So when the nuclear radiation kills us all, the last thing I'll think of "well at least we didn't elect Hillary because of her emails."
>hilldawg would have just let the norks have nukes
I doubt who is president really matters with this issue.
Go back to playing Fallout
Trump has a better looking pointer finger to press the button with.
At least the war has collapsed the economy to the point where there are no new positions for foreigners
America looks like Sweden. Should be a girl with brown hair and green eyes.
Hillary Clinton was more of a war hawk than trump. The only thing establishment democrats and republicans can work together and agree on is sanctions and wars.
You'll just be sucking your own cock.
If you think "her emails" were the issue, then you should probably look into things a little deeper. You are willfully ignorant and have no business commenting on politics at all until you have a clearer understanding of ALL the issues surrounding her. Not the least is an impressive body count that would make Putin blush!
Why haven't you built your fall out shelter yet?
Hmm..well that's one way to drain the swamp....
Rather see the world burn than Hillary president
To be honest. If Hilary won, we might have been nuked by Russia. You guys really think they want us to survive until the rapture.
Murica is too white, dont even kidding
>but her emails
This is the most disgusting over simplification of the objections people had to Clinton
It proves that her supporters were disgusting human garbage who would ignore any evil act committed by that wicked old hag.
Trump = 5-6 nukes from NK
Clinton = 500-600 nukes from Russia
pick one.
>completely forgetting hillary was going to 100% go to war with russia.
>So when the nuclear radiation kills us all
Pretty sure that's what Sup Forums has always wanted
there no after life and human life has very los value, so why do you care if you die?
the last thing i'll think of is "that was when i stopped caring so much about those hickistanis"
>"Omg fuck Drumpf, he's going to get us all killed!"
>"Lil' Kimmy has up to 20 nukes ready to go! We're doomed!"
>No basic understand of NORAD
The stupidity of liberals is fascinating to say the least. It's truly a shame that California won't be getting nuked, because we need a good cleansing of you faggots en masse.
>implying too white can be a thing
NK needs to nuke your house, not even kidding
So when the nuclear radiation kills us all, the last thing I'll think of "well at least we didn't elect Hillary because of her emails."
Well to be fair todays atom bombs are about 2-3000 times stronger than the little boy with 15 kt thrown down over hiroshima.
But with north korea and the usa its barking dogs dont bite
They both need each other as enemy to keep the fear up and the people together
Sure, but radiation is going to destroy the world is such an inane meme.
Besides who cares, Kims tin rocket wont make it past the missile defense system and he knows it, only a moron would bother trying.
>Points out over-generalization
>Makes sweeping generalization off of a singular post in the next sentence
You actually lack that much self-awareness.
>If Hillary won things would be worse
>We elected Drumpf because we wanted chaos and destruction
if a nuke happens 90% chance it was Deep Shit trying to false flag kill Americans
NK's not crazy
why are demofreaks trying to make everything about Hillary Clinton again. she fucking lost the popular vote too illegals and california vote fraud don't count. Move on
If she was elected, the current narrative would be that Kim is just like Hitler taking the Sudetenland.