Finally, a genuine question

Genuine question for NatSocs - if Jews are subhumans, how do they control the world?

> a simple answer to a simple question is preferable

Other urls found in this thread:

No NS' claim the Jews are inferior.

Nobody is saying they aren't intelligent.

the concept of racial supremacy comes from the Talmud.

>hey goy we're the persecuted jewish race
>youre christian so we're like half brothers ;)
>please give us israel we're so persecuted!
>please help us conquer the middle east we're so persecuted!
>hey we have a great idea for world government, wanna hear?

Jews gained power because gullible white people gave it to them. Jews maintain this power through deception. Even Jew Intelligence (MOSSAD) chose the slogan, "By way of deception."

The fatal flaw of the Jew is confusing the willingness to deceive with "intelligence."

nice. any sauce?

They have intelligence and good cultural habits which allow them to have success and structure.

But the biggest issue is their deception and underhanded tactics in order to achieve power and keep power from those not of kin. Then the enabling of degeneracy by their kin and spreading degeneracy to other cultures.

Because they do it in a manner that isn't sustainable. They prey upon their host group and feed off of them to survive. Imagine a nation made up of bankers, politicians, business owners, media moguls, etc... They are a parasite that need a productive host to survive.

They're subhuman because they're psychopaths, not a dig at their intelligence

I'm more educated than you, in every way shape and form. Also more intelligent than you (exponentially so). I am better than you, in every facet of life, and I don't even know you, however, I just know, that I am. Also, we aren't bro's. If anything, you are someone I assign less value and worth than my own feces. Your life has no value, and you will make no contribution to this world, in your entire life, because of your low intelligence, and lack of skills. How does that feel, you fucking bottom denominator. go back to you vegan subreddit to fill your useless void of a life, pretending it means anything. Am I a narcissist? I don't know, I am a fucking God. I will, do, and have succeeded in every facet of life. I have done more, in this year alone, than you will have achieved before you leave this world... let that sink in. You have no fucking clue who you are talking to. I am so vastly superior, and intelligent, that I can infer all of this, with 100% accuracy. You are like a fucking ant, and I am a GOD. You do not even fly on my radar, let alone get acknowledgement, from the likes of me. I know you can sense my superiority, my power, my intelligence,and you are trying to pretend you don't feel it, its real. To conclude, go back to fucking yourself, you meaningless water-trash bottom feeding peasant.

Whites are to Jews what blacks are to whites.

>Humans are selfless and fair
>Jews are selfish and cruel
>Jews must be human because they are good at usurping power

Wow I am btfo.

Lol, god you nazis are stupid. Enjoy going through the rest of your lives ignoring lessons the rest of the world learned 60 years ago and never actually accomplishing anything.

Nepotism and sexual blackmail. Next question.


> the rest of the world learned
literally cant be done

Your ego is more impinguated than your body could ever be, and your parlance manifold more dropsical, which only makes one anticipate consectaneous sphacelation, It's tenably perspicuous that the amount of astrocytes in your callosal commisure is inversely correlated to your sense of self worth, and your surbations of adducement thereto only evinces that your self worth isn't too fulcible. If your eristic facility were more habile than you wouldn't feel it exigent to expatiate as you do. Brevity is the soul of wit. Tedious are your limbs and outward flourishes. Your "facundity" makes people user desirous of your moribundity.


Because the world is fallen, Jews have a natural edge because they play by the lowest rules with no compassion or enlightenment. Whites are trying to eliminate jew thought, hence Jesus. If whites weren't inherently cucked we'd be in charge, so we have to learn to eliminate ethnic betrayal. Hitler had the right idea. Look how well he did before Jews got pissy. Plus the Jews got help from pedo elite cucked whites. Otherwise they'd have all been put in their homeland without Germany losing. Hitler tried to get rid of them humanely and he wouldn't have let them back in.


This. They keep getting smacked down. Their ideas are doomed to failure. Even if they somehow took over the world they'd fuck it up.

This word was last recorded in the Webster dictionary of 1913.

> kek

Leave it to the Irish, gift of gab and all that.

dude, I keked at this translation.