3 years ago today.
Did Sup Forums forget?
3 years ago today.
Did Sup Forums forget?
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Poor guy.
He'll never live in a world where Donald Trump is president.
Is this the guy who was killed by that 100% white european aryan man?
niggers kill niggers everyday.
who cares about some niglet when other niggers dont care.
That was Michael Brown, a 18 year old kid who was viciously taken down by a cop with only hate for melanin and seasoned food in his heart
He redpilled me on how savage and far gone American negroes are
>did Sup Forums forget?
Surely you've heard our motto.
That wasn't some "American negro" that was Michael Brown, a child with decades of potential in front of him!
I actually thought this was the guy that Zimmerman shot, but apparently this guy was shot by an actual white man - so my joke kind of falls flat on its face.
Uh buddy, I think you posted in the wrong board
I just came here to tell y'all that we need to remember everyday that Black Lives Matter
Thank You
Nevar forget
Stupid ape deserved to die.
No but, why should I care. Shits old news. Call me when there's another riot
National Darren pull the trigger on a nigger Wilson day! I'm celebrating wit some 40's, gonna pour some out for my homey mike brown, may he rest in peace.
No. I'm celebrating.
Ferguson riots are probably what got Trump elected. Thanks, Mike!
Happy Darren Wilson day!
Ooga booga
Never forget!
i celebrated by rereading Mike Brown's book
was he the alamo or the maine?
i forgot
literally who?
wow three years free of crime big ups to michael brown
Yeah. Why should I care about some nigger who got shot by a cop? This always happens, why is this dindu significant?
That was baby tray tray you tard Mike Brown was Ferguson so many fucking new fags
>Black lives splatter
This is obvious b8 but I'm enjoying the memes.
Stop it. It's embarrassing.
Actual video of the moment the gentle giant was slain :(
I had a full graphic of like 50 of those on my laptop. Sadly the port broke and i havent got it fixed.
And why did you remember him?
Is this better?
wtf i love rottweilers now
That kid went to prison, iirc.
He was a dumb kid who made bad decisions with his life. We've all been that kid. He just happened to pay for his stupidity with his life. I honestly feel bad for him.
Gary Coleman
comedic genius
wuh chu talkin bout, willis?
One less.
That fucking behemoth """"kid"""" was only 18.
I am unironically happy he is dead.
Here, I updated this meme for you guys as promised
Rot in hell, nigger.
Except that a normal kid's bad decisions usually end at stealing candy from the gas station, and not assaulting a cop and grabbing for his gun because he's trying to rightfully arrest you for stealing candy from the gas station and assaulting an employee.
NPR pushing this hard today with their typical false narrative, why the fuck do they get taxpayer dollars
We've all done some pretty shady shit but this dude straight up mugged a guy and he reached for the cops gun.
He would have been a brain surgeon or president by know if not for rampant racism from bigoted white males. Never Forget
He stole blunt wraps.
He dindu nuffin and died for it because of racism.
Actually I think the font size was rong so here's take 2.
He had his hands up and they killed him. Then whites rioted and destroyed his town and lynched all the black people.
So basically wasting cigarillos by taking off the wrapping leaves?
Nigger deserved to die. A decent cigarillo is literally worth more than that moon cricket's life.
lol, just throwing that out there guys! You're that guy. Don't be that guy.
Thats a cute pupper
So, what you're saying is... he stole the equivalent of candy... for niggers??
Chekt for great justice
And several direct eye-witnesses confirm that the ((hands up don't shoot)) meme is a myth.
Requiescat in pace, O Niger.
Yep, thats why they just sell the wraps too. I was never fond of it in my weed days. Niggers smoke really cheap muddy and moldy mexishit, so old it doesnt even smell like weed, so thats why blunts are a thing in their culture even for the niggers that manage to get decent weed and then proceed to ruin it with a cigar wrap because real niggas something something
Spreading some candy disinfo is the same as CNN showing Mike Brown/Trayvon's pics from age 12.
Rotwielwers were bred by the Romans to hate niggers and snow niggers
literally who?