Top Trump donor ponies up to take out Flake
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get rid of him.
he's a flake.
the madman did it
nobody can accuse nordbro of being an archive.is shill now that he's randomizing which archive service he's using
how will conspiracyfags ever recover?
Thank you for denying the shills ad revenue
>Trump wins an election most assumed was unwinnable
>Shifts party to positions more liked by the base of the party
>This is somehow a bad thing
Why are neocons and neoliberals so bad at being controlled op
>Shifts party to positions more liked by the base of the party
>Trump's not a Republican
>he has to become more like a Republican!
Also billionaires are good now!!!!!!!!!!!!
Someone should just make a word swapper and put loser for republican and democrat, would make lots of things make more sense
I really do not understand how Flake has changed so much in the past decade. He was actually talking to the Libertarian Party about coming over to them in 2008. I know this, because I was part of that conversation. He was almost trying to emulate Ron Paul at the time. Once he got his senate campaign going he suddenly went full neocon, seemingly abandoning every genuine sounding notion he had. I don't get it. Maybe it was Mittens or the Quorum of the Twelve whispering in his ear.
Anyways, never trust a fucking Mormon
time to bake the flake
is this supposed to make me dislike or like Mercer, i really cant tell
Poisoned by pic related
>Also billionaires are good now!!!!!!!!!!!!
Notch is cool, the rest are potential candidates for DOR.
he's onboard the Trump Train, which does have it's merits.
But never forget he was a #cruzmissile before that. He has no loyalty except to who he perceives as a winning bet. Trump should use him and then have him hanged first on the day of the rope.
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
Why is trump endorsing Luther strange? He isn't pro trump at all
Cities have been the cesspool of humanity since 6000 BC.
Wow a cartoon. The perfect way to spread information to liberals (Children).
>City people
So niggers, jews and faggots?
You are doing God's work.