Why don't other Europeans work as hard as Germans?
Why don't other Europeans work as hard as Germans?
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You're also the most dull.
Just worked 10 weeks in east-Germany, can confirm: not true
I'd have to agree with this sentiment.
The hard working german meme is slowly getting destroyed by welfare and immigration. The conservative values that brought the "Wirtschaftswunder" to germany are decaying since the late 1960's. Millenials now want a work live balance, failing to realize that wörk is live.
The term " Arbeit macht frei" work makes free might be slightly pulled in the dirt by the nazies but is true. Nothing gives you more confidence, independece and happiness than working hard.
Germans would follow any order you give them , including to kys , litterally ... but it worked out well for the , appearantly, but the also extremely socially miserable.
I also worked there: Kaffeepause, Kaffeepause.
I like work. Makes me feel whole
Pakistanis and Somalians never intended to become "German". They just wanted the free housing and money.
You were saying, Heinrich?
I work as a waiter. Why the fuck would i work harder than i have to?
I'm just seeing a list of countries that need to get their shit together and become way more efficient
Working =/= total working hours
We don't sleep at work
Nobody likes you Germany.
Including Germany
Working longer is not the same as working harder.
This proves dutch and germans are the hardest working people in the world, which I already knew. What a beaner does in 2 hours a germanic will do in one.
>wörk is live.
amen bruder
Lazy Krauts.
Gotta pay for food and clothing for all those refugees somehow, otherwise how will they rape and murder your daughters to serve you right for being white?
>The mythical swede who doesn't work for the government.
Sure, If you have to work more than 6 hours a day to get shit done
>conveniently ignoring Korean workers
I have friends that work in Germany.
They all say that their native collegues are quite lazy compared to them.
>Arbeit macht frei
I just can't understand why this statement is seen as negative, it's the truest of truths. Unless you're a commie ...
That just proves they are more efficient.
>6 o'clock
I'm already at work when it's 06:00. Get on my level!
Korea and Japan are the most hard-working countries. No other reason why they would have more suicides related to work than anyone else because that's all they do and care about
Why are Germans so lazy Sup Forums?
Humans are incabeable to perform complex tasks for 10 hours every day of the week. Spending less time at work reduces stress, increases productivity for the hours worked and reduces costs for heating/lighting and maintaining the work facilities.
From my own experience I can say if you've got a 8 hour work day most people spend 2 of them being extremly inefficent or doing nothing at all apart from the brakes.
Why are mexicunts so inefficient? Why is your economy so shit if your working so much?
Maybe we worked hard in the past. These days however all germanic countries are lazy as fuck due to lax standards and excessive workplace benefits.
Koreans work their asses of, yes but for what? Their companies make only very small profits and they often kill themself because of to much pressure to succed.
because they are retarded
for almost century now they believe they are some sort of master race who is designed to have slaves in form of slavs, and just sit there, doing nothing but memeing about their superiority
What you call "Work" is something that the Rest of Europe calls bureaucracy.
I can't wait to send you to Stalingrad... again
Pretty much this, but we will get destroyed in the long run by new generations of lazy retarded German employees, our firms are full of spoiled 18-25year olds who feel offended by the fact they are not earning as much money as their 50+year old bosses.
This can't be right. Everybody says Mexicans are lazy.
This. High wage floor and low wage ceiling. High taxes (that all go to dindugibs), good benefits and hard to get fired. Wörk more than neccessary simply isn't benefitial.
Nigga you don't work shit, all of your workers are from ex yugo
>Corrupt government
>Drug lords fed by the poverty in certain areas
>The cooler /remarkable people that stand out are never supported by the local companies due to their radical ideas, and thus they usually thrive in other countries
>We have the worst neighbor possible who fears us being unattached from them
Pretty much sums it up.
Plus our economy's not bad per se, the distribution of wealth is however. I have this to back it up, we're actually on top of several Europiss countries :^)
It's a myth.
>Argumentum ad populum
Logical falacies in my Sup Forums? Who would think that's even possible?
Honestly I never really stopped to think about the actual phrase "work makes free" but now I realize that's the happiest times in my life is when I was working construction every day.
Is hard to work in exploiting other European economies when Germany is exploiting you.
Either way they don't work as hard as japan/china/korea.
When we work - we work. (Not standing around, looking out of the window).
WE are the best workers in the world,
and all you retards can right fuck off.
sad and true. Asians are fucking psychotic af. At least Germans have Beer and Soccer, I think
Well we did give you a lot of practice in rebuilding cities.
This. Commies ruin everything
Typical Piefke.
>alarm clock set to 6am
What kind of lazy piece of shit wakes up at 6?
eat a muslim dick
this is why
>Everybody says Mexicans are lazy.
They are lazy, they are a different kind of lazy. Mexicans almost never do anything right because they take shortcuts.
half assing everything and never cleaning up after yourself is lazy. just because they show up for work everyday doesn't make them not lazy.
t.construction worker
>we're actually on top of several Europiss countries
probably beacuse of your large population, per capita you are still behind. But good job nonetheless.
everything you need to know
I work 10 hours a day
back to home, eat, learning about my profession, go to sleep
stand up and loop this
normies in Poland bully me because of that. Here you have to hate your work, boss and workplace. At the beginning i was motivated and loved doing my job, but later i learned that saying it loud is not good. So now i lie that i hate my job and have more friends.
Poles are worst employees, without supervision they will get lazy and pretend that they are working.
good point, hard work is not just the hours you put in
hahaha roaches are working harder than you :'D
>several Europiss countries
I would rather live in some eastern european shithole then mexico.
Beaners are ugly and no fun to be around
Coventry is a beautiful city, i heard.
only the motivated italians leave for germany
Thats good to hear.
If you follow down that road it becomes better to the point where it's getting addictive.
But this is also true for the other direction. If you let yourself go, doing nothing productive and constantly whine about your miserable life you will get trapped inside a hole that you don't even want to get out of.
This is also why I am opposed to the concept of welfare. Not only is it immoral to tax those who produce and subsidise those who don't but also you are also slowly killing them by removing the nesserty to work.
We work for Allah. There is no better motivation.
They don't need to, cause they don't have so many welfare leeches to sustain.
where the fuck is my country? don't worry germbros these are bs
>t. faggot :^)
Btw, I would suggest Serbia or Ukraine, those are known for being very safe and quite wealthy.
Is there anything to do in Brazil? Like, wtf is there in Brazil other than soccer stadiums
I do not know about the Ukraine but Serbia is safer than most western countries.
All work stats that push Germany up are exclusively Eastern European immigrants.
Ethnic Germans are inbred Willkommenskultur wellfare retards.
Once the nigger infestation becomes too much and EE work force leaves Germany, you and your 2 million (by then 4 million WIR SCHAFFEN DAS) niggers will instantly fall back to the stone age.
Now fuck off back to your shit watery coffee.
do you actually know what you are talking about or are you just spouting memes?
this is believable. I still think they need more immigrants/refugees.
Hahaha, it isn't like we are in 1980s anymore.
My woman works for innogy/RWE and travels a lot to HQ in Germany.
95% of employees are old, slow, lazy schmucks who started their career very early, and are so cocky and sure of their position that have guts to spend most of the day discussing Borussia's latest transfers and matches and can't comprehend that a Pole is willing to take twice as many tasks, get the fucking job done for less dough.
Dude, Germany is history. There is no hope in hell for you especially as a new generation will be comprised of gullible Turkish and North African trash. Mark my word.
Why would they? Germans offer them welfare.
940 KB JPG
working is for the betabux manchild
NEETlife masterrace reporting in
the only work I'll do is volunteer work
you should already have all the money you need
Europeans are inherently lazy and entitled through years of decadence and protection from America's military. Those days are dwindling fast.
>work all day everyday
>still irrelevant
lmao step it up everyone else
Ok pedro
Winter is comming. We are about to enter the new dark ages.
Credit where credit is due, there is a procedure for everything (probably even for farting) and processes are streamlined and effective, that is why it all looks rosies in stats.
But Germany is no more, people are morally degenerated and new generations are far worse that oldies. No future for your nation IMHO.
does working hard include cucking out your women and country?
lol germans are garbage.
says the leaf lol
This really represents me. Even when I wake up before 7 am I still lie in bed awake and wait until my alarm rings. I must be some sort of autist.
germany needs hard reset
So you are saying that Germany can reach a higher GDP than all those countries, while at the same time working the least? Hmmmmm...
>really makes you think
you are in the same boat, but your country is 1/3rd the size. Lol cuck.
We also don't have terrorist attacks and mass rapes every week, so there's that.
Germans are fucking lazy and don't work hard. It's a stupid meme.
One restaurant takes 4hrs to serve your meal and the other takes 20min, which is more efficient and productive?
Romania Stronk !
Literally this.
you're less than half of our population
poos are roaming canada streets and naive canadians embrace the diversity
With that flag, better you stay out o my country.
Merkel did everything there was in Social Marxist playbook to turn Germany into an Islamic shithole. It's going to be a living hell when those masses get played against "evil white crusaders"
I can actually relate to that pic.
Someone kill me...
I think it has something to do with being used as the slogan of extermination camps.
>Someone kill me...
work is good
killing should be the last to do
How can you even have any national pride if you're from mexico?
but then you don't get to do as much work