Learn Arabic.
Learn Arabic
no thanks
You know what leaftard I'd be happy to learn arabic if we lived in a world where my people and the arabs stayed in their countries and lived the way they liked, each on their side. I'd be happy to learn arabic and not eat pork or drink alcohol while I visit if such a world existed. Unfortunately, it doesn't. Vive le québec libre
I just spoke in arabic. Is that good enough?
Stay muhhaMAD
learn Polish before we will teach it to you
I would piss myself if I woke up at midnight only to turn the lights on in my kitchen and see that giant roach.
Go back to 1998 and post this shit, conflicts in the middle east are dying down. Chinese will be the next language needed for future warfare.
Guy learned photoshop before arabic
Gas yourself jew
How do you say: "Do you like to fuck goats?" in Arabic? I'd really like to learn that phrase.
>brown eyes
NIgga once greater israel goes into effect, youre gonna need to learn hebrew
> not learning latin
أتعلم اللغة العربية
Durka durka jihad allah durka goat fuck al hurka bin durka
Why would you laugh if the Turks invade the Balkan again
polish such an dumb fucking language i rather learn russian !!!
Everything arabic is retarded.
Why are Semitic languages so disgusting sounding? It's the same with Hebrew. Sounds like a cat trying to cough up a fur ball.
i already speak it, omar