/nk/ - North Korea General

Alright armchair historians and political commentators of Sup Forums, there's always a dozen threads about NK so might as well make a general. If anyone has useful links that would be spectacular

Here's my not-expert opinion:
>recent provocations by NK are an effort to actually increase US/SK military action in the area, in the hope that China will send more support financially
>US media is fixated on the same saber-rattling that's been happening for years because it needs a new BBEG every 5 years to keep up popular support for the military
>in the unlikely event of a war, China's position is unclear. While it does not want war with the west, as it is vulnerable on two fronts (south china sea + indian border) it definitely does NOT want to share a border with a unified Korea allied with the west.
>NK does not, nor ever will, possess nuclear capabilities

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Can I get an archive norge?




Archive your own shit. Hes bussy archiving more important threads.

It's a bot

> how can we spin this to make Drumpf look good in our minds ?
never change sweetie

>implying we don't want the destruction of the west, in order to rebuild what you cucks have destroyed.

Actually this is a good thing. It's nice to see a president with some balls.

no he responded to someone last night in a thread


We should really start making /nkg/ a thing

Please explain in detail how any of that is an attempt to make trump look good

If anything it is a criticism of him playing into NK's little game. Not to say we should be more lenient but we should cut off all aid and force our allies to do the same rather than bandy threatening words with their chubby little leader

This. Obama let the NK problem fester for 8 years, and now we finally have a president who might actually do something about it.

Feels good desu

There is no NK problem, there is an american occupation of SK and Japan one.

I agree with everything except
>NK does not, nor ever will, possess nuclear capabilities
They most definitely have the capacity to create weapons grade plutonium. Wether they have the ability to create a bomb, or mount it, is up for debate. However. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't be ready for it.
If they were able to create a working bomb, it would be a very low mass bomb. Nothing like the nukes that first world's have.

He is on here a lot as well, but he does use a bot

They teach their kids to hate americans. They fucking sings songs about the destruction of the west.
They've been posting videos of American cities being decimated by bombs.
I'm sorry, but if someone has to die, it's gonna be them.

You realize that America razed half of north korea during the war and still occupies SK while threatening NK, right ?

You must be new to the whole north Korea issue. I suggest you go back to the 1990s and read up on what bill clinton did

No, why are you ignoring the context of a nuke being miniturized recently? You're guessing with bad information and you're just stupid.

North Korea and Africa, whats the deal with them?

So what are the chances for all-out war this time? North Korea is always threatining the US, but is it different this time?

Pretty much this

Admittedly the whole thing is a shit sandwich but we aren't going to be the ones to swallow it, simple as that

Bruh, it's not up for debate. The newest reports say they are fully capable of create miniaturized nukes capable of being implemented with an icbm.

You realize what that war was about?
North Korea wanted to pose communism on the whole peninsula. We rescued the south. Imagine if we didn't intervene? The whole country would be a communist shithole

Yeah he sent them a shit ton of aid and two reactors. Exactly what shouldnt have happened

>believing NK propoganda
>believing their missiles wouldnt burn up in reentry
>believing NORAD couldnt shoot one down
Take off your flag you coward, show your face

both of you ignored what happened in Korea right at the end of WWII

The odds of them actually attacking is still low I think. But the chances we hit them before they can do anything are about 85% right now.

Here's how it could go

>somehow, shit goes down with NK
>nuke shot out of the sky
>China and Russia invade in the north, establish puppet/line
>SK and US invade south, create puppet/line
>both sides end up with more control, less instability
>China and Russia still have buffer zone


You can just you know pearl harbour yourself again. No one would know.

>NK propoganda
hmmm apart from that it's US intel and independent sources claiming this.

If North Korea launches a nuke then America will mostly likely use that as an excuse to retaliate with their own nukes. Especially to take out the artillery pointed at Seoul.

If they actually manage to get through and hit Guam, which is entirely possible, then we would launch dozens of nukes in response. We would annihilate them.

I think the world forgot how much Americans value feeling safe. We get very dangerous when we get scared and have a very "fuck the world, do what is best for us" mentality that borders on suicidal.

Kim Jong's brother was going to be that pro-China puppet ruler (but they wouldnt divide NK) but he was assassinated

They have not shown the capacity to do any of those things. They also need to be able to control the bomb mid flight, which is unknown. Re entry is also an issue for them. Their last icbm test failed to re enter correctly, causing a fireball in the sky.
Reports are from the news. You can't trust the news.

Or defense system hits about 3 of 5 threats in a rehearsed scenario.... It will maybe, MAYBE get that many in a real world type deal, but it's doubtful. Meaning most will probably get through.

North Korea are good guys

That's irrelevant. The Kim regime did not rise from ww2

Classic Sweden. Sitting halfway around the world in a more temperate climate than Florida. This goddamned humid hell hole of a vacation destination.

We wouldn't go full nuke on them. It would be a disaster. The MOAB isn't the only conventional non nuke we have

>knowing anything about what a real problem is

shame we didnt raze all of it

>Imagine if we didn't intervene?

no pro starcraft 2 games?

Disaster how? A nuke looks very effective at neutralizing the threats to our allies in Seoul. And the world isn't going to be that surprised if the world superpower reacts with their triad when someone is stupid enough to attempt to nuke us.

Not to mention what the fuck are they going to do? MAD is still in place. If North Korea violates MAD and attempts to nuke us and we retailiate, MAD will still be in play.

China and Russia and anyone else can be furious about us retaliating with nukes but what are they going to do? They still have to play by the rules of MAD

We should have given you to the Soviets.

Is that a guess or do you have a source

I didn't even think about that. SC would never have been as big as it is if the commies won. Ha!

We'd probably have veen better off than under american neo-marxist subversion

America has never dealt with a single problem ever。

Eat shit.

If nuclear war breaks out, it will turn to "everyone for themselves". We need to show that we are able to defeat a regime like north Korea without nuclear weapons. And we can. Easily.

They should take NK out a couple years ago. Now its too late and they will get the bomb.

This is all posturing. Kim is playing to his people and Trump doesn't realise this.

The generals will calm him down and try orchestrate a "win" for him to look good.

>America has never dealt with a single problem ever。

Maybe if you stopped blockading and threathening them...

We willfully let France get raped and pillaged under German occupation for like 4 years so we can't be that bad.

Kill those chinks. USA USA USA!

I want war for shits and giggles, lets get this war on the road folks.

Actually the only rape and pillage we had to endure was from american.and british soldiers。

Just look at the talibans, AQ, ISIS, Israel, North Korea, Vietnam, Russia, etc...

Get out frenchie. Go and hang out with your new friend, Mohammed

Im hoping shit blows up

That's it. We "owe" the guy who threatens us every other week and makes our fictional destruction part of the school curriculum the benefit of our commercial goods and services. Get fucked.

Fuck you, you stupid french cuck. You treated German pow's like trash. You have never won a war. You eat fucking frogs and all of your women are being fucked by goddamn niggers

This. Afghanistan just isn't doing it anymore. Nobody has given a fuck about that place since 2002. Let's get some body counts going.

I still try to see what is wrong with NK.
>no homosexuals
>no drugs
>people keep their religion and traditions
>no degeneracy
>no degenerate art
>is outside the hands of the international bankers
>no alcoholism, tumblrinas, shemales, tourism...
>no race mixing
That sounds pretty good to me.

yeah after the international blockage
>no freedom
Freedom for what? to be autodestructive and ruin your people?

I dont say it is a paradise, what I say is that I dont trust the capitalistic propaganda agaisnt NK taking into acccount the path is taking the western civilization.

apparently we didnt rape and pillage you hard enough seeing as you didnt learn anything and now have the current migrant crisis on your hands.

US - DPRK peace

You wish, antoine. I wouldn't touch a French "girl" with my piss stream.

What about the Pacific in WW2?

The lend-lease program?

Post WW2 reconstruction

Economic defeat and dissolution of the Soviet Union

You don't have to agree with what the US has done, but portraying the US as ineffective is just stupid

>yeah after the international blockage

i seriously doubt any of the sanctions have anything to do with blocking food from entering the country.

Fellow SouthernAnon i'm guessing.

Also, the majority of actual kid here seem to not realise, that if North Korea ACTUALLY wanted to attack, Guam, for instance, they wouldn't let it be known. Lmfao.

They're chances of carrying out a successful strike against Guam WITHOUT giving the USA a heads-up isn't good in the first place. There's no way in hell they'd actually give the US the heads up if they were seriously planning on attacking.

Also, why Guam? Kimmie isn't that stupid to start a war, hitting Guam, just to get annihilated.

Not over Guam.

> Also THISI ......"think the world forgot how much Americans value feeling safe. We get very dangerous when we get scared and have a very "fuck the world, do what is best for us" mentality that borders on suicidal."

If you think that a nation of people brainwashed into believing their leader doesn't pee or poop is a good thing, you have serious mental problems

The “migrant crisis” is the doing of America...

Feel free to go to NK you inbred spanish fuck.

You're the one letting them all in, we're just smart enough to say no

We don't let them in, they are brought in by american paid “NGO” through American controlled Italy...

I think around 20% of the American population wanted to commit genocide on the Japanese after they surrendered. Unlike other countries who become more passive the longer they are in peace, Americans become more dangerous because we grow very attached to the idea of being safe. The idea of actually being in danger and not being able to protect ourselves with 100% certainty turns us into psychopaths that look at nuclear war and genocide as "necessary evils" to keep us safe.

>people brainwashed into believing their leader doesn't pee or poop is a good thing

How can you believe such stupid thing? I never heard anything of it, but I can imagine that is forbidden is to talk about the leader in that way which is a very traditional asian thing, you know.

Stfu snownigger and try to think for yourself instead of eating all that propaganda.

The famine was caused by a severe drought and climate shit, the blockage just make the situation worst... Only China seems to have helped a bit.

He said that after trump said the fire and fury comment.
> Also THISI ......"think the world forgot how much Americans value feeling safe. We get very dangerous when we get scared and have a very "fuck the world, do what is best for us" mentality that borders on suicidal."
This is absolutely untrue.
Any countries populace would feel the exact same way if threarened


Then NK's actions are justified

That's what they believe though lol. I'm not making it up.
It's nothing traditional about it. If you openly speak negatively about kim, you get sent to a work camp.

No. They have been threatening us since the end of the Korean war.
We wanted to end communism. They want to destroy us for being westerners, similar to ISIS killing non believers
We don't threaten their civilians by showing propaganda of burning cities. They do.

America attacked NK first...

The French fucking loved Americans after WW2. Jesus Christ my grandpa was taken in by a French family who let him stay with them for a week while he was on holiday just because they were so grateful to us for liberating them. NK are the aggressors, threatening us and actually fucking sinking ships and you blame /us/ for the sanctions? My god you are fucking .

Do you even know the history of the Korean war?

You don't know shit.

Do you ?
The U.S. led coallition intervened in a civil war prompting the intervention of china and later the USSR...

Reminder Trump already lost.

The obese mongoloid said it would never happen, KEk

Sure thing fuckwad. Whatever you gotta tell yourself to make you feel better.

Back to the point of the thread, Trump is drawing a "Red Line" on KJU. What do we think the red line will be, will KJU cross it, and what actions will we take if he does?

Yes, I do.
>The Korean War (in South Korean Hangul: 한국전쟁; Hanja: 韓國戰爭; RR: Hanguk Jeonjaeng, "Korean War"(25 June 1950 – 27 July 1953) began when North Korea invaded South Korea. The United Nations, with the United States as the principal force, came to the aid of South Korea. China came to the aid of North Korea, and the Soviet Union gave some assistance.
>Korea was ruled by Imperial Japan from 1910 until the closing days of World War II. In August 1945, the Soviet Union declared war on Imperial Japan, as a result of an agreement with the United States, and liberated Korea north of the 38th parallel. U.S. forces subsequently moved into the south. By 1948, as a product of the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States, Korea was split into two regions, with separate governments. Both claimed to be the legitimate government of all of Korea, and neither accepted the border as permanent. The conflict escalated into open warfare when North Korean forces—supported by the Soviet Union and China—moved into the south on 25 June 1950. On 27 June, the United Nations Security Council authorized the formation and dispatch of UN forces to Korea to repel what was recognized as a North Korean invasion. Twenty-one countries of the United Nations eventually contributed to the UN force, with the United States providing 88% of the UN's military personnel.

You're literally agreeing with me...

Did you not just say this?
>America attacked NK first...

Destabilized a region and pawned the fallout off on another continent.
>America has never dealt with a single problem ever。

>threatening us since the end of the Korean war.
The Korean war never ended, they only signed a ceasefire agreement.

>Not to say we should be more lenient but we should cut off all aid and force our allies to do the same

you dont give aid to North Korea

Calm down burger, France did nothing wrong.

A Murderous History of Korea


>Back to the point of the thread, Trump is drawing a "Red Line" on KJU. What do we think the red line will be, will KJU cross it, and what actions will we take if he does?

what is KJU doing exactly other than blustering?

He's entitled to own and test ICBM's and nuclear weapons, just like we are.

Yeah, youre right. But from our perspective it was over. We decimated their army. The problem was we left the Kim regime stay. We let the grudge build up

The West Through the Eyes of North Korea
