>Worship Mary alongside Jesus
>Call others cucked when they can't even decide whether they want to follow the Pope's words or God's
>Get offended when their errors are pointed out and try to doublespeak

Are you a catholic? Why shouldn't we lynch you?

Other urls found in this thread:

Shut up, Shlomo, don't you have to suck some newborn dicks?

>benedict XV
>Francis the marxist
fuck off poo

Don't you have to go collect some foreskin for your kike overlords?

We dont worship mary, we venerate her and ask her to pray for us
How is what the pope says in any contradiction to God's word. Albeit his is kind of marxist, but most catholics follow teachings from Jesus, the Bilble and the Catechism before the pope.
If anyones at error it you prots

I'm not the one who tries to divide.
You are blatantly lying.

he's not worth it, trust me on this one

Almost the entire concept of Catholicism is following the pope's words. Not only does he respect people who openly sin against Christ, but he welcomes them into Christendom. Mary is no different from any of the other people in Heaven. She may be the mother of Christ, which is indeed important, but venerating her?

Remember that one of the spiritual works of mercy is to instruct the ignorant

Someone's worried their sheep are going to be turned away from the pope.

When have we ever followed the Pope's word over Jesus/Bible/Catechism. The only gays we let in are the one who turn away from their desires. I used to be a frequent masturbater but stopped a while ago. Should i have been rejected by the church at that time. We are all sinners.

baptism > catholicism

>the only gays we let in are one that turn away from their desires
then stop hanging rainbow flags from churches fucking heretic



Thats not us. Those are the actual heritics. If you think the Church for one second endorses the LGBT, you need to hang yourself.

That's Protestants, not Catholics.

I only see catholic churches with rainbow flags.
Catholics love gays though


>Somehow all protestants hang gay flags from churches
>Has no proof whatsoever
>Protestants are splintered with different beliefs but somehow all agree to hang a gay flag from their church

I love my mother and my father. I love homosexual people but thus does not mean I ignore their sins: I'll slap them when needed, but I'll also offer them the chance to renunciate their sinful ways anfcome back to God

To love God you must renounce your sinful past and embrace His commandments; and sodomy is one of the worst ones.

Where's your proof Ferdinand?

They can come to the church, but they must stop their lust and stop raising their rainbow flags and try to be normal
if they fuck a man, they die

You really think he believes that? He contradicts himself all of the time. He's just trying to appeal to (((Their))) agenda.

Chastity and homosexuality

2357 Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity,141 tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered."142 They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved. Straight from the Catechism.


Then explain the rainbow flags on catholic churches and gay marriages from catholics

>Posting a study from Jew Research Center


>Yfw you realize that the pope is the church.

Never in the history of the Roman Catholic Church have two gays been married. The rainbow flags are mostly likely placed there by the LGBT.

Need another sorce?

The worst fucking cult in christendom.





>we don't WORSHIP Mary
>we just "venerate" her and ask her to do something that can't be done (dead people aren't delivering prayers or praying for us)
Yeah, you worship Mary but you don't even realize it because you dont actually use the word "worship".

That's like a dude sucking a dick while he gets fucked in the ass, but he insists he's not gay.


>when have we ever...
Every day

Christ... wtf?
Maybe these cucks should do a little bit of reading up on what happened to Priests and nuns in Spain during it's Civil War.

Prods are pure cancer. I'm not even a Catholic but I absolutely despise protescum, especially evangelicals.

>Sola fide

Forgiveness =/= allowance. Just because I can be forgiven for something doesn't mean I should do it.

The reverence prods have for the physical book is closer to idolatry than the veneration of Mary. Almost as bad as muslims

3rd century? Boi, lern u sum history

Jesus--As you judge, so shall you be judged.

Just because someone has committed a grave sin does not give anyone but god the right to judge and condemn. What do you think it means when the farmer told his farmhands not to separate the wheat from the weeds until the final harvest? Until the final judgment, there is no discerning. At least not for us mortals. Our role is simply to remove the log from our own eye, and then to help spread the faith. Our job is to help spread love and understanding. Jesus is the sword. We are the sheep.

Which makes the fact that it's true all the more revealing. Yes, certain denominations do not, but it is only in protestant churches that gays can get married. The concept is not even theologically allowed for in Catholic and Orthodox teachings. It cannot even be conceived of.


Well that's laughable, but it comes from a leaf so...


>Almost as bad as muslims
The ethnicity that is making huge inroads into many formerly Christian countries... I'm somehow not really insulted.

Yet your church and its followers is just a massive money laundering scheme that further perverts the words of Christ. The protestants who hang gay flags outside of their churches are the ones who can't even be considered christians, they're the ones who think you only need to be a good person to go to heaven.


Its the church of mary.

Money laundering? Laundered into what? The Catholic Church is the most philanthropic organization in the world by an incredible margin. All the greatest works of art and architecture are Catholic and have helped billions live and grow in faith. The Catholic church invented the university. The Catholic church invented the water mill. The printing press was invented by a Catholic in order to spread and preserve the Catholic bible. It was Catholic monks who preserved any knowledge from the Roman empire. It was Catholic society that preserved a common European culture after the fall of Rome. It was this same common Catholic culture that helped bring relative peace to Europe. Most of the greatest works of Eastern christianity were done when it was still one church. It was the Eastern Orthodox who not only fell, but helped lead to the Marxist revolution. It was Orthodoxy that gave Tolstoy his religion. It was Orthodoxy that collapsed. The fact that you are primarily concerned about money demonstrates how far astray you have gone. There is no money that can save you, so why do you care who has it?

This always baffles me. The bible was only determined to be what we know it as today based on Apostolic Succession. Where did this succession fail that a translation by non-theologians into English at a later date can be taken as pure, literal, material truth, but that the actual inheritors of Apostolic Succession can be decried as Satanic cultists? How can you trust the bible, if you cannot trust the people who wrote the bible?

Papist, please go (back to a third-world, Roman Catholic cesspool).

What does this even mean? Baptism is the first sacrament. It's so fundamental to Catholicism that we perform it as soon as we can. But how can baptism be greater than communion with the universal church of God, when baptism is what first brings you there?

>Asks what the money was laundered into
>Proceeds to talk about all of the great Catholic art funded by money laundering

My theory: Francis is just a new postmodern pope line they added for very left epochs, like this one.

It will not last, they know this, and there are still enough conservative church men to take back power now and again. In between francis style popes, they will have normal popes with more bad ass names, and alternate on and off, the church is not so retarded to completely throw away their traditions

Catholics are the true Israel. Jews are deceivers and children of satan.

>meme flag
opinion instantly discarded. Probably a leaf or a poo

That's not called money laundering. Building beautiful churches is not laundering money. It's using the money that was asked for (not forced) to do what you said you were going to do. The art and architecture of the Catholic church was fundamental to inspiring faith among followers. The catholic churches are still some of the most revered buildings ever built. The only churches that even rival those of the Catholic church are a few Anglican churches, and Anglicism is simply Catholicism without a pope. It is the Orthodox nations that had the lowest standard of living, and the greatest disparity of wealth and well-being. Where did all the money go from the Orthodox churches? Are they not the same as the Catholics?

What country is that? And you can't name an ex-communist state, or an ex-colony.

Vatican is Zionist/Satanist

Christianity is based. Bibble has ancient knlowledge.

Gandalf is Christian based.
((Saruman)) is Vatican based.

Looks like you don't have an argument. Ouch!

>"user, just because we tricked them into paying by promising to help other people doesn't make it bad."
>"All of those kikery tricks long ago didn't happen! Just exaggerated to make you hate us user! You're being jewed!"

>Makes opinions alone based on flags.

> we

another fat faggot talking as is he has any friends let alone anyone that would help him "lynch" someone. shut your fat faggot mouth up

I just gave 1/10th of my income to the blessed church, the one and only, totally holy, modestly lowly church of GOD the SAVIOUR of mankind. And one day, the holy light of the mother will fill the swords of internet posters everywhere, and we will raise up and retake the holy land, just like in "Crusader Kings II"(tm). DAYUUUUSSSS VAULT!


Learn to use proper grammar first muzzie

No one was tricked! Except maybe atheist kings and merchants by the Jesuits/Templars. Their finances helped the faith immensely, and once the Church felt they were getting carried away, they put an end to those practices. What anti-Christian behavior was done on a mass scale as a matter of dogma? What heresies were put forth? Without the Catholic church, there would be a million heresies upon every tongue. If you begin with a desire to hate, you will find every reason bending to your will. If you begin with a desire to understand, you will see the reality of fallen men struggling to rise from the mud. The papacy is the rock--the foundation. It's not the man, but the role that keeps the dogma orthodox. Any specific pope is just the man at that time who fills that role, who is given the impossible task of being alone against the world. They are not meant to be liked, or perfect. Their one job is to protect the faith. Open your judging heart. If you truly had compassion and charity in your heart, your goal would not be to condemn your Catholic brothers and sisters, but to save them from their wretchedness. You do no seek God. You seek self-righteousness. You worship your own will, first among men.

Remember leaf, if you flip us, we win.

You question the heresies put forth? Go back to the dark ages where each year was fraught with Catholic rage. I won't worship a church as my god. You speak of judging, whilst judging my morals and values. Hypocrite.

It is important not judge a man by the reports of what he says, but by his own lips and hands. It's true this pope seems to be in the wrong about much in politics. But his statements here are true. Just because an experience is negative or painful does not mean nothing good will come of it. In fact, it is the trials of life that we should rejoice most of all, for it is in these trials that we shed the wants and desires of this world, and instead learn how to move closer to God. The movements of populations have already happened. There are many possible responses, and these responses will determine events for centuries to come.


Name the heresies. What Catholic rage are you talking about? The church is not worshipped as a god. The church is the spiritual body of all Christs followers. All should rejoice to be included in that number. I'm not judging you. I am only telling you what you are doing. That is not a condemnation of your soul or character. It is your response to this dialogue that defines and shapes those. I wish you to change. It seems you wish I'd go to hell. Am I wrong? I have not yet felt any concern from you on my behalf. I have only seen the accusation of grave evil. It seems as though you find me irredeemable. That is judgment, and you have no standing to make it. Perhaps I will go to hell, but why should you want anyone to go there if it can be avoided?

You are broken. Take some time away and reset.

Read about the Avignon papacy and the corruption and disintegration of the church in the 14th and 15th centuries. Most powerful clergy didn't even believe in God and others were just gangsters like Pope Alexander VI. During the Avignon papacy there were three reigning popes at one time, and seven successive popes not in Rome. There were secret vaults under the papacy to horde extorted gold.

Events like Henry VIII saying "fuck you"[1] to the papacy begins to make sense when you understand the context. The reformation makes sense too. It obviously spiraled "out of control", or "beyond its original aims" like all great political events of history, but it didn't occur in a vacuum. Catholic reactionaries like to whinge about protestant "propaganda" and yet none of them ever mention how much of cesspit the church actually was at the time of the reformation. The reactionaries like to imagine that the reformation was some Lovecraftian monster that just appeared from the netherworld, when it was a natural reaction. It's similar to how liberals just can't wrap their head around the fact that the fascist and ultra-reactionary movements of the late-19th and 20th centuries were returns to nature, reactions against the alienation of the liberal-capitalist market and the cultural vapidity of democratic culture.

[1] it's a legit quote, trust me.

>Implying I wish something that I don't
Opinion discarded. Hopefully someone else will bring you to the light.

Maybe I'm not crazy, maybe this world is a little sick.

Even when combating heresies, always remember to sage.

Nice ad hominem green text you fucking heretic.
The Catholic church is under serious attack, and has been infiltrated by luciferians. The assassinated pope was the last real pope.
Pictured, a supposed catholic.

But do you agree with Catholic sacraments ? Do you think that besides the Pope and the hierarchy these are right and important for Christians ? Like communion, confession etc


thats fabricated bullshit meme

Which was exactly what I was posting.

I'm not saying it doesn't make sense, but it doesn't make it right. The fact is, none of those popes or events shifted dogma. The dogma is paramount. Kings, queens, bishops, popes--there are few of these in all of history. It is the defense of the faith for the common man for which the church stands. Do you think the great deceiver would not target the center of all faith most of all? Of course there is corruption in the church. But you ignore its design. It works like a maze to evil, but a straight path for the righteous. An evil man in the papacy would have no ability to affect the dogma. Most of all, his rule would lessen the spirit in the world, which would simply lead to the lessening of power in the papacy, which would give the righteous more sway, in turn leading to a firm defeat of said evil. This is what having a singular pope improves over a council. A council may deflect and hid intentions in ways that a single man standing atop it all cannot. The pope cannot hide. But by concentrating your efforts on the papacy, you have taken your eyes off your own calling. Your neighbors are more important to you than the pope. Christianity lives among the people. If the people lived righteous lives, the church would be full of righteousness. When the people become corrupt, the church becomes corrupt. When the church becomes corrupt, the spirit wanes. When the spirit wanes, the righteous answer. When the righteous answer, corruption is defeated. So it goes, and each time the spirit grows stronger than it was before, and all the evil in the world lessens. Shift your perspective to the real and present, and focus your mind on God, not man.

So edgy

Thanks brother, I'm not already baptized and was hesitant to become Catholic Christian. mainly because of the actual pope and Vatican II. I really needed a post like yours



>heresy and blasphemy


>Has nothing relevant to add to the discussion
>Bases opinion purely on flag, while hiding behind one

Show yourself or get out.

I'm an atheist.

When the masses became literate, wealthy, and worst of all--- curious! they clamoured first for the liberty to read their own religious texts, then to interpret them, and then, decisively, to critique them. The stripping away of mysticism and Catholic self-denial dragged out the pitiful and dysgenic truth of Christianity which was for many centuries buried.

When Spengler challenged Nietzsche's attack Christianity by asking the then dead philosopher where the weakness was to be found at the battle of Tours. The ghost of Nietzsche would've snorted in reply: "indeed, but where was the Christianity?"

Europe for nearly two millennia spent much of its history balancing itself on either forged documentation, such as the Donatio Constantini, or on metaphorical widgets, whose interpretation was monopolised by those churchmen that needed the interpretations to justify their existence--- this was not a bad thing! The elitism and authority of the Church allowed a small group of inculcated literates to perpetuate the self-denial of Christendom unchallenged. Uncomfortable Buddhist, or Gnostic interpretations of Christianity were eradicated with the fanaticism of Islam, so that the ritual of Catholicsm could emerge as the dominant spiritual ritual in Western Europe, again, not a bad thing. The succession of blows against the Catholic Church, which were landed most decisively at Wittenberg and Paris, accelerated the stripping away of Christian self-denial. Luther and Rousseau can be viewed on a trajectory, which does not represent the destruction of Christianity, but the completion of it.

It is not surprising that it is the Christians and their abortive children, the liberals, that are shilling for the death of the West. It may very well be that pure Christianity is cultural cyanide, a fact which perhaps incited the Romans to persecute it so forcefully, and which prompted the Church to deny it so subtlety.

it seems you have no grasp of what catholics believe.




