greco-Roman pantheon of God's (Dionyssus being a personal favorite), there underlies one truth about Polytheism: Polytheism always gives way to Monotheism.

There is always a hierarchy of God's. There is always a top God. The lesser gods always end up merely being elements or traits of the God placed in charge of them.

I suppose it depends if you look at a pantheon of God's as something literal or something metaphorical.

Glad to see you're coming round to the pagan way of thinking, brother.

Reminder to the uninitiated. True love existed only among battle brothers. When they had to marry, it was a sad moment. Spartans had the women shave their heads and had to bend over in a dark room so the virile warrior didn't see her disgusting femininity.

Females exist for procreation. Love exists between brothers. One of the prominent Greek military figures enjoying such a relationship was Epaminondas, considered the greatest warrior-statesmen of ancient Thebes by many, including the Roman historian Diodorus Siculus. He had two male lovers: Asopichus and Caphisodorus, the latter died with him at Mantineia in battle. They were buried together, something usually reserved for a husband and wife in Greek society. Another pair of warrior-lovers—Aristogiton and Harmodius—credited with the downfall of tyranny in Athens and the rise of democracy became the emblem of the city.

So, do you people actually believe in Woden and Thor and all that?

>So, do you people actually believe in Woden and Thor and all that?


Yes you (((Christian))) shill. As did your ancestors. They knew that the power of two men who fought as lovers was unstoppable, and they used subversion to set homopaganism back millennia.


Just because my ancestors believe in it doesn't mean its true. Your more recent ancestors all believed in Jesus. That's a stupid argument.

They are the personification of what we desire sexually. Join our brotherly love.

Your ancestors were Pagan for thousands of years before Christianity came along.

Getting plugged in your butt won't help you fight any better, you larping faggot

We are just following the Sacred traditions of the Aryan race which go all the way to our origin when all the Aryans can from just one tribe. Why do we follow them, simply because we love our heritage.

inb4 we're just atheist

No, we believe in the gods as real and literal beings.

Weak (((christian))) doesn't know about the sharing strength by drinking your brother's seed. Pathetic.

Homopaganism is the natural state of eurooe. At least two of the Roman Emperors were in same-sex unions; and in fact, thirteen out of the first fourteen Roman Emperors held to be bisexual or exclusively homosexual. The first Roman emperor to have married a man was Nero, who is reported to have married two other men on different occasions. First with one of his freedman, Pythagoras, to whom Nero took the role of the bride, and later as a groom Nero married a young boy to replace his young teenage concubine whom he had killed named Sporus in a very public ceremony... with all the solemnities of matrimony, and lived with him as his spouse. A friend gave the "bride" away "as required by law." The marriage was celebrated separately in both Greece and Rome in extravagant public ceremonies. The Child Emperor Elagabalus referred to his chariot driver, a blond slave from Caria named Hierocles, as his husband.

The allfsther taught that imbibing your brothers seed gives your strength. Celts had roaming bands of lover warriors and homopolygamy was the natural state of their societies.

Fuck off back to (((church))) you kike worshipping cuck.

I'm getting mixed messages. Some actually believe in it, some believe it's a metaphor. I think metaphor is more reasonable.
And my ancestors were Christian far more recently and, in fact, converted to Christianity from paganism voluntarily. Why do you think that is?
My ancestors also shat in bushes and literally smeared each other's cum on their bodies before going into battle. Should I do that too?

Your ancestors worked their ass of all day every day for thousands of years before the industrial revolution came along.

That makes them right?


>literally smeared each other's cum on their bodies before going into battle

Absolutely yes.

So you worship marvel comics because of your need to morally justify blowing dudes. Got it.

Paganism is a gateway to Christianity. Eventually, you'll study the early Church father's writings on the Jews, Islam, paganism, and a plethora of other subjects and you will find how unbelievably based they were. Then you'll realize that Christianity overtook paganism in the arena of the mind, not hypothesis the sword. You'll be a devout traditional Catholic within 5 years. I'll be praying for you on your journey home.

Why? Do you think men buggering each other is masculine? You think being rammed up the arse by some other man is masculine? Project your homosexual fantasy onto something other than masculinity.

Fuck you. (((Christianity))) set homopaganism back centuries. Your ancestors knew true love could only exist between men. Alexander conquered the known world. Men are made to love men. This is particularly true in the case of Sparta, where the relationship was intended to further a young boy's military training. While the relationship was generally lifelong and of profound emotional significance to the participants, it was not considered marriage by contemporary culture, and the relationship continued even after participants reached age 20 and married women for the purposes of procreation.

>Church father's writings on Islam

Accepting your battle brothers seed is the most masculine act a man can undertake.

Taking a penis up the arse isn't masculine, is completely unhygienic and will probably lead to some disease, especially in the time of paganism. I'm also fairly certain that many pagans executed homosexuals.
Do you think that pic related is masculine?

>Why do you think that is?
Everybody else in Britain was converting over to what they believed was the "true religion". They were told what to think. And no, you shouldn't be smearing cum on your body before battle.
Yeah, and my ancestors worked their backsides off all day every day after the industrial revolution too. They traded farming for factory work. In the Pagan Roman Empire, a citizen only had to work for 2 days a year to pay his taxes.
Could ask the same to you.
Take your nonsense elsewhere.

Hitler shat on Himmler for being a pagan.

“Whoever does not embrace the Catholic Christian faith is lost, like your false prophet Muhammad.”

-St. Peter Mavimenus (d. 8th century), martyr from Gaza. Response reported in the Martyriologum Romanum when he was asked to convert to Islam by a group of Muslims.
“There is also the superstition of the Ishmaelites which to this day prevails and keeps people in error, being a forerunner of the Antichrist…. From that time to the present a false prophet named Mohammed has appeared in their midst. This man, after having chanced upon the Old and New Testaments and likewise, it seems, having conversed with an Arian monk, devised his own heresy. Then, having insinuated himself into the good graces of the people by a show of seeming piety, he gave out that a certain book had been sent down to him from heaven. He had set down some ridiculous compositions in this book of his and he gave it to them as an object of veneration.”

-St. John Damascene (d. 749), Syrian Arab Catholic monk and scholar. Quoted from his book On Heresies under the section On the Heresy of the Ishmaelites (in The Fathers of the Church. Vol. 37. Translated by the Catholic University of America. CUA Press. 1958. Pages 153-160.)

“Any cult which denies the divinity of Christ, does not profess the existence of the Holy Trinity, refutes baptism, defames Christians, and derogates the priesthood, we consider to be damned.”

-Sts. Aurelius, Felix, George, Liliosa, and Natalia (d. 852), martyrs of Cordoba, Spain. Reported in the Memoriale Sanctorum in response to Spanish Umayyad Caliph ‘Abd Ar-Rahman II’s ministers that they convert to Islam on pain of death.

They did it voluntarily, though. If they cared so much for their obscure and wishy washy ideology, they would have at least rebelled, but they didn't.

>dat pic
Be sure you make Wotan look Jewy af, senpai.

Oh sure yeah, and if everybody else voluntarily jumps off a cliff, you'd follow right?

“Any cult which denies the divinity of Christ, does not profess the existence of the Holy Trinity, refutes baptism, defames Christians, and derogates the priesthood, we consider to be damned.”

-Sts. Aurelius, Felix, George, Liliosa, and Natalia (d. 852), martyrs of Cordoba, Spain. Reported in the Memoriale Sanctorum in response to Spanish Umayyad Caliph ‘Abd Ar-Rahman II’s ministers that they convert to Islam on pain of death.
“On the other hand, those who founded sects committed to erroneous doctrines proceeded in a way that is opposite to this, the point is clear in the case of Muhammad. He seduced the people by promises of carnal pleasure to which the concupiscence of the flesh goads us. His teaching also contained precepts that were in conformity with his promises, and he gave free rein to carnal pleasure. In all this, as is not unexpected, he was obeyed by carnal men. As for proofs of the truth of his doctrine, he brought forward only such as could be grasped by the natural ability of anyone with a very modest wisdom. Indeed, the truths that he taught he mingled with many fables and with doctrines of the greatest falsity. He did not bring forth any signs produced in a supernatural way, which alone fittingly gives witness to divine inspiration; for a visible action that can be only divine reveals an invisibly inspired teacher of truth. On the contrary, Muhammad said that he was sent in the power of his arms—which are signs not lacking even to robbers and tyrants.”

-St. Thomas Aquinas (d. 1274), Theologian and Doctor of the Church. Quoted from his De Rationibus Fidei Contra Saracenos, Graecos, et Armenos and translated from Fr. Damian Fehlner’s Aquinas on Reasons for the Faith: Against the Muslims, Greeks, and Armenians (Franciscans of the Immaculate. 2002.).

Also see

Don't my friend battle brother serious lol, the vast majority of your heritage would've been pagan. The gods are absolutely 100% real and if you don't believe so then you're not a pagan, it's really that simple. They were forced to convert in most cases, a famous example being the massacre of the Saxons.

But you used the argument that my ancestors were pagan. I'm using the argument that my ancestors voluntarily converted to Christianity, so I can use the exact same argument against you. It's a dumb argument.

Hale, Brother!
>Taking a penis up the arse isn't masculine
There is absolutely nothing more masculine than two Pagan Warriors engaging in healthy, traditional heathen love. To insert your raging cock into your battle-brothers anus shows a deep respect for both yourself and your lover's worth as a man. There is no greater honour than receiving a assload of seed from a homopagan brother, it's truely an empowering, spiritual experience.

Quit shilling against the European spirit, (((christian))).

Homopaganism. So the Jews promote rampant sodomy in white cultures today knowing that swallowing jizz is irl cheatcodes. Got it.

Shot in the dark, but does anyone have a .pdf of "Wodan und germanischer Schicksalsglaube" by Martin Hermann Ninck? It's quite a rare book and thus pretty expensive to buy.

Can you change your name from Anonymous to battle brother

But my ancestors were native Britons, Norse, Anglo-Saxon settlers in Britain and Russians; they were not massacred by some foreigner, but voluntarily converted. Fairly certain the Norse tryhards also converted voluntarily after their rape expeditions stopped.
How are the gods real, though? I mean, in Christianity, you actually have texts to develop and define the belief. What defines the "gods"?

I was talking about hunters and gathers type of ancestors.

What's wrong with hunter gathering? What's wrong with living the life of a Barbarian? It's Humanity's natural state.

Barbarism and enhanced civilisation are both humanity's natural state. I'd rather be a Roman than a Malian tribesman who spits in bovine anuses.


Numerous examples of same sex unions among peers, not age-structured, are found in Ancient Greek writings. Famous Greek couples in same sex relationships include Harmodius and Aristogiton, Pelopidas and Epaminondas and Alexander and Bogoas. However, in none of these same sex unions is the Greek word for "marriage" ever mentioned. The Romans appear to have been the first to perform same sex marriages.

It should be noted, however, that conubium existed only between a civis Romanus and a civis Romana (that is, between a male Roman citizen and a female Roman citizen), so that a marriage between two Roman males (or with a slave) would have equality with filthy hetero marriage

Same-sex marriage was outlawed on December 16, 342 AD by the (((Christian emperors))) who feared the unbridled power of homosexuality.

>What's wrong with living the life of a Barbarian? It's Humanity's natural state.
This. Before Christians subverted us with their kikery, Europeans faced none of the problems of this modern world. We lived off the land. We conquered and fought, honoured our ancestors, and loved each other as brothers. A much more fulfilling, natural lifestyle then the modern world.

I suggest us like-minded men group up and buy homesteads. Seclude ourselves and prepare for the collapse.

So in reading through this thread it seems that paganism is all about gay anal sex and swallowing cum -- but wearing viking outfits beforehand as foreplay. Got it.

>he can't spot shill posts
lurk moar
Pick one.

>paganism is all about gay anal sex and swallowing cum
It's undeniable that man-man love was an important part of the lives of our heathen ancestors. Semen, as the source of life and love, has an important spiritual role.
>but wearing viking outfits beforehand as foreplay.
Any white man will become insatiably aroused at the sight of the Pagan warriorhomos of old.

How do you define natural? The Romans naturally developed a fine civilisation.

Finnic paganism FTW!
>TFW you have three souls, bears are related to you and you know the origin of iron
Life is good.

>It's undeniable that man-man love was an important part of the lives of our heathen ancestors. Semen, as the source of life and love, has an important spiritual role.
You're not actually a pagan, you're a christian pretending to be one and spouting dumb shit.

>Pick one.
Pagans on this board are so fucking embarrasing it's incredible.

>you know the origin of iron
Was Conan's religion based on Finnic paganism?
I know they mention valhalla and describe it in the way it was decribed in Norse paganism but they also talk about the secret of steel a lot.
It's also set in a Siberian/Steppe kind of enviroment so it would make sense if they based Conan's tribe of the Finnic tribes.

Notice how the (((Christian))) can't address any of the actual arguments in this thread, so he now attempts to detail the thread and cause pagan to fight pagan.

Answer this, you fucking kike worshippingcuck, why in Plato's Symposium, did the interlocutor Phaedrus commented on the power of male sexual relationships to improve bravery in the military?

>... he would prefer to die many deaths: while as for leaving the one he loves in a lurch, or not succoring him in peril, no man is such a craven that the influence of Love cannot inspire him with a courage that makes him equal to the bravest born

Bet you ignore this don't you, you fucking christcuck.

Civilization is a breeding ground for degeneracy such as homosexuality, as an example. Homosexuality isn't natural.

>simply because we love our heritage
But that's just stupid.
No actual Aryan pagan believed for that reason at all. They didn't all convene every week and think "The ancestors are the best, let's worship their gods for their sake."
Not even close. Valhalla was as real to them as the Sun.
Back when Woden still wandered the earth.

>we believe in the gods as real and literal beings
you are still trapped in Kantian (Christian Epistemology) you can never be a real pagan as long you believe rather than know.
>inb4 skepticism is a virtue
It is intellectual cowardice/weakness. If you believe something you might as well know it, otherwise you should just get rid of it.
>inb4 subdividing epistemic arbitrarily
Checkmate nu-paganism

Homosexuality is just a vile instinct. You see animals with homosexual tendencies.
Christian civilisation traditionally shamed and executed pagans. According to your pagan pal, homosexual activity was natural among pagans. I mean, my Celt ancestors would smear each other's semen on one another.

>Homosexuality isn't natural.

can't argue with facts a(((Christcuck))). Greeks structured military units along tribal lines, a practice attributed to Nestor in the Homeric epics. The Theban military commander Pammenes, however, is supposed to have advocated military organization based on pairs of lovers

>Homer's Nestor was not well skilled in ordering an army when he advised the Greeks to rank tribe and tribe ... he should have joined lovers and their beloved. For men of the same tribe little value one another when dangers press; but a band cemented by friendship grounded upon love is never to be broken.

These warrior lovers were feared by all until your kike (((Christianity))) used subterfuge to co-opt them.

>Homosexuality isn't natural
what the hell do you mean it isn't natural?
Who cares what's natural?
I care what's right.
So what is right?
Also, naturalist philosophy being the basis of morals and moral structures is an exclusively Christian idea in terms of origin and conception. Natural can only be used as an argument if the natural world is divine.
>muh pagans and harmony with nature
Which is why they cut down their forests and drained their lakes as soon the technology became available.
Paganism is and always has been Man vs Nature. It's Evident in all their references to Hunts and fights with great beasts.

>Civilization is a breeding ground for degeneracy such as homosexuality, as an example. Homosexuality isn't natural.
Fuck off ((((((christ))))))cuck

What's with all these (((christian))) shills lately? Flooding our thread and spouting retardation.

Tolkien was probably the only person outside of Finland to know anything about our culture, so I'd say no.

>Civilization is a breeding ground for degeneracy such as homosexuality
Well no, it's the exact opposite
If you degenerate you're declining, civilization causes advancing.
But you're right, there was quite a lot of brothels (including homosexual and pedophilic ones) in ancient Rome and Greece.
And credit is due to where credit is deserved, christianity fixed a lot of those problems.
But in civilized Rome and civilized Greece you had militaristic cults such as the cult of Mithras.
They were anything but degenerate.

>According to your pagan pal, homosexual activity was natural among pagans
That guy is obviously a shill, hence why I haven't replied to him. Homosexuality was punished more harshly than Murder. You were executed and thrown in a bog or ditch. At least that was the case for Germanics, whom my ancestors were. Can't say the same for Celts. Celts were more subject to civilization however, and adapted many aspects of civilization.

that's very interesting. there is an underlying assumption here that Germanics operated with a seven-day week. I've investigated this topic extensively, and I found that this is not true... unfortunately, I guess.
one major clue is the Norse name "sunnudagr", which is really jarring. Old Norse typically has "sól" almost everywhere for "sunna". (the difference between those two words is in and of itself an interesting topic... you can also compare with Slavic tongues, where sun is always a neuter word: e.g. Polish "słońce".)
another clue is found in Landnámabók, which recalls how Icelanders worked out how a year worked. eventually.
they were first able to figure out that a year can be divided into 52 units of seven days. this gives 364 days, which almost equals a year. but not quite. they worked with this model for some years, and then realized that their year was getting skewed. the system was clearly imperfect. they rectified for it, not by adding a "leap year day", but by adding a "leap year WEEK"...
this is how Iceland worked out their quirky seven-day calendar, where every single date falls on the same week day. it also has "months", with quirky Icelandic names (mostly based on farming).
we know that this calendar is relatively young, because if it had been elder, they would have already known that a year has slightly more than 364 days. all the kinks of it would've been already sorted out.

tl;dr: "sunnudagr" (and the rest of the names) are loaned into Norse from English, and the English names were copied from Latin.

old laws and Eddic poem instead suggest that pagans operated with FIVE-DAY "week", a so-called "fimmt" (approximate translation: "a fiver"). each day in a fimmt may have had a unique name, but if so, those names are lost and cannot be determined. it's also possible that "fimmt" is really and nothing more than the convenient concept of "time-period somewhere in-between the length of a day and a full moon cycle".

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Discord Code: w68tguT

Any questions, interested in learning, Christians on the edge, or just want to debate, feel free to join any of the groups above.

Its quite nice to see a thread for my fellow greater tribesmen here!
A serious question, why do the followers of judaic religions think homosexuality is unnatural, think of all the Homo animals. And despite their attempts to kill every gay man, there are so many today? Hmmm maybe it cant be eradicated from the gene pool? The man who experiments with his fellow men in his youth will have by far the greatest understanding of (and be more comfortable with) his sexuality.