Why do Atheists go to such great lengths to defend Islam? It honestly boggles my mind and I see it constantly. The more time goes on, the more I become convinced that Atheism is really just Anti-Christianity. The only prominent Atheist voices I can think of that call Islam out are Richard Dawkins and Bill Maher, who have effectively been disowned by the Atheist community. I'm not a fan of those two, but I respect them for at least being consistent.
Why do Atheists go to such great lengths to defend Islam? It honestly boggles my mind and I see it constantly...
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Atheism is, 9 times out of 10, a product of leftist brainwashing. Leftist brainwashing involves being conditioned to
A) believe what you are told
B) ignore contradictions among your beliefs
Thus, the braindead leftist is told to be an atheist because Christianity is sexist, homophobic, and intolerant of atheism, and is told to love a religion that wants to see him, and homosexuals, and western women gang-raped, thrown off off a building into a swimming pool filled with gasoline, and set on fire, and he literally cannot see the contradiction between those two beliefs.
Sam Harris is a neocon who wants to invade Muslim countries. Same with Christopher Hitchens.
Which prominent atheists defend Islam? Seems like the king of their movement (Sam Harris) is critical of it, as well as their e-celeb coat tail riders like TheAmazingAtheist (banana man)
>Christians kill more than any other religious groups
What about the crusades bigot
Always makes me laugh when they use those little crusades as some sort of argument of widespread Christian killing
because atheism is just a tool to gather zombies for the marxist muslim axis of evil
What about the Armenian Genocide Mehmet
I'm an atheist. Have huge respect for Christians and share most of their values and feel pride in the heritage Christianity has given us. Fuck Muslims and Islam.
It should be noted that atheists are actually the most gullible of members of all faiths, because of their egotism. There is humility in every other religion, but atheism revels in pure, unbridled egotism. They think they are smarter than everyone else, that they have privileged access to secret truths about the universe, and this is their critical weakness because they are not particularly smart, and they are in general more close-minded than members of other religions. All that is required to lead an atheist by the nose is to appeal to his ego using an Emperor's New Clothes argument and peer-pressure. "Hillary Clinton is smart, Donald Trump is dumb", "only ignorant racist christian homophobes don't want to flood the west with peaceful rapefugees — you're not a dumb racist christian, are you?" It's that simple.
This is a religion without sacred texts, without any authority to root the beliefs of it's adherents, it only has the core dogma of unshakeable faith in ones own smug sense of superiority. There is no doctrine to which an adherent can appeal, no Sola Scriptura for him to examine to determine whether his priests mislead him. The doctrine and theology of the atheist faith can be determined by whomever holds the political or social authority on a society. Atheism is, therefore, the ideal state cult of an Orwellian dystopia, and this is why modern dictatorships tend to outlaw all other religions.
Feel like I'm missing out on something because I grew up outside of religion.
Is it too late to pick a religion? Or should I just continue thinking for myself..
Just going to bump this a bit.
>atheists attack Christianity and/or Islam
>atheists never attack Judaism
really makes my skull got schooled
The crusades weren't preemptive Christian wars, they were in response to centuries of Muslim raids on European coasts and encroaching Muslim armies on European cities.
They're counting just regular ass killings that were perpetrated by people who just so happen to be Christians against killings that were actually in the name of Islam.
I'm atheist, I think both religions are equally fiction naturally, but there are way more killings in the name of Allah. At least today. People bring up the crusades, and then plug their ears at the fact that Muslims were killing before and after that too.
Islam is far more cancerous than Christianity as at least with Christianity its mostly just a lot of hot air thrown at you
>Ben Hyde Benjamin Jew
Of course, you only getting this now?
They never attack islam you dumb sandnegro
Its a joke you cuccs
I've watched dozens of atheist debates in synagogues against rabbis. They criticize Judaism, circumcision, all kinds of unkosher things. They just don't conflate Judaism with Jewishness or Jews
Sorry, I can no longer detect sarcasm without the use of Emojis.
If you felt pride in your heritage, you wouldn't call yourself atheist.
If you think that you follow Christian doctrine, why would you distance youself from it juat because you didnt think god was real?
Because 99% percent of atheists are the absolute most bluepilled normie faggot trash around. They can't reason their beliefs beyond the typical fedora tropes. Plus it's easy to criticize Christians because they won't blow up a town square for a smelly towel head god
You shouldn't take anyone here seriously that uses the word bigot
I'm atheist and what is this?
Because atheists are overwhelmingly progressive edgelords
>Plus it's easy to criticize Christians because they won't blow up a town square for a smelly towel head god
True, but I never see them going after, say, Hindus or anything like that. It's pretty much just Christians, for the most part.
What about defending Europe from centuries of Muslim invasion attemps?. Nice try camel fucker
It is a leftist ploy to create subversion among Christians.
99% of people don't think for themselves at all, or are never forced to due to their social circles reinforcing their doctrines already. I feel like what you believe and how you act develops from who you associate with during your adolescent years.
It's quite clear that many liberals are such because it fits the social niche that they've held since highschool. They don't actually know anything about God or religion because they've never truly thought about it. They do know however, with a burning fury, that Christians are bad because they made their homo friend cry once.
That and they've never had the world or someone else knock them on their ass to slap a different perspective into them. In the case of progressives, they'll only just double down
Two centuries of Jew fueled regional prejudice. Yankees hate Southerners, and they have for 201 years. Hundreds of stereotypical movies produced about the South, and thousands of TV shows over the last many, many decades keep hounding the notion that Southern white Christians are an easy & soft target. Generations of people openly attack Bubba the Baptist from Birmingham, because for generations, it's been "Ok" to mock & degrade your fellow countrymen because, hey ... your accent & dialect is different than mine. For several lifetimes worth of living, Southern people have been an open target of those on the left, and anyone north of Virginia, really. It's easy to laugh along with others, while hating & contempt grows for your fellow man. So because of this "given", Liberals, and those that fund them, now have taken these facts for granted, and are pushing their agenda further. Not only is it now Ok to mock Bubba the Baptist from Birmingham, but All Whites, All Christian Faiths, from All Regions.
So, every time you laugh at a Redneck Joke, just remember ... You're an Enabler, and Part of the Problem.
Anyone ever notice how Jews and atheists are some of the most liberal people?
really makes you think huh?