Just say whatever you want about niggers or post nigger memes but whatever you do it has to be about niggers
Nigger dedication thread
Other urls found in this thread:
{holds breath}
hahahaha, we wuz kangz
le negro dead in the end?
They could be better with some eugenics
Sure do hope so pal,
tomorrow Siget mein neger
Mfw we had this in the Budapest zoo
I don't like them, they talk funny and they smell
Imagine you doing this in your local disco.
Someone please explain me these "mating dance" webms.
Is this something new?
all fucking niggers must fucking hang
>instincts inherited from pre-humanoids.
mating dance vids are their ultimate form pleast post more
this only proves that more of them need to be posted, theyre all amazing and super old its fucking hilarious every single one ends in some wrestling tier slams
I have seen them on almost every hate thread. What I mean is this some "WWE new thing" in the ghetto?
mestizo bitch, posting these webms I also think of you
Wtf? Is that what a nigger gangbang looks like? Why would they go through all that effort to fuck her when she's so ugly they have to put a bucket on her head?
i hate niggers
of someone could edit this to have him wearing jedi robes, holding a light saber and the cop be a storm trooper that would be the kekest of keks.
What if they legalize nigger hunting in the South again?
niggers don't need to put a bucket on ugly women
have you sseen 99% of their women? they are literally ape tier and just look at what white women they mostly get hideous looking ugly fat retards
me too but dont tell anyone k?
>Why would they go through all that effort to fuck her when she's so ugly they have to put a bucket on her head?
Because niggers are barely a step above monkeys, they will fuck literally anything, including other male monkeys (look at incarcerated niggers).
The only thing separating those African baboons from being literal monkeys is the fraction of white DNA that most have in modern America.
I've only seen pictures and memes about niggers.
Never the real thing, am I missing out? Where's my BBC dammit?
hey holup he wuz gud boi he dindu 'nuffins
have you noticed how much mental gymnastics goes into basketball niggers heads to explain their shortcomings?
mainly they will come to conclusion that its all whitys fault
and they need reperations and more money from them projects and also better sex education
Suicide by cop right? No nog is blind enough not to see that car outside. Not even stevie wonder.
The boonk niggers is back at it again. This time chimping out at a chic fil a.
he really thought he could beak dumb whity with his stick and make the cop his bitch
BIG BLACK STICK afterall right?
Do you not know how incredibly stupid 99.9% of negros are?
I dated a qt niggress from the Caribbean and surprisingly she whored herself out like every other nigger. AMA
Please post more dancing webms
That's a rare platikang.
if something is 99% empirically prove to be true we usually generalize and say ALL niggers are
wtf is this from?
Why would you ever date a fucking nigger.
holy shit where is this from?
I actually dated one too, she was ha mulatto and her nigger father was made a Sir by the queen
she had major inferiority problems
If you're gonna bang a chick ask her if she fucks black or gay dudes. Let her know it's because blacks have much higher rate of aids and u don't want none. If she protests then push the shiv harder. This is how u culture war and win.
I guess not but im learning.
Then let me pose my question to you as well. Why would you ever date a fucking nigger?
this cheeky hungarian poster has a pretty good collection of webms, are there any more violent dancing nigger ones like this one tho? because the other ones here where whites get hurt depress me
are those fucking dothraki?
goodbye uncle tom
Your porn makes it seem as if it does
What the actual fuck is this and where is it from?
have you ever dated a doughter of a knighted man?
I have.
Fucked her ass and put it in her mouth afterwords, fucked her while stretching her little black asshole with 3 fingers at once
and her father was knighted by the queen.
I got off so fucking good, msut be bacuase for my hate for your pathetic country
Post more fuckers.
Eh why not. I was blue pilled to universal nigger habits at the time. She was clean in the beginning and seemed like she had a proper upbringing.
Wait, what happened here? White guy shoved a nigress down the stairs?
I just fucking lost it.
nigress got pushed out of some dutch rbnb rent
I feel really sad for those kids.
someone answer what is this shit from?
name of movie?
God bless but that 2nd webm is funny but r.i.p. the pretty white girls face victim of retarded nignog chimp-outs again :'(
An aversion to racemixing should be inherent in the minds of all white men. Congratulations, you're part nigger.
i bet she got raped literally that night, deserved it too.
More dancing!
how do niggers even have the tech to record and upload these tho?
>niggers in africa don't have clean drinking water
>clean water on short supply
>proceed to spill half of it while drinking
I don't even...
Just when you think it can't get any better, the bucket comes out of nowhere
Can't stop!
yo hungar bro, quick question, why do you guys
hate the romanians so much, and they hate you?
is it just the trianon or is it something else?
Do all of these webm's actually prove anything about the entire black race?
>Black scientist that created all wh*Te "people"
the dancing ones are reallyy good at redpilling females \\
because they kind of have a sense of understanding the "language" of dance
and niggers "dance" literally says I have deep rooted inferiority problems and an IQ of a banana
Nigress AirBNB'd, refused to leave after checkout time, copped an attitude
>you have the opportunity to save a life
>you instead choose to record a death
You tell me!
we just generally hate shitskins and subhumans
it's really that simple