WW3 Predictions

help me with the map

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On it

Everyone dies



Here's what I have so far

A few people with bunkers survive. The offspring of the few that reproduce, mutated beyond recognition by generations of inbreeding, emerge to find that the rats and the roaches are the new masters of the earth.


Kek you know China and Russia are going to be attacking the Norks in a war.


>implying india and pakistan wont attack eachother as soon as SHTF
>implyig jewcube won't launch a few and blame someone else

>implying worst korea and japland not nuclear wasteland

Add Pakistan to the blue side, they'll be fighting the Indians for China.

Add India to the red side.

That's a good thing.
Can't wait for that flash.

Wait, hang on, you'll need to add new colours because they're conflicting with other nations.

This is how I see it.

You forgot Kazakhstan for the red side.


Accurate but you have forgotten about Israel, our greatest ally.

not really
pakis seem to be quite serious this time at not being a shithole with china's silk road thing
they actually improved their governance lately (since trump) with a peaceful ousting, but the west (afghan) side is still pure shit though


This map is all over the place


I swear to god if those chinks back the norks again I'm gonna join the war.

You have a very odd world view my friend

poor aussies
they never stood a chance
the usa will have serious problems against flighted emu carriers


Germany red and Poland blue desu

Cool so our side is
>fags and twinks and crossdressers
>NEETs who hope everyone loses
>refugee "minors"
>the country that paid for and plotted 9/11

Alaska would probably fight for Mexico

You will beg for mercy when the eternal Tajikistani nukes your ass.

Nuclear winter please.
I can't stand the fucking heat. Plus we don't need more africans or asians.

this is something that would happen in hoi4


Agreed, this isn't going to be one against the other war. This is why I'm skeptical of the "Awan passing China Intel on India via Pakistan" theory.
It makes more sense for China to initiate a full blown conflict between Pakistan and India so they don't have to deal with both at the same time.
NPRK is just going to take advantage of any flash point, because China doesn't want NPRK fucking everything up by inviting a US backed conflict into the area which will run counter to their interests.

Shit nigger, we're not getting into any war - and specially not siding with the norks.

Korean War would look like this if it goes hot

>China fighting Norks
>Russia fighting Norks

You know they(tajukistan) have no nukes right?

They have secret nuclear program. They have approximately 4,000 warheads.

Yep because China doesn't want the US on its border same for Russia. They would try to get their puppet in place before the US gets to Pyongyang.

I wonder what is really going on that they want to distract us from.

Or maybe POTUS is an egomaniac who is trying to fearmonger his way back into favor.

Might be a stretch, but I can see India joining a South China Sea alliance against China. This a means to force China's hand over Doklam; essentially backdown over Doklam or India will ramp up the South China Sea tensions.

Anyone who thinks China and India would ever work together is retarded. You might as well be talking about India and Pakistan or and Israel. We are much better off throwing the Pakis under the bus and working with the poos because China will never be blue.

There's only one way this is going to play out.


>Anyone who thinks China and India would ever work together is retarded

Anyone who thinks "Against" means "with" is retarded.


Any improvements to this?
Dont know shit about africa so can't really say about that.
Lighters colours might join their respective sides.

Just draw a mushroom cloud that covers the entire thing. We're not going into WW3 though. This is a distraction from the Trump witch hunt by the deep state. Trump is even falling for it.

>China is actively pressing on Indian allies
>China is actively trying to undermine Indian interests
>China has historically been an enemy of India

You want to know how I know you're not white?

>South China Sea alliance against China
That would be vietnam and japan (and indonesia, but no)
The other seaniggers are being predictable seaniggers

>Iceland, Sardegna, Northern Ireland, and half of the Falkland Islands on NK's side


educate yourselves you tinfoil retards

George Friedman probably the best geopolitical forecaster. WW3 won't happen for a long time, by the time it happens we'll all be in adult diapers. When it happens Russia will be a thing of the past, China will be a thing of the past. Those countries long collapsed. WW3 will happen much like WW2 did. USA vs Japan, Turkey, with Germany jumping in the mix half way against the US. The US with some allies will prevail and the war will be much smaller scale than WW2/


Are you replying to the right posts you moron?
I've said the exact opposite of China India working together or can't you read?

Do you mean DPRK?

WW3 August 2017 lineup update

>Satanic Alliance
ISIS, Al-Qaeda
Saudi Arabia
UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Jordan
Anglosphere, most of Yurop, including the (((Baltic))) states and (((Ukraine)))
Sunni Muslim fifth columns in the West

Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, Palestinians
North Korea

>Will play both sides regardless of which side they're on on paper

>Countries the US will also end up bombing for not wanting to join in (they have too much to lose and want to protect their cities from total annihilation by China and NK)
South Korea

Drumpfshits WILL defend this.

fixed a few things

Aw shiet
I won't even last 1 day if war started on that day

Yes I know it's a stretch, I'm only basing it on Japan helping Philippines and Malaysia to build up their Navys in addition to India wanting to mess up China's ambitions.

Yes, trump improved Pakistan. I am also happier nowadays since Trump was elected. Because of Trump everyone is happy. Trump is so based. Trump is a working class warrior. He came from a poor background and now he made himself a billionaire by working hard.

USA + UK vs Canada + W. Europe vs E. Europe vs Russia (baltic countries + finns will fall under RUS influence + EST maybe will become part of Russia + Anexxation of Ukrain(part))

also Pakistan + China vs India will be going possibly

took me a while but id say this is correct

Wrong. China wont risk so much for so little.

>Pakis fighting alongside India and the west

As far as I know, Pakistan supports the chinks.

You favela monkeys are part of BRICS thogh

They could join any side but I think the west is more likely cause they've recently started budding up to the US more.

I don't think China + Pakistan because China knows Pakistan has been helping exacerbate problems in Xinjiang. Possible they might've reached a deal over this that involves an alliance, but I think it's more likely China is allying with Russia in order to protect their North.
I think China wants India & Pakistan in ful blown conflict as they move to secure their hold on Doklam.


You guys are delirious. We are 100% USA's bitch, sadly. Not even when the commies were in power, we'd side with the brave north koreans.

This is the initial attack plans, Black is ISIS or just Chaos, Red lines of attack are SCO Blue lines is NATO lines of attack

Spray paint marks are local militias/insurgency

This would be the initial days/weeks after that who fucking knows where it would go.


>Arab Alliance
>no arabs

>Poland and Russia in the same faction



Only accurste map in this thread desu




i might think about russia but i doubt it

Poland and Russia will fuck up W. Europe
And split Ukraine


The Zionists will pay Erdogan to provoke Russia, Russia will take Turkey in one night.
Russia will move true Turkey to the Balkans and up to Frances border with Spain.
There will be almost no resistance.
The USA will be driven out of there colony in Germany (Rammstein).
The USA will meanwhile have a civil war, but will still send troops to South Africa to help the Boers.
They will leave soon.
As said before, there will be a bloody civil war simultaneously going on in South Africa, to kill the whites.
Out of nowhere German help will arrive from a weird place (let's put it that way).
They will wipe out the Russian army in Europe, and will help the Boers wiping out every single African.
Russia will then nuke the USA, and vise versa.
The new German leader who will be a 3rd Sargon, then will let the Russians and America wipe each other out.
Brittian will be bombed both by Russia and the new German government.
They will vanish.
America will break into 4 different countries, and will be alongside Russia be one of the weakest countries on the planet.
The Germans will take their land back, with their colonies, will wipe out every single Zionist (Jew), and will kill every evil soul.
Isreal will be wipes out, and will be a dead desert.
Europe will be cleansed, only native whites will be left.
The Boer country will reach to the equator, and will be the 2nd strongest country in the world.
The Germans will lead the world, and the monachry will be reinstalled.
Peace will be declared, and Germany will have a Kaiser again, Hungary and Poland and France and other European countries will have Kings again.

Ps: The 3rd WW will only last 3 months, but will be the bloodiest and most brutal war in history.

>implying it will be just 2-3 sides

I think your fat ass needs a snack break after whipping up that fantasy

Red Brazil?, Really?


shit I should have made roach nation blue, oh well.

Arab league includes non arab countries, this military coalition is formed from that.

I think DPRK has to be an unknown. China doesn't want DPRK escalating things to the point of US intervention before China is ready for US intervention.
China would let DPRK loose if it looked like the US were going to intervene with their territorial/access ambitions (sort of a nuclear pearl harbour scenario, but using DPRK instead of attacking the US direct).

Still inaccurate.