Why are white women converting to Islam?
Why are white women converting to Islam?
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Probably to destroy it from within.
they aren't
also that's not even an Islamic headscarf she looks like a Moldovan peasant
hahahaha.... oh fuck
They want a sense of purpose. Without having to confirm to mainstream Christian rethoric.
Because they aren't
Because feminism was a giant shit test that white men failed.
It's the newest fashion accessory.
Never seen one, unless forced by an arab husband. Why convert when you can be a shameless slut and live on benefits? Even women aint that stupid.
Her Italian Catholic family cut off ties with her after she converted when she was 19 years old
because they are fat, stupid and ugly and no man wants to fuck her
so she thinks that these honorable brown desert animals will maybe touche her with the tip of his cut micro penis is she wears a fucking towal as a headdress
Repressed desires to be dominated and put in their place.
Because Oppression Olympics dictates that you must claw and scratch your way to the top of the shit heap in any way possible.
Because that cunt has an ugly dumb face and should kill herself.
Did she get acid washed already?
Islam is 360 degrees of truth
the weak always fall first to propaganda
Because Women Need a strong leading Hand but western numales are beta cucks who want equality , women love to be fucked rough and hard from strong men
And because they can't find strong men within their own culture they go and adopt one which suits them better
Giving women rights is the biggest mistake a society can make
because they are fat sluts that nobody takes seriously.
For the FABULOUS accessories like those chic headscarves and totally glamorous trash bags, of course!~
>post yfw you finally get to demonstrate Internalized Misogyny to its activists
Because deep down they want to be used and abused and see as objects and treated like shit, they just don't want it done to them by white men.
I know a lot more muslim chicks who leave islam.
Lol... you know you're only getting the crazy ones... good luck
actually i think they do, they just can't say it openly cause that will ruin the whole thing, so they will go hard at any bullshit that is likely to spur white males into oppressing them again
It's the ultimate slap in the face to their mortal enemies, us.
Why do women do anything?
She's your corrupting influence now!
I've actually got goose bumps at the feelings this pic producing, I can actually see myself beating this bitch till she loses the bastard half breed she's carrying and putting a proper white alpha baby in her...fuck.
Most of them still consider themselves as muslims just like some jews consider themselves as jews even though they don't believe in religious crap.
Fucking this. They know Islam will put them in their place
Because they want brown cock
Her new lesbian girlfriend.. DJ Dnyomite
Not your shriveled little bean José...
Here is why
shes married with a kid now thanks to ahmed
they're tired of feminism destroying their role as family makers and western wimps bending over to degeneracy and running after sluts while bitching that feminism ruined women
>136735069 (OP)
Holy fuck, we will keep them in check.
Attention whores raised in valueless (((junk))) culture.
unironically, arab men are stronger and more appealing than the average white male.
They are and they are LOVING it
Because it's trendy.
I never considered this
The hollywood bible tells them white christianity is the worst thing in the world. Meanwhile in their trainwreck lives, they are learning that unabashed liberal hedonism is fun at first, and then ruinous at the end. The open route then becomes islam.
They aren't. They love dressing like sluts
moar oppression points which translates directly into moar facefuck likes
>omg like, i'm super oppressed now!
>Why are white women converting to Islam?
100% bullshit
>implying they won't immediately start exploiting loopholes in the rules and pushing boundaries
White women converting to Islam is all a part of (((their))) plan.
literally a culture destruction twofer. Destroy Christianity and Islam at the same time.
über kek
It's to virtual signal. Muslims are the new black.
I've noticed a lot of Latino women dating Muslims too.
Unfortunately some women fate or marry mums because it's the only traditional view of marriage they see in the world where the men are change of the family and women are subservient. That's not marriage and they don't understand how backwards Islam is. So yeah, jew shit
I'm sure 100 years from now people will say "well, it *seemed* like a good idea, but we didn't know what we were dealing with...."
It's like you've got a department store with really strict rules of behavior...and then employing a shitton of recovering drug addicts.
What's the worst that could happen, amirite?
Tre chic
>actually i think they do, they just can't say it openly cause that will ruin the whole thing, so they will go hard at any bullshit that is likely to spur white males into oppressing them again
>oppressing them
So, basically you're triggered
Because they're subversive cunts when left to their own devices long enough.
White cuck boys are always so insecure and jealous....
Hello Ahmed
You don't need Islam to do have "good ideas".
Especialy not Islamic ideas.
More Muslims in diaspora, including Kurds, giving up their religion
Why an Australian Muslim couple turned their backs on Islam because it is a 'religion of war' riddled with 'venomous misogyny'
Kowtowing to the new masters of society. Black and Muslim men dominate the West and white women see that and submit. Your entire governments are submitting to them, you think your women wouldn't submit? It's over for you losers, white Christians are done. Not only that, but Africa will be the only place where Christianity survives in 100 years.
Ain't that the truth
looks like Millennial Woes
this, up in that ez famalam
Because 95% of white women have the mentality of children and can easily be manipulated to suit the agendas of jews,niggers and muslims. Most white women are a danger to western civilization. Control women again and you fix a massive amount of the problems we are stuck with now.
Fuck off dune coon
Yeah they re good ruining things now that i think about it, good luck lislam, this is your death
Kek seriously?
Op still has no clue about women. Women have no tribal sense.
>tfw never have a qt haji waifu to impregnate and grow old with
Why live?
That's why you turn 360 degrees and walk away from it.
Too much internet.
>They are dumb
>also Italy
what's her background? hot as fuck tbqh
i live in a white/muslim/mexican/chink city , and apart from the white girls the muslim girls are obviously the next best...
but ours are iranian, iraqi, levantines, and afghanis
nor ar*bs
Just ugly ones. Do the math.
White boys lost all their tetpsterone and are too busy putting on skirts, dresses, and makeup to satisfy a white women
Islamic men are the new bulls, thy dont listen to women or fallow their orders, they do what Allah tells them to do, and they treat their women like the bitchs they are
women LOVE to be treated like the bitches they are and flock to Islam, you can see this in Germany with the rise of homosexuals and importation of Islamic men. White boys are TOO afraid to offend a women and avoid them at all cost, but Mohammad knows that pussy needs smashed and answers the call
Why not? My parents won't let me marry anyone who isn't Muslim. But if hot white chicks convert to Islam, I can marry 4. Thank you Allah.
Tanning was a mistake.
Spiteful cunts because their daddies never touched them right.
Aren't they doing that already in Sweden?
>islamic men are the new bulls
>smelly, insecure little manlets with microdicks
>you have to be careful not to kill them with single slap
>new bulls
All they are is new purse puppies that the western women can virtue signal about, nothing else.
The truth is that most Muslimas in the West are jumping on the cock carousel.
Muslim chicks in France are known for being easy, they want their kids to have blue eyes and lighter hair. It's natural.
That's why all Arab men blow themselves out, it's sexual frustration.
thats bullshit. I fuck traps off grindr and when I was in england all I saw on there was muslim traps. way more degenerate browns per capita than degenerate whites.
We live in the days of self-worship
Convert to Islam = get social media points and validation
>That huge Shekel sniffer
They aren't converting its just a few feminists that like to larp as oppressed minorities.
OP is a fag.
>A Mohammetan who really believes white girls are rubbing their pussies to smelly, bearded, robed Arab manlets.
>Kike shill.
Like anyone with brains, I'm leaning towards the latter.
I would never let my Muslim wife touch a computer or a smartphone.