Do not post here unless you are ready to fight for your women, your country, your children and your race. You are being called upon it is time to fight
>ready to fight for your women, your country, your children and your race.
Honestly we should just focus our energy into protecting the Slavs. They're the only real Christian nations left and they're incredibly based. Maybe we can work out a plan to nuke the nigger parts of America.
I already have a plan and am working it everyday you will fight with me?
Sure, what's the plan?
>Do not post here unless you are ready to fight for your women,
Will you christcucks give your men legal control over your women before they fight and die for the cunts?
The only incentive to fight for women is if you get something in return for it (aka legal power over them) if you cucks are against men controlling women then fuck off with the fight for your women bullshit as they are not our women.
> your children
I don't have any yet and even if i was fucking without a condom tonight it would still take 9 months to have just one child.
>and your race
Fuck the race i am a individalist will ties to my ethnic group not an entire race of people. I am a Puerto Rican with ties to Puerto Ricans not some ties to Mexicans and other spics especially not Europeans (i am a mongrel).
We need to start a kickstarter campaign to create an economic base and build a media platform. People can donate ten bucks a week or 30 mins of their every few days whatever they do to help the cause. I have an entire plan designed to defeat the demons. I have written a book and already signed the publishing it will be out in a few months making a public figure and I will donate everything I make from it to the cause. Anyone who donates money will be issued "stock" and we will build a media empire that will pay for itself and make everyone a profit, It only requires the smallest bit of effort from all of us and will take it to the kikes on every level and we will win
>30 mins of their every few days whatever they do to help the cause
What are we going to be doing to help it?
I am top tier red pilled and high IQ I can win this fight if people will just start fighting back with me today
Whatever you can. As I said you can donate money or work on our ops counter ops everyday designing memes or posting on twitter/facebook. W/e u can do to help. But we have to raise money. We need to start a kcikstarter to start a website and tell everyone we know to donate to it and make this a pol project from the ground up
I can make websites if that helps.
yes it will, thank you user. I am a computer scientist and can do anything IT related as well. Can you get stared today? We need to build a media platform and fill it with red pill information. and get anons from pol to start going there so it will generate revenue for us
Like I said everyone that gets involved will have a stake in the company we are building here. We will build a media empire to fight back and employ a propaganda machine to fight back on every scoail media platform. I am well educated in psychology and know how to wake people up and shift the consciousness of the masses
So, your plan is "informing people".
How about killing neo marxists? We need to organize independent isolated cells operating based on a simple set of rules, to kill all neo marxist agitators, targeted assassinations against high value targets. Until all are dead.
Ave Christus Rex!
Christian boxing clubs now!
I'm working on my com sci degree in college right now. Do you have a server of any kind yet to put the site on?
We should schedule Christian meet-ups.
One thing I forgot: we need someone to map the leftist networks, all their NGOs, all their leadership levels, their names, pictures and addresses at once. then update and publish the list annually or every quarter.
This is to help the practical arm doing the cleansing.
>So, your plan is "informing people".
Well of course that is step one. My plan has many facets and we must raise money and garner support to first build an economic and media platform to then parley into political power
I can get us a server and domain on gator or w/e user
Awesome, set up a way to share code whether through the server or github and we can start working.
email me at [email protected]
Why would I defend anyone outside my family and loved ones.
Roasties across the street can eat shit.
Stop worshipping the devil on a stick retards.
we will dump all the pizzagte evidence, all the history of the secret societies, everything the kikes are doing. and link it all together so even retards can understand and we will grow and fight and win. We will have teams of meme makers and teams of people tweet storming and posting them on Facebook. We will build a new platform for video hosting and socilaizng we will ween the people off of the jew tit and bring them back home
Did you get it?
My email has bacon in the name. Did you get it?
Also my id apparently changed but I sent you my old id in this thread.
yes user responded! It is happening
We have 30 or so members I will prepare an email and get them ready to mobilize.
Got it!
sent another email with a copy of my book and a call to arms for our team
brother have you emailed me yet?
Yes, I'm him. Sup Forums changed my id in later posts.
And it just did again.
Is this the sign up for the government watch list thread?
Looks like there's no difference between mudslimes and christfags.
Crashing this plane
ahhh ok no problem
Realistically how hard would it be to assassinate people high up the ladder like Soros or one of the rothschilds
I am bodhi mantra if you don't about my book and who I am don't worry about joinging if you don't want to. I was dropping information here about the kikes are doing and how when you could still get whacked for what I know. Due largely to me and few others efforts it now common knowledge on chan what the kikes are doing and how. I have earned my credibility many times over
Fun fact: there are already three rogue/loose nukes in contiguous America. Search it.
Your own countrymen are so dumb, fat, corn syrup addicted they managed to accidentally release T H R E E nuclear bombs in America. None have exploded so far, 2 of 3 are east coast states though.
yah one was off the coast of Georgia I remember