ITT: Sup Forums prophecy predictions

>Three branches will become one
USA going full republican

>An Island will drift away

>A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill
Could be Hillary avoiding jail despite there being clear actual evidence (not just pol conspiracies) that she's committed treason?

>The star will gorge itself on clay
North korea taking over the south

>Idols will speak and move about
Kanye 2020

>The black flag will fly above the dome
Probably ISIS related

>The belly of the dragon will drip water
Something bad is gonna happen in South Bhutan involving water/Bhutan takes over Bangladesh

>Two voices will call out in a silence all will hear
Two countries, perhaps France and Germany finally taking up arms against mudshits

>A rock will stand on seven hills
Something drastic will happen in Rome

>The ravens will starve
I dunno, something bad will happen to Englands ravens I guess

>The bear will leave its cave forever
Russia will take over Europe

>The rod and the ring will strike
I dunno


Other urls found in this thread:

>north korea
the star represents the jews

>>A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill
How about this?

when Saturn is lit there will no doubt be a short flash in the sky everyone will notice but nobody will die(yet)

>wtf are you on about?
read that thread
but here's a tldr

>The elite are gonna use prototype tech to ignite Saturn
>a new "sun" is created from this event and is named Lucifer/Apollo.
>This was also sorta predicted/suggested in IpetgoatII

>The rod and the ring will strike
Or maybe it's this that I posted about?
Saturn has a ring
The rod is the needle of energy released from the satalite/nuke that will pierce its core and set it ablaze

Why the fuck would they light up Saturn? What would they gain from that?

It's symbolism and it falls exactly with the dates of the "virgin birth" the constilation and astorlogyfags here were talking about.
It's a rebirth alright but not of a person but a god. This god is Apollo(sun god) or with his jewish name "Lucifer" or modern day; Light.
>What would they gain from that?
Their god will be manifest. Saturn(time) is just the incubator for it. The egg if you will.
Not to mention that its the omen the luciferian elite have been waiting for. Around winter when we already have this new pseudo sun they will attack from the shadows and do the globalist takeover every tinfoil from Alex Jones to your schizophrenic grandpa has been talking about.
Tho the problem is that neo-saturn will begin to heat up the planet until it becomes a wasteland which would explain why they would proceed with the NWO during winter. (watch I pet goat II)

If it's hard for anyone to understand what Im talking about exactly let me just try to relay it with an sort of memetic image.

the killing bolt will shoot down an icbm, not killing anything.

>Three branches will become one
2016 election for sure

>An Island will drift away
Brexit, nailed that one

>A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill
Shayrat missile attack in Syria. No one was killed, but it sent a very clear message


>The star will gorge itself on clay
North Korea related. It's happening

>Idols will speak and move about
This may be out of order, and referring to Emmanuel Macron's presidential run in France. He ran as a centre-left candidate, but has since begun to reverse course on immigration and terrorism, and has befriended Trump.

>The black flag will fly above the dome
Possibly the ISIS attack on Marwari? It's a Muslim city, bound to be a few domed mosques.

If not, the dome of the rock could be a target for a terrorist attack, or the Hagia Sophia?

>The belly of the dragon will drip water
Has to be China/India related. Also possible that there could be lots of flooding in India in the spring, if the himalayas get a lot more snow than usual, which is possible.

>Two voices will call out in a silence all will hear
No fucking idea.

>A rock will stand on seven hills
Something crazy in Rome. The only other place with "seven hills" explicitly noted in its history is Tallahassee, Florida(where I live) and nothing happens here.

>The ravens will starve
Myth has it that if the ravens living at the Tower of London leave, Britain will fall.

>The bear will leave its cave forever
Russia. Something BIG with Russia.

>The rod and the ring will strike
beats me

> rod and the ring
Featured on Hammurabi's Code

And (((they))) call us crazy, i mean they are literally gonna set Saturn ablaze because of muh religion. What a bunch of lunatics.

Ring= Saturn
Rod= the chain reaction

Sanity is for the weak. Besides it's literally the greenlight their exarchs have been waiting for since the dawn of time.
I'm talking about freemasons, "illuminati" those sort of groups
They want to inherit this rock and would smother it in a desert if it means that they will finally rule everything under the Light's guidance.

the elites have subterranean cities so nuclear war isn't really a worry to them


Not to mention that our "reality" would be altered.
With Saturn's metamorphosis it's distinct frequencies and type of magneto-electric resonances will cease because of their change.
We well feel time differently here. Psychic abilities will manifest more and be easier to control. Thinking would become easy and our memory would be better. The problem is that we'll be "out of sync" with time and may go mad(more than usual). Technology will boom. All in a very short while a few decades to be exact thanks to Apollo/Lucifer
The age of Aquarius officially begins.

But what if when we die we live again? Then all of this doesn't even matter, only the suffering inbetween.

That's my thought on this whole thing, but it would be better if we died instantly tho.

I mean, death is the only way out of this..

>>The belly of the dragon will drip water
South China Sea flag fag

India/china conflict is a lot more likely at the moment m8

but yes, also quite likely

you went full /x/ and beyond, pretty cool story tho

A rock on seven hills... is terminus in Jupiter's temple...

Actually nuclear war won't happen but there might be a few energy bursts that will reach us in the form of falling rocks or shockwaves that act as "nukes" or "bombs".
Naturally this happens either slightly before the NWO takeover or right after it. That way they managed to convince a big part of their newely conquered subjects to sympathise with them and their cause. People will accept the New World Order in order to survive but not before there's been bloodshed,chipping/marking and a few short small rebellion wars here and there..

>A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill
you're wrong but i have no idea
>The star will gorge itself on clay
israel chimps out and wins
>>Idols will speak and move about
no idea, probly you're wrong, but it deffinitely hasn't hapenned yet
>The belly of the dragon will drip water
something china related
>Two voices will call out in a silence all will hear
no idea
the rest, no idea
wew, that's interesting

where is this prophecy originally from?

,,,They will use these cataclysms and hide the fact that Apollo/Lucifer is the cause of this(They will reveal themselves to the world along with their power and actions and will try to form a gnostic religion around Apollo/Lucifer only it and and atheism would be allowed to exist)
They will claim absurdities such as countries discharging nukes were the fault of some disaster and not their new creation.

>A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill

You idiots this already happened. It was the Tomahawk strike on Syria. 0 dead

Why are you posting Pluto in the Seal of Solomon? Pluto is Hades. Pluto implies Death. You wouldn't want Google tracking that, would you?

>Sanity is for the weak
Literal 40k LARPer.

You have to go back.

Also on the subject of when it's gonna happen.
It's debatable. It's possible that this "bomb" has already collided with Saturn and the gas giant is lighting slowly until the phoenix is fully reborn on the 25th of September or around that date resulting in the Schumann resonance fluctuations that have been recently happening and talked about here.

>Kanye 2020
Really nigga?

Enter the thread I posted about and CNTROL + F
the word "devilnium" or "hellnium"
Again it's all symbolism like 33.

I'm just trying to warn as many people I can or atleast embed this possibility in their subconscious.
I highly doubt this would ever become popular or enough if any people would listen. Still it's fun to see what people will do when they read any of this.
I doubt anyone would be able to read this after the internet becomes heavily censored.

>3 branches become one

US forms a dictatorship in the far future

>A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill?

Haleys comet? When does it come around again. Maybe a failed nuclear strike. We get lucky. A broken arrow is a word for a failed nuke attack.

>An Island will drift away
Brexit maybe

>Star will gorge itself on clay
European union (stars) turns to shit from migrations and collapses. A shining light of civilization is blighted

>Idols will speak and move about
Maybe a reference to how powerful celeb culture has become. Mark Zuckerburg runs for president.

>Belly of the dragon will drip water
3 gorges dam collapses in China. I

> Two voices will call out in silence that all will hear.
Not sure

>The ravens will starve
Reference to satellites not working? Not sure

>A rock will stand on Seven Hills
New pope in Vatican.

>Bear will leave its cave forever
Russia will try integrate with the West or will become powerful and resurgent

>Black flag above the dome
St Peters Baslilca will see the ISIS flag on it. Or maybe the Dome of the Rock will be conquered

And yes I full well understand that I sound crazy or like a role player and t.b.h I accept it. Not much I can do about that quirk. Part and parcel I guess
Oh well.

>rock on 7 hills stuff
Could be a new strong pope/renewed crusades
Rock = (Saint) Peter

I'm pretty sure "the star will gorge itself on clay" refers to the upcoming eclipse.

Look at my theory.

Also plausible. But why just the solo reference "the star"?

Tbh I think the poster just copied the ton of the Book of Revelations will makes it sounds epic. Wasn't their some blind Russian mystic whose prophecies came through (but a load of it was bullshit)

I think the bear could maybe refer to California.

Ring and rod could refer to how nuclear bombs are detonated.

>the star will gorge itself on clay
The new Apollo/Lucifer religion replaces the beliefs in the Vatican and spreads outward from there.
Literally everything adds up.

Damn if only there's a way to upload my thoughts and memories into information and just post them here in a structured format so people could see what I've seen. Would spare most people hearing my attempts at describing Twin Sol with nonsensical gibberish.

Yeah I've seen that on here a bit but these border disputes seem to be quite frequent. Not much mainline information to suggest this is any different.

There will be deaths but not that much. Just enough to oil up the gears of the NWO.

>The rod and the ring will strike
That's the detonation of a nuclear device (pic related), the final warning sign before the first three lines happen.

>It will happen when the weather cools. (Nuclear winter from the nuclear device)
>That's when they'll make their move. (???)
>The plans laid long ago, before the founding of America, and older still, will come to fruition. (???)

>Two voices will call out in a silence all will hear

USA and NK nuking each other?

What makes you say that?

What about new rise of Communism? It's 100 years since 1917. Shit could hit the fan again.

The problem is that the eco system itself will see tremendous changes. Food, plantations and water would become limited in some regions where it was abundant so would the fertile lands. This might result in mass culling or people in those sectors or looking for a way to relocate them to other regions or both at the same time.

If they were to leave the U.S. (very doubtful), get nuked (fairly doubtful), or if they were to change radically in some way, it could fit.

Not saying there is a reason it would be Cali over Russia, but it seems possible.

This new globalist political system has never been tried before but it will encompass or try to all the positive sides of every political method of control there has been.
Communism, national socialism, pure socialism you name it. There will be "freedom" but not that much at least it won't bother the average drone. It's not really "totalitarian" regime if most people accept it and have no other alternative than to die alone without help from fellow man.
Technology naturally will be under their control and they will release everything they've been hiding tech-wise for everyone to use.

Plutonium, I get it, cute.
But "devilnium"? Hades isn't the Devil according to the thousand other LARP-tier Saturn threads nor any classical sense of mythology. In an astrological sense, Pluto implies rebirth. And to your point about 33kg of plutonium, you didn't factor in Plutonium-238's ~87 year half-life over the course of Cassini's journey. The actual mass that would make "impact" would be significantly different.

I can see where you're going with the "rebirth of the second sun" theory but this all reads like schizo fan fiction. Less tangential relationships next time, more acute focus.

>Technology naturally will be under their control

Hmm. Well, there does seem to be a sort of underground right-wing resurgence here, so it could be referring to that.

But all in all I think Russia's probs more likely the bear.

>That's the detonation of a nuclear device (pic related), the final warning sign before the first three lines happen.
and the ring is Saturn

Rod and ring striking = Twin Sol starts

The state gorging itself on clay is clearly israel

Thus transcendental jews to be precise. Still a jew.

This is obviously a reference to ROBOTS.

Or modern tech in general, smart phones/TVs/computers etc

>Three branches will become one
I highly doubt its talking about the branches of the us government because regardless if they are all Republican because they are still separate branches
>An Island will drift away
yea i think we've all decided that its talking about brexit
>A killing bolt will shine in the night sky
i think this could be talking about the emp like affects of a nuclear bomb being shot out the sky
>The Star will gorge itself on clay
again, i don't believe this has to do with NK, The Israeli flag has the STAR of David on it and gorging itself on clay could be talking about them going full commie tier massacre on Palestine
>Idols will speak and move about
potentially talking about the Hollywood stars that are severely outspoken politically
>The Black Flag will fly above the dome
I agree, most likely ISIS related
>The Belly of the dragon will drip water
i remember seeing a thread a while ago talking about a volcano that was off the west coast of Sub Saharan Africa and if it were to explode, it would cause a massive tsunami to hit the east coast of North America and there is also a drawing depicting North America as a dragon and the belly of the dragon just so happens to be the east coast, pic related
>two voices will call out in a silence all will hear
no idea but i dont think its what you speculate it to be
>A rock will stand on seven hills
well there are three possible candidates for "the seven hills" such as in Jerusalem: there are seven mountains called Mount Scopus, Mount Olivet and the Mount of Corruption (all three are peaks in a mountain ridge that lies east of the old city), Mount Ophel, the original Mount Zion, the New Mount Zion. The 7 hills of Rome of which it was founded on, or in Washington DC: 1. Capitol Hill 2. Meridian Hill 3. Floral Hills 4. Forest Hills 5. Hillbrook 6. Hillcrest 7. Knox Hill, im not sure what the rock is tho
>The ravens will starve
Widespread famine? no idea

What is


(It should have lost ~23% of its plutonium-238 mass by now, leaving it at roughly 25kg today considering it's been about 20 years since launch)

You mean Russia.

There are many happenings true but you should understand that they are all intertwined in a web of predestined events hence why it's hard for people to grasp or believe anything "happening" wise.

>The Bear will leave its cave forever
two candidates both of which are on the verg of not making sense
2.Something about russia
>The rod and ring will strike
could it be talking about nuclear bombs and how they work? dunno

Fuck all of you too, I predicted a bunch of shit here.

When will they explode saturn? And why?

>>A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill
Something to do with North Korea firing its nuke, but being intercepted over the ocean, thus killing no one perhaps. This of course happens at night.

Don't expect the Canadian to understand what that means

It might've already and not its slowly lighting up.
Or like the other user from the thread said on the 15 of september and be fully lit by the 25th or around that date
Martial law happens around or during winter or near the end of it. It's possible that by that time it might've ended because almost everyone(rogue politicians/generals etc) have accepted it.

Heres my prediciton. Europe and USA rule the world for another long time until we fuck up and die in some war or natural disaster

But why? What is their endgame? Will there be a lot of famine this winter?

accepted the NWO that is but I can see that Apollo might make everyone seek answers and resources and naturally the elite luciferians with their new religion, occult knowledge/power and tech would be an ideal figure to rally behind and seek guidance from.

There is a famous Afrikaner prophet named Siener Van Rensburg who already correctly guessed events such as the death of Lady Diana, the emergence of communism and the eventual black take over of SA.

He predicts that in WW3, Europe will descend into ethnic chaos, the UK will be decimated, Russia will invade Europe, Germany and USA will be allies against the Russian Invasion. South Africa will return to white ownership caused by a failed civil war.

>Will there be a lot of famine this winter?
Only tribulation in the form small disasters here and there that will get blamed on "nuclear war" or "nuclear discharge" by evil countries.
The famine and drought would come right after winter and could be felt direly around 3-4 years.
Just enough for the "false messiah" to benefit from the takeover and conquer Jerusalem for his own(much to the NWOs objections and dismay) if you read the Bible you would understand what happens with guy that got hit lightning

hell around 50% of the (((bible))) is spot on about it making me thing that (((they))) left it there on purpose as hints or warnings.

is this thread proof about how many schizos from plebbit/normiebook infested Sup Forums? They've been larping about this "prophecy" (which was posted by a fucking LEAF) for almost a year now. Any time anything happens involving two countries they claim it's the prophecy. Shit, people were saying the Syria air strike was the shining bolt that did not kill. Either way these threads are fucking cancer. it goes in all fields.

>meme flag
opinion disregarded

>rock on seven hills
The rock plans on running for office in the future

>evil countries
WHICH? And what is NWO?

>itt retards think the jews are north korea

another garbage useless thread. saged.

could correlate

Ofc the Jerusalem incident is not real "end of the world" in a sense.
More like a corrupt and mad spiritual figure sealing itself away in Israel from the world along with the flock it will deceive thanks to technologies like blue beam psychokinesis enhancing cyber implants and so forth. They will no doubt grow to hate him or something once they find out the NWO cut ties with them and they'll burn or die of hunger without their aid and that their messiah is false. Thus starting a wars in that region(the ME) after those 3-4 years of delusions
So no it's just about the middle east being a shithole like always

(just wanted to add that for the biblefags that were itching to understand)

whoever they blame ofc
not like they couldn't fabricated evidence later or expect anyone to demand it from them

The trigger device inside a nuclear bomb looks almost like a rod and ring.

>Three branches will become one
2016 election, maybe 2018 midterms too

>An Island will drift away
Brexit for sure

>A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill
Could be Sharyat. Could also be the various US or DPRK missile tests, or DPRK nuke tests.

>The star will gorge itself on clay
Either NK conquers SK, or Israel curb stomps the West Bank/Gaza

>Idols will speak and move about
I don't know

>The black flag will fly above the dome
Presumably an ISIS attack, maybe on the Haigia Sophia. Maybe even on the U.S. Capitol Building

>The belly of the dragon will drip water
Usually interpreted to mean China. Perhaps China successfully militarizes the South China Sea; perhaps it refers to their naval expansion; perhaps there is a flood. I don't know.

>Two voices will call out in a silence all will hear
You got me there.

>A rock will stand on seven hills
I'll go with the rest of the thread and assume Rome

>The ravens will starve
I'll also guess the Tower of London Ravens thing, but if it turns out to be the Baltimore Ravens I'll laugh

>The bear will leave its cave forever
Russia successfully reestablishes itself as a superpower. Expect a Soviet Reunion, a New Warsaw Pact of sorts, a blitzkrieg into Ukraine and the Middle East, a mass rearmament, the works.

>The rod and the ring will strike
Possibly a crude nuke. Possibly a disease of some sort.

That isn't accurate

>It happens when the weather cools.

It already was winter when trump was elected, so this is the clue that all the rest hasn't happened yet. This mean all of the following can't happen until late 2017 at the earliest.

>Three branches will become one

This is more accurate, USE is in a defacto coup, which mean trump is gone. We still have a ll 3 branches. Look for a clue that this is accurate if trump is booted out.

>An Island will drift away

Brexit was only voted upon. The actions haven't happened yet. Until it does, it is all talk.

On the more primitive ones it does so my best guess is either North Korea or ISIS.

Ok, I will admit that lighting Saturn on fire sounds pretty cool, but still. They have no clue as to what the side effects could be, this could literally turn the ocean into a boiling pot and kill all the sea life. I don't think this will seriously happen. Plus, they'd have to ignite a spark in a vacuumed space with no air. Isn't that impossible to do without air? I suppose it could be done with a laser perhaps. Still, it just seems too unrealistic. Any proof to support that claim?

Now the real "end of the world" in my maddening visions and swirling emotions is just the Earth becoming hotter and hotter thanks to Apollo/Lucifer. In a 100 years or so only endless deserts shall blanket our Planet.

Now for the one thing I was barred from my understanding:
The Crossroad.
>crazy user what's that?
Well people who took the time to listen to my raving antics The Crossroad is a kind of giant temporal "what if" made of many connections and possibilities and glued together in a megalithic architecture. What's special about it is that it's connected to our species.
When Apollo/Lucifer gets hotter and hotter more changes will occur in us and we'll become even more powerful,mad and eccentric and we can either go two paths

1) The NWO decides to push its religion more and more thus people become even more fanatic and devoted to the point where we are wiped out because "give ourselves to Apollo" and accept our fate.


2) Sufficient individuals either create a portal to another fertile realm/planet and a small part of humanity goes through it only for a large one to remain and die off.

"they" won't allow me to understand which choice we make here but I've seen what lies after all them.

>Idols will speak and move about
I have my suspicions

user, what will happen to our little, sweet Motherland?
P.s: Where are you located you crayzay negro and from where do you have this ancient knowledge/mindless babbling?

Think massive fusion reaction, like the sun.

Based Bulgarian lunatic

> Two voices will call out in silence that all will hear.

That could be trump and kim related.

Does sound pretty cool/fun. Just imagine it, it would be the single greatest accomplishment man has ever achieved and we could all get to see it with our own two eyes. What if it backfires and heats up the world like we've just stepped into a microwave? Think about it, two suns, double the heat, no night, no winter, hot oceans/lakes, dead aquatic life, bugs never die because there's no winter so they eventually turn into trillions upon trillions and consume everything in their path (crops, plan life, etc.), etc.

>Any proof to support that claim?
Other than the di.gits in the last thread and this. Not really and I don't feel bad about it.
I sorta don't care about humanity(big misanthrope here) and though I should keep all of this to myself but I can't help but feel some "force" is making me do all this. Have these "thoughts" or make these silly connections in my head and write them here.
I doubt it's schizophrenia(but I'm considering it heavily) since the first episode was yesterday when I was in that thread and subsided after it 404ed. I even sort of forgot about it until I saw the picture of Saturn in one thread this morning and remembered.
Not sure if I'm "controlled" tho it's a theory a "what if" to describe the state I am in in the current moment.

I want to say what I'm writing is shit but I can't it's like I "know" it happened and is currently happening but it's like I pull this information not from my mind specifically but some other place.
The feeling is impossible like imagine you have a foreign mind inside your mind merging data with you but that mind is not foreign but yourself and a strange at the same time.

And by data I mean it makes you feel emotions and force you to think and make connections at the back of your head which again is impossible because there is nothing there and you're not supposed to physically "feel" thinking processes.

Hell I don't even want to sit here and write more but I just feel like I should because it feels "right" even tho I'm trying to stop it and feel this "compelling" in a third person in mind.

Strange right?

Shut up, McClane I'm good at these.

>Korea nuke test
>Israel stealing Greater Israel
>Celebs either doubling down on cuckoldry or some redpilled celebs coming out
>Pope (((Francis))) being exposed after (((ISIS))) take over the Vatican
>Chinese bubble bursting
>Something related to Poland and Hungary and having (((immigrants))) forced on them
>Something related to the Tower of London and (((immigrants)))
>Russia will ally with the West
>Trump will attack Greater Israel

Hey, if you happen to be right, that would be the single coolest thing for humanity to ever accomplish. I mean, we'd be screwed, but we'd definitely be going out in style. We truly would be a "melting pot" then, kek